Stay Like This

Suddenly, Baozi Aegyo

     He tried moving, but his wrists were bound to the headboard railing. He couldn't yell since a thin towel was wrapped around his head, muffling any noise coming from his mouth.
     Xiumin was receiving his punishment, which seemed like it would last all night. For the past ten minutes, he's been dreadfully waiting for Kris to return from the shower. Apparently, Kris decided to start the punishment right after the third strike. What Xiumin wasn't expecting was happening; being tied to a bed wasn't in his mind at all, and to think it was done by one of his closest friends! Through all the years of being friends they've been through, he's never seen this side of Kris, and he thought it was weird.
     He was getting sore, being in an uncomfortable position the whole time Kris was gone. His stomach was growling, and he was really starting to feel grumpy. The worst thing you could do to the plump-faced man was make him starve, and that was part of his punishment.
     'How long will he be in there? I'm starving!' he thought angrily. If Kris didn't come soon, Xiumin would start whining over the pain in his stomach, and it was extremely annoying. 'Where is Chen? It's already 10, and he's not going to sleep?'

     Xiumin kept quietly complaining as Kris came in. He was dressed in pajamas, or, actually, an old worn shirt and sweats. Xiumin glared at him as Kris walked up to him. The bed-bound man started groaning at the sound of his stomach growling, the pain growing and torturing him. Kris grinned and sat down on the bed as he dried his hair with the towel. 
     "I forgot you didn't eat yet," Kris lied. He couldn't help but laugh at the face the other was making. He felt bad, but only a little bit. He wasn't going to let him go without dinner, but he decided to do things differently.
     "I'll bring food, okay? Try not to throw up," Kris said as he stood up. He left the room to kitchen and grabbed two plates of food. Before returning to Xiumin, he walked to the living room where the others were watching TV.
     "Go sleep in Minseok's bed, Chen-Chen," Kris ordered. With a puzzled face, Chen nodded and looked back at the TV. Kris pivoted around and strode back to the bedroom, carrying both plates with care. Xiumin looked up and smiled at the sight of food, his attitude brightening. If he wasn't tied up, he'd be sprinting towards to the plate and devouring the whole thing in less then three minutes.
     Setting one plate down on the nightstand, Kris sat down and started eating in front of Xiumin. The hope in the older fell, knowing he'd have to wait more to eat, and it was killing him. Kris kept eating, occasionally glancing up at Xiumin, who was still making faces. Kris finally finished eating, so he set his plate down and untied the towel from Xiumin's head.
     "Finally! Untie me so I can eat!," Xiumin blasted. Kris just smirked and shook his head.
     "It's not that easy, Minseok. You're a real pain in the to take care of. I feel bad for your parents," He teased, not caring for the other's look he was receiving.
     Offended, Xiumin spat at him, spewing out random insults at the younger man. He was so hungry, he was losing his mind. Kris grabbed the other plate, food still warm, and picked some up with the chopsticks. As Xiumin was spilling all the insults he knew, Kris held the food in front of his face until the older ceased talking and stared at him.
     "Why can't I feed myself?" Xiumin pouted.
     "Part of the punishment. Open your mouth," Kris said. Instead of waiting for him to open, Kris pulled down on the man's chin and placed the food on his tongue. Xiumin chewed, embarrassed that he had to be fed by someone else. He swallowed and opened his mouth for more food. Kris smiled as he put more food in his mouth, enjoying the scene. He scooted closer to Xiumin, who was still chewing, and placed an arm around him with the plate on his lap. Xiumin tried to shift his body away, but his wrists made it hard to move.
     "Don't move, Minseok. You're almost done with the food. After this, I can continue onto the next stage of punishment. So, savor this because it'll go fast," Kris pulled him back closer and shoved more food into his mouth.
     Angry, he swallowed without chewing, making him choke. He gagged and coughed and Kris panicked. He untied his wrists and used the heimlich maneuver. Xiumin coughed up his food, panting from the lack of air.
     "Ew, sorry," he tried to pick up the food so he could throw it away, but he felt arms wrapped around his waist.
     "I, um... Kris, you could, uh," Xiumin stiffened and blushed as he tried to communicate. "P-please let me go. I have to throw that away."
     Kris pulled him closer, resting his chin on the smaller's shoulder. Xiumin's breathing became uneven as he realized what was going on. He shuddered, tried to shake Kris off, but he didn't budge.
     "Hm, I'll get that for you later. Let's just stay here like this," Kris sighed. He didn't know he felt this way for Xiumin. He just looked so cute and vulnerable when he was tied up, when his cheeks puffed up while he ate, how looked so flushed as he hugged him. It was amazing, how he could fall for this man so easily this soon.
     He rocked back in forth, humming a slow song, as he tried to calm the other down. Running a hand gently down Xiumin's back, he left light kisses right below his jaw, leaving him stunned.
     'Ah... What is this... Why is he doing this?' Xiumin mindlessly thought. He relaxed, though, leaning back into Kris' embrace. His eyes were drooping with exhaust, the humming lulling him to sleep. In a matter of seconds, he closed his eyes and managed to mutter, "Goodnight, Kris."
     Kris laid him down under the blanket, shutting the lamp off, and cuddled up to him. He played with Xiumin's hair until he fell into his own stupor, arms around the other.
     Xiumin was in his dream again, but this time he was sitting on a marble bench, dressed in white with his eyes closed. Kris approached him, studying him from afar, but took silent steps so not to disturb the other. 
     'He looks so perfect,' Kris thought, awestruck. 
     He stood in front of him and smiled, "Hey, Minseok, how are you?"
     Xiumin opened his eyes slowly and looked up at him. His skin glowed as he was smiling back. The sweetest smile one could receive was what Xiumin gave to Kris.
     He motioned for Kris to sit down, and when he did, they joined hands. For a long time, they looked at each other, their smiles growing bigger until they could no more. No one there to disturb their silent paradise. They were lost in each other, not knowing how long they've sat there or where they were. It was the perfect dream. 
     "I love you," Kris confessed shyly. 
     "I love you, too," replied Xiumin. He brought his hand up to make Kris face him so they were inches apart. Although slow, they both leaned in and kissed. It was a soft kiss, simple, to show their purest love for each other. It was really something.

