





                           “That was easier than expected,” Sanghyun said as we made it to our underground warehouse.

                           “I think they were expecting it,” I replied.

                           “No way~. They couldn’t have. You were so sleuth!”

                           I rolled my eyes and sighed.  “Let’s just go and report this. I want to get home."


                           Once we walked in, it was just he usual sights. Veterans training the new assassins, people coming up with blueprints for their next “bust”, people beating up dummies… etc.

                           “Annyeong haseyo,” one of the newbies said as they came up to us and bowed. They weren’t just some regular newbie though. I can truly say I adored him the most.

                            “Training hard Mireu?”  I asked him.

                            “Ne hyung,” he replied. “Was the mission success?”
                            “Would we be standing here if it wasn’t?” Sanghyun asked as he patted his head.

                             Mireu smiled. “You guys are so awesome.”

                           “Go finish training,” I laughed.

                            “Ne~” Sanghyun added and Mireu did as told.


                            Once we got to the level that our boss was on, things started to get tense.

                            “I hope boss is in a good mood,” Sanghyun said as we stood outside of his door.

                            “He will be after he hears this news,” I assured him and with mild hesitation, we entered his domain.



                            “I trust the mission was a success?” Rain said as we approached him.

                         “Ne,” Sanghyun replied as we both bowed before him.        

                         He turned his chair around toward us revealing his smiling face. “How long did it take you to complete the task?”

                          “Not long sir,” I replied. “We had to lure them away from the party though. I suppose that took up some time…”

                          He smiled once more and approached us. “I’ve never been so proud~” he stressed. However, the only ones smiling was him and Sanghyun.  “You two know exactly how to get the job done!” he said as he patted us on the back. “I shall present you with new ranks soon… however, I have one more mission.”

                          My heart sunk. I don’t know how much longer I could handle these missions. Killing people every other week? Maybe at a days time? Inhumane.

                          “Is there a problem Joon?” Rain asked.

                           I looked up at him. “I don’t know,” I replied, but it was a lie. I need an escape.

                          “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about quitting on me now,” he said. I could sense the anger in his voice.

                          I looked up athim with fierce eyes then at Sanghyun who was nodding his head no. he k new me like the back of his hand.

                         “I just don’t know how long I can go on killing people,” I replied.

                         Rain laughed. “Oh really?” he asked. “It’s not like I’m telling you to do something that your aren’t good at. This is what you’re made for Joon. There’s no way you can escape it. You’ll always be a killing machine”

                          I’m not a killing machine.

                          “Besides,” he continued, “where are you going to go? Everything you have, I gave to you. Even that  job at the little music store you love so much. All I have to do is snap my fingers and you’ll be gone from the face of this earth… Do you want that?”

                          I balled my fist up in anger.  No matter how much I wanted to hit him, I knew my place. I couldn’t win. “Aniyo,” I replied.

                         “Now you’re going to do-“

                         “As much as I appreciate you, boss, I just can’t do this mission,” I interrupted. “I’ll be going now,”  I added and I made my way out of his office.


                        “Joon!... Lee Joon!”  Sanghyun called as he ran after me.


                        “How could you just leave me hanging like that?!” he cried once we were outside.

                         “You don’t understand.”

                         “No Joon! We’re suppose to be partners! How could you just ditch me?”

                         “I don’t want to go around killing people all of my life! You’ll understand when you reach the boiling point like I have!”

                         “Are you really that stupid!!” he spat at me. “He’s not going to let you escape! He told me to try and convince you to do it and if not he’s going to take manners into his own hands. Is that really what you want?”

                          I have to admit, fear had struck my heart, however, I wasn’t going to give in so easily.  “Look Sanghyu-“

                          “No Hyung,” he interrupted. “You have a week to give me your decision. If you don’t… I’m sorry but it’s going to have to go in the hands of Rain… Mianhae.”


WAH!! Rain and Mireu are here? D: Will Thunder really rat out Joon?? There's a lot more surprises coming up in the story so~ Staytuned :D and PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!♥

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Chapter 7: ASSA ! The date was still on *O* Wonder what's going to happen next x) Please update soon
Chapter 9: So he canceled he's date with her ! Aigooo...I was anticipating the date TT
Joon is a MEEEEEN ! Protect Suzy please <3 Update sooon
I will stay ! I love JoonZy couple ! <3