Apple of my Eye

Apple of my Eye


Apple’s POV

I never really knew anything other than the tree. I had been so innocent back then. One day I was plucked from my home and set into a crate full of my brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and every single other family relation I could possibly think of. From then on, I would never be the same apple again. I thought nothing in my life would ever be real again. I dared not think about the future that was ahead of me. I had heard rumors from the grapevines of what happened to my brethren under such circumstances. For days I sat in horror, my cratemates slowly rotting around me. This was no life! I decided from that moment on that I would do everything in my power to help my comrades and leave this life of cruel slavery behind.

That is, until I saw him. Everything about him made me shiver. His black hair elegantly swept across the right side of his face. His cat-like eyes and the smirk that came so readily to his face. I was jealous, for on his arms were two terribly dressed, heavily made-up women. They clearly had no self-respect.

I cried out with all my willpower. I wanted nothing more than for this man to take me away from that life of squalor. Surely that could happen, even to a lowly apple such as myself. I was lifted into the air. That beautiful man’s hand was wrapped around me, shielding me from the outside world. This man’s hands must have been favored by gods. Take that, es, I thought at them. They just continued to pout.

He then took me to his home, and I sat on his counter. Every once and awhile he would look over to me with that iconic smirk, and I would melt a little inside. If only he knew what he did to me.

Then one fateful day, he walked in.


No One’s POV

“What’s going on, maaaan?” Woobin called out as he entered Yijung’s studio. He looked around when he didn’t find Yijung and walked over to the bar. There he spied a lonely apple. Curious, he picked it up. It was similar to the apple that Jandi had given to Joonpyo as an apple-ogy. Woobin shook his head in amusement. Those two, would they ever stop being so amusing? He sincerely hoped not.

“Ah, Woobin, you’re early,” Yijung said as he stepped out of the back of the studio. He had two ladies on his arm, both of whom looked very pleased. “I wasn’t expecting you until later.”

“I know you asked me to come at 7, but I couldn’t wait. I feel like there is something I need to tell you.” Yijung looked at his old friend in curiosity.

“What is it?” Yijung asked as he shooed the two women out of the front door.

“Well, you see,” Woobin began.


Ceiling Fan’s POV

Thank god it is winter. If that jackass turns me on again, I swear to god I will give him a piece of my mind. And by “piece of my mind” I mean a face full of blades. See how he likes that! Every day he comes in with some woman on his arm. And I have to watch him. Doing all that he does. Womanizer. Tch. I bet he’ll never have a real relationship. That’ll show him!

I look down and see his friend walk in the door. What’s his name again? I can never keep these Korean names straight. I was manufactured in Beirut, and damn me if I know anything about any other language. It starts with a W or something. I like to call him Thing 2. My owner is Thing 1. It seems to fit them well.

“Ah, Woobin, you’re early,” Thing 1 walks over and stands right under me. If only I could lower myself! Nope, I’m stuck up here, watching everything that happens. These people are all so DRAMATIC!

“I wasn’t expecting you until later,” Thing 1 continues.

“I know you asked me to come at seven, but I couldn’t wait. I feel like there is something I need to tell you.” Thing 2…. Where do I start with him? Some say he’s a Don Juan, but I don’t think I have ever really seen him with a woman. Of course, I can’t leave the confines of this room… WHY AM I CURSED TO THIS LIFE OF INANIMACY???

“What is it?”

“Well, you see…” Thing 2 looks down at his feet awkwardly. That walking ball of is actually going to say something? I have been rooting for this for a long time now.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you….”

“What is it?” Thing 1 walks towards Thing 2.

“Where do I even begin?” Thing 2 looks at the ceiling. He stares straight at me. If he looks any harder, I feel like he could look straight into my soul. Or inner workings. Whichever you prefer. “Yijung…” AH! That’s his name! Of course! Stupid Korean names. My mini-celebration draws my attention away from the scene below me. Really, it probably doesn’t matter all that much. These two are either making bets or sharing amused looks. Nothing to get excited about.

“Hold on,” Thing 1 says as he walks over to … Oh god no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!! Anything but there. No! Bad Thing 1! Bad! Step away from there! Right now!! “Are you feeling warm in here?”



No One’s POV

Woobin looked up at the ceiling. A strange keening sound was coming from the ceiling fan. “What’s that noise?”

“It does that,” Yijung replied. “It didn’t at first, but after about ten uses it just keens like that.” Yijung shrugged. “I’ve been thinking about getting a new one, but for some reason I feel attached to this one. Like there is something telling me not to.”

