Eternally Lost


title: Eternally Lost

author: Soapia

genre(s): Romance

pov: First Person

status: On-going


"...It was a dream come true..."


SeoYeon, EXO's biggest fangirl, has won a chance to spend a whole week in the dorms of the EXO members. She never thought she would actually meet them, let alone live with them. She plans on having the best week of her life to kickstart her summer. She will make sure that this adventure with them will be unforgettable...




Choi SeoYeon

The perfect fangirl. She has been in love with EXO ever since the first day they debuted. She knows every member from head to toe. She loves all of them, but her bias is Kai. When she found out that there was a chance for her to live in the dorms of her oppas, she couldn't resist. She entered. She's a sweet, kind, and unique character. She loves daydreaming and can think of complete situations out of the tiniest things. She is strong, but cute, and loves to smile. If anything made her upset, she'd push it away just to be happy again.


Kim JongIn a.k.a. Kai

EXO's dancing machine. He's super cool, but can sometimes be intentionally mean towards people. The members have gotten used to it though. When he found out that there was such a contest like this, he was against it, hands down. However, he does have a sweet side, but he rarely shows it. He gets bored easily and is hard to satisfy. He knows how to fake smile, and is very good at it. He hates it when people annoy him, and can become a complete jerk when it happens. Even though he's a tough character, when he's in love, he'll love the person like no other.






My eyes expanded and I threw my pillow in the air. I screamed, jumped, and made my laptop tip over. “I WON!!! MOM!!! I WON! I WON! I WON!!! EXO!!! OH MY GOD!!!” I screamed from the top of my lungs, and my mother came in with a big, open-mouthed smile on her face.
“Yes!!! They sent me the email and I can come to their dorms on Sunday!!!”
“Oh my god!!! I’m so happy for you!!!” I ran to her and gave her a hug. We both cheered and jumped around, fangirling.
I couldn’t believe it. Me? Out of all the girls that applied, I was picked to meet and stay at the dorms of EXO for a whole week. I would be able to meet Kai, my bias ever since his first teaser. Oh gosh... Kai...

I loved Kai. He was perfect. His charisma. His facial features. His dance skills. He was amazing, and I was going to get to meet him. I immediately got my clothes ready and packed for a whole week. Tomorrow was going to be my arrival and meeting with both EXO-K and EXO-M. I couldn’t express the feelings that were built up inside me. To meet them was amazing but to live with them. I couldn’t.
I quickly grabbed whatever clothing would look good in EXO’s eyes. “Not too flashy... Not too plain...” I spoke to myself, having trouble picking out the clothes. I just shoved whatever looked good into my giant suitcase and grabbed my beauty supplies as well. After about 30 minutes of rushing, I finally got all the things that I needed for a week with EXO. I was ready.


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heey! new reader here! this is good :)