Chapter Two

Forever or Never

The girls woke up at the same time. They were strapped to operating tables about 10 feet away from eachother. Someone came out from behind a corner. He lookes familier. they just couldn't put their finger on it. His face was revealed as he slowly walked out into the light. It was SHINee's leader, Lee Jinki. His hair was wave and parted down the middle. Around his eyes were dark. He wore a Black, long sleeve shirt, black jeans and a black cape that was red on the inside. Jinki stood in fron of the girls and spoke "You girls must be wondering why you are here. strapped to tables, like this."

JinKyon said, with a scared voice "Well, of course we do."

" Well it all star-"  Jinki was inturrupted 

"HYUNG, I WANNA TELL THEM!" Taemin shouted from an unknown location.

Jinki looked up to Taemin, who was walking on a ledge. "No, I'm telling this time. Jjong got to tell last time and Minho the time before that. It is my turn."

Taemin pouted and used an aegyo voice "Pleeeeeeaaaaasssseee? Please please please please please..?" 

Jinki sighed "Fine"

"YAY!" Taemin jumped off the ledge. His clothes were changed. His eyes were dark too, and he was wearing The outfit he wore for the Lucifer music video except his pants were white and the vest was red. He walked in between the girls "SO! It all started with Lee Jinki, or you know him better as Onew. He was born HUNDREDS of years ago. He is a really old guy. Like older than dirt! so old that-"

JUST tell the story or I will!" Jinki said to the maknae.

'OK. Anyways, He was born a long time ago. OH his parents were demons, by the way. and since he was a demon he lived in the UnderWorld. Onew had heard about earth and how easily humans were trickeed and how dumb they were. and how they would listen to anything they found atractive. So after he got his education in the UnderWorld he decided to move up to earth and live amoungst the humans and try outhis power as an intelligent being. He had lived up on earth for a week and was feeling hungry. His stomach couldnt hold down human food, animal food or even plant food. So he tried out eating humans. He once saw a woman who was hurt very badly in an alley way. He ate her because he didnt have any food. He found that humans would stay in his stomach. they had to be raw though. So in later years he tried ou for SM Ent. He knew his preforming skills were good because he was a demon. They can do anything they want with powers."

MinHee asked" So, how did the rest of you start in this?"

"I was getting to that." Taemin Told the girl,"So then, when he was put into SHINee, he turned us into demons. He was getting Lonely and boreed with killing and wating people by himself. He also just got bored with the killing part and likes to watch and hear the screams of the hurt people. And The Others have come to like causing pain to people. The bloodlust has taken over them. Since i'm the youngest i havent been able to take part in this and just watch them on the side. Well i'm 20 now and i am able to. this will be my first time killing people so scream real loud for me" He walked towords Jinkyon with an evil smirk on his face. 

"WAIT!" a voice shouted. It was Key "You have to let us start killing one of them first so you can see up close" Jonghyun stood next to Key nodding.

"Oh... *sigh* Fine"

Jonghyun and Key turned to MinHee and smirked while  setting out sharp objects next to her.


HI! Sorry for the short update. Killing will happen next chapter I promise! thanks for reading \^w^/

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yay. YAY So happy


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Chapter 5: It's awesomely gore!!!
Chapter 4: I can't continue I AM SO ____ING SCARED HOLY ____ THIS IS SO SICK
chocolattexo #3
Ewwww!!! I'm sorry, but that was disgusting!!! I dont know why i read it. But hey!
Lol Minho go get EM!

Poor Kai.... Is EXO are aliens, shinee are demons, then what would suju be? Ninjas? Angels? :P
Shawol151310 #6
I'm totally for 2min!
I hava a SHINee poster in my room... And I don't feel safe at night... T^T how but if they come out of the poster at night O.O noooo!! I'm going crazy... :o
Shawol151310 #9
YAY! Is there going to be any romance?
Shawol151310 #10
Is this really completed?