“Ah,” Woobin replied.

“You were saying?”

“Right.” Woobin looked cautiously up at the ceiling fan before continuing. “I guess the place to start is back in kindergarten…”


Child Woobin’s POV

“Yijung! Yijuuuuuung! Look at what I have!” I run over to my bestest friend. He always listens to me, unlike stupid Joonpyo and Jihoo. Joonpyo’s a meanie-head and Jihoo sits alone all the time. Look right now! He’s playing his violin. As usual.

“Woobin?” Yijung looks up from the table. He’s playing with Eunjae, but he usually leaves her for me every time. “What is it?” Yijung jumps up, trips over the bench seat, stands back up and runs over to me.

“Look, look!” I pull out my new prize. It’s a toy gun. “Papa gave it to me yesterday after school.” I beam with pride. “He’s also putting me into Tae Kwon Do classes.”

“You can’t have that!” Yijung cries out in fear. “We’re gonna get in big trouble if teacher finds us with that!”

“But Papa gave it to me,” I pout. He is the first person I had thought of yesterday! Why is he so mean?

“We’re not supposed to have guns! Anywhere! Hide it!” Yijung takes the gun and stuffs it into my bag.

“But it’s not real! That means it’s ok, right?” He’s ruining my present. I want to cry. Yijung stops and looks around for a second.

“I guess?”

“Let’s go play!” I pull Yijung’s arm and run over to the play ground. “We should play cops and robbers!”


No One’s POV

Woobin wasn’t sure why he just remembered that flashback. It didn’t really have anything to do with what he wanted to say.

“Woo?” Yijung stepped out in front of him, putting his face directly in front of Woobin’s.

“Oh, yeah. Well, you’ve always been there for me, and I like to think that I’ve been a guardian angel for you too.” It was true. Yijung had been there for him emotionally, but Woobin had saved him from a number of bad situations. All of which were caused by Yijung’s alcoholism. The man just needed to learn a better way to cope. and alcohol can’t heal wounds. They just made them deeper.

“Yeah?” Yijung looked at him seriously. This was not the time to smirk, he thought to himself. This was probably the last time to smirk. “You know I’ll always be there for you.”

“And me for you, my main man. Things are going to be harder now…” Woobin looked at his feet. “You see, I….”


Apple’s POV

Who did that upstart think he was?! Getting so close to my Yijung. My beautiful Yijung. I was the one who should always be there for him. Not this man of shifty origins. Wasn’t he in the mafia or something? Yes, that sounded about right. The godfather’s son, if I wasn’t mistaken. I looked at him with my best glare. Too bad it was wasted on that low-life.

The man looked at his feet, then he said something, and after that he was silent. Didn’t he know that he was taking up Yijung’s precious time? I wanted to give him a piece of my mind!


No One’s POV

“My father…” Woobin finally began. “He’s been arrested.” Yijung looked at Woobin in shock. He supposed he shouldn’t feel that shocked; he was involved in every illegal activity in South Korea, and a little in China and Japan. That didn’t stop him from feeling shocked. It finally hit home what sort of friend he had.

“What’s going to happen?” Yijung stepped over to the bar, pulling out a beer for the both of them. He handed it over to his best friend.

“I don’t know. Normally we would just pay off the judge and security guards, but this time it is proving to be incredibly difficult. I might….” Woobin looked at Yijung with pained eyes. “I might take over my father’s position.” Yijung stared at him, beer bottle on his lips.

“What?” Yijung whispered.

“I might have to take over the family business.” He stopped a moment to look at his untouched beer. “I might have to leave F4.”

“But we’ve been fighting so hard to keep us all together.”

“I know, I know. I’m going to try my best, but I don’t want to get you guys in trouble.” Woobin slammed his bottle down right next to the apple on the counter. “I hate this!” He cried out. “I hate this so much! How can you all be friends with me. Blood money. That’s how I pay for Shinwha. Blood money.”

Yijung sighed. He had heard this before, and his pep talks had apparently done no good. “Come here.” Yijung stepped closer to Woobin who hadn’t listened to his command. Yijung grabbed the young man’s arm. “I said come here.”

Woobin opened his eyes in shock. Yijung had pulled him into his arms. It felt so good; Woobin buried his head into Yijung’s shoulder.

“There’s something else….”


Beer Bottle’s POV

Ok, I understood the life I was meant to live. I got that. Humans were going to out my insides and leave me a cold husk of my former self, but this was crazy. Being slammed down on the table? I had never heard those stories before.

