Are you the guy from B2st??

Cry Me a River

"Hey bro, what are you doing lying down here?? Are you okay?!" a guy tapped Seunghyun who was lying like a dead person on the floor.

"HAH! Who are you?!" Seunghyun was shocked. He can't remember who this guy was.

"Hey, don't you remember me? I went studying and training in USA for 6 years and now, you can't remember me?!" the guy said sadly.

"Yah!!! JIYOUNG AH!! WHO IS THIS GUY? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?" Seunghyun shouted to Jiyoung

"Jiyoung's not here. He went to meet his girlfriend." the guy said.

"I'm back actually," Jiyoung said while standing near the front door

"Yah! Jiyoung what is wrong with him?! He seems not to remember me? How can this be possible?" the guy asked Jiyoung.

"He is suffering from loss of memory..... He can't remember anything. Just introduce yourself," Jiyoung explained.

"Oh ok. I'm Junhyung, Yong Junhyung your high schoolmate who is living with you~" The guy introduced himself.

"Oh, hey Junhyung. Nice to meet cha!" Seunghyun stood up and went to his room. 

-Later that day- 

"So, how's your wife?" Junhyung asked Seunghyun

"Wife?! Since when I was married?!" Seunghyun looked at Junhyung

"Yah! Junhyung ah?! How many times must I say?! He can't remember anything!!" Jiyoung shouted.

"Oh, ok ok. Relax bro" Junhyung said. 

Then a few hours had passed and it was 12 midnight. Seunghyun had passed out first and it was only Junhyung and Jiyoung left.

"Hey bro, you wanna know something?" Jiyoung asked Junhyung.

"What is it?" Junhyung stared at Jiyoung. 

"Actually, I didn't tell hom about his wife, I acted as if I was Bom's boyfriend. He can't remember a thing. Luckily, this morning I snatched the wedding photobook from him, or else he will remember everything!! He can't have Bom. Bom's mine," Jiyoung told Junhyung.

"This is bad bro, what if he remembers? You know, I'm jealous that my gf now is his high school ex, I'm scared he will get back to her," Junhyung said.

"How about, we plan something so he will not remember a thing. " Jiyoung said.

"Any ideas?!" Junhyung said back

"yerp, I was thinking that, the doctor had said thatmif we show something about his old memory, he will suffer from brain damage," Jiyong explained.

"Whoo, what a good idea. I know what to do." Junhyung said

"What is it?" Jiyoung asked.

"Come, let me whisper it to you" Junghyun told Jiyoung to lean further and listen to his whisper.




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Chapter 14: Really hate jiyong!! I know its been long time but please update cuz i, the readee of this story need to know what is the ending of this story pleaseee
please please please update update update. Please i really like this story but it ends in chap 13. i want know how it ends.
Chapter 11: Please Update. I want to read more.
MMS19981999 #4
Ishhhhh.jiyoung is soooo evil
I really hate his character (inside this story)
I hope top will remember Bom when he wake up anytime soon...
Ha......nis.........!!!!kenape buat org curious
apdate soon
Marianations #5
THE ____ JI YONG ?
purplefreak #6

Update soon.
she_vipshells #7
OMG!! WTH!!!!!!!!!!!! JIyong WIll KIll Seunghyun??? o.O OMG!!!!!!!
MMS19981999 #8
OMG gd character is very evil..
top don't die cause Bom need you
I hope gd will learn his lesson...
update soon......
MMS19981999 #9
Gd character is so bad.....
Pity top...
Update soon
Bad Jiyong... VERY VERY BADD...