     "...Kris. Kris, wake up..."
     A voice pulled him out of his dream, disappointing him. He furrowed his brows, ignoring the voice, but it kept persisting. Out of frustration, he finally flicked his eyes open, seeing that Xiumin was awake in his arms. His cheeks were red from the position they were in, but Kris held him tighter.
     "Good morning, Min," Kris mumbled as he closed his eyes again.
     "Uh, could you, like, let me go?" Xiumin asked as he tried to wiggle away.
     "Mm-mm. Stay. Sleep," Kris spoke tiredly, not wanting to use energy to talk properly. Xiumin sighed and turned his body to face Kris. He snuggled up to him, whispering inaudible phrases as he began to fall back asleep. He felt a wet pair of lips touch his forehead, and he giggled quietly. This was a new side to the leader. He was gentle and affectionate, loving and caring, but at the same time, a little controlling. He didn't know why, but Xiumin really liked it, despite the mean things that were done to him the night before. The cuddling and kisses really made up for it.
     They both zoned off to dreamland as the door opened, revealing a curious Luhan. He was shocked, but at the same time, devious. He took off for his camera, remembering to turn off flash, and quietly walked back into the room. He giggled quietly as he snapped away at the cuddling couple. He was hoping to put it on his weibo, or show it to Tao, who would probably get jealous and say something like, "Baozi is mine to hug!" or something like that. He left the room, proud of his quality evidence without anyone knowing. Just another day of the peeping deer, Luhan. 


AN: sorry if you were expecting more. 

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Just so you guys know, I totally don't really actually beta these so yeah.


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geron_bacurin #1
Chapter 8: Please update....
Chapter 8: the XiuRis in this story is really facinating. Not to mention the rivalry between Tao & Kris for Xiumin.

well done & looking forward to the update
Chapter 8: awwww i need more xiuris><
Chapter 7: i love this story very much! Xiuris <3<3
I love how kris and tao get jealous to each other
And i love every xiuris part in this fic! XD
Why don't you keep up the work? Continue this story?
Chapter 8: What can i say? I just love this story. AhhhhT______T thumbs up for you!! /rolling
Chapter 7: hi new reader here ^^
omg this story's fluffily cute o(>u<)o
i love this, like, really really love this ;aa;
fufufufu i can picture out the obsessively possessive kris towards his minseok, the cute jelly panda tao, and the forever cute disturbing er luhan! xD
why did luhan act like that anyway~ could it be he like baozi too? hihihi
kris and tao's dreams of minseok were hilarious and luhan~~~ i really wanna see the krismin's pics you've snapped xD
turtlejusz #7
Chapter 7: Wah! I love this. Xiutao and Xiuris. PerfEct. I want to read it mOre. I love xiuris mOments so cUte. Tao's dream~ hahahaha oOohhH lalalala~
Chapter 7: Xiutaooooo ;_; panda-baozi duet is <3