“Psst,” a voice from next to me said. “Over here.” I looked over and saw a beautiful apple staring at me. Or, it would… if it had eyes. “You don’t have to take this.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t have to take this sort of treatment. Who does he think he is? He slammed you down as though you were nothing but garbage. We have feelings. We have passions. We have desires.” This apple sure was long-winded. “I think we should give him what for!”

“What do you mean?” I was really confused. I was made of glass and alcohol. I wasn’t about to understand what this apple was going on about.

“He always makes our lives misery. He slammed you down on the table. He makes the beautiful Yijung turn on the ceiling fan. Don’t you hear her now? She’s screaming in agony. I wouldn’t be surprised if she lost her lunch some time soon. And he takes away Yijung’s attention from me.” The apple growled.

“What are we going to do?” I was interested, but this apple sounded crazy. Was it an apple thing? I don’t know if I had ever met an apple, when I thought about it.

“We must work together, you, me and the ceiling fan. This menace cannot be stopped by any one of us alone.”

“Right, so what are we going to do?” I asked again.

“First we need to—” the apple was suddenly interrupted by the two humans.

“What did you say?!” Yijung (I assumed Yijung) shouted.


No One’s POV

“You know what I said.” Woobin looked at Yijung stubbornly. He had said what he really wanted to say, but it had also been important to him that Yijung knew about the whole mafia thing.

“It just… it just makes no sense, Song Woobin!”

“Doesn’t it?” Woobin asked, hurt by Yijung’s reaction, even though it wasn’t entirely surprising. “We’ve been best friends since kindergarten. This isn’t normal for people like us. Especially people like me. And… I’ve developed these feelings over the years. Maybe it’s just because I don’t want to let you go, no matter the cost. But won’t you consider it?”

“What is there to consider? This is ridiculous!” Yijung stepped quickly away from Woobin. He stumbled over one of the barstools, and Woobin couldn’t help but smirk a little. Yijung was as clumsy as ever. He quickly wiped it away.

“I just don’t want us to be separated. You keep me sane, So Yijung. I guess it’s probably just F4’s influence that I’m like this.” Woobin smiled sadly. “If it wasn’t for you three I would have no regrets. The thought of leaving you behind, the thought that I can’t be with my best friends kills me.”

“But this is crazy. I can’t…”

“You can. Yijung, please. Don’t let me walk away without you.” Yijung looked aside. Then he smiled.

“All right. It’s not like I can really let you go, can I?” They smiled at each other. “Let’s do this thing!” Yijung said in English. Woobin laughed.



Apple’s POV

“NO! Wait!” I screamed out. This could not be the end! Tyranny needed to be stopped. “Ceiling Fan! Beer Bottle! Come together!” I glared at him. How dared he invite my Yijung to join his villainous machinations? Sure, Yijung would bring women to his home, and I never approved of that. He should have had me on his arm.

“Apple?” A voice said from above. I looked up. Ceiling fan was directing her gaze towards me. “What do you think we’re going to be able to do?”

“What? We need to get him away from my Yijung!”

“Hey, Apple. What is our beef towards him?” Beer Bottle looked down at me. Everyone looks down upon me. This needed to stop. I only wanted Yijung to express his love towards me.

“Yeah, I have nothing against Thing 2. Only Thing 1.”

“Screw this!” I shouted out. I moved all of my energy to the side closest to the edge of the bar. I was moving! I was finally doing it. If I had only known I could do this before, I would have gotten to my Yijung sooner.

“Wohp!” Yijung exclaimed as he caught me midfall. Those hands hadn’t touched me since he brought me to my new home. They cupped me so wonderfully, and I flew up into the air. I was so close to Yijung. So close to his face.

“How did that happen?” He asked. “Was there an earthquake?”

“I don’t think so…” Yijung inspected me. Those eyes. Those beautiful eyes. I don’t think I have ever been happier in my entire life. His mouth came closer to me, opening slowly. Yes! This is what I’ve always wanted. His teeth touched me. Yes, this was a little , but I enjoyed this. But they didn’t stop. Wait…. What was he doing? Did he not love me like I loved him?

“Stop! Yijung! Please stop!” I screamed out.

With one final crunch everything went black.


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Chapter 1: hahaha
the hell the apple thought?! serve you right apple!!
it's so funny. good work authornim~~
Chapter 1: I love it XD I hate how people overuse the whole switching povs thing. This is so funny.
Tykkii #3
Chapter 1: Awesome. Please continue! I love it. But it's kinda weird seeing object pov. I suggest you have yi jeong and woo bin pov instead. Thanks!