Finding Serendipity

Finding Serendipity


Luhan was never really one for cakes. He didn’t particularly like too much sweets and sugars filing his mouth. Once in a while was alright, but when Baekhyun dragged him to a specific cake store everyday just to see this one cute guy, it annoyed the hell out of him.

“Baekhyun, we’ve been here every day for the past two weeks. Why don’t we go somewhere else?” He suggested to the eager Baekhyun that was already running inside the quaint little café. Sighing, he looked up at the familiar words carved fancily into dark brown wood. ‘Finding Serendipity.’


“Hyung, do you think he’s going to notice me?” Baekhyun munched on a bite of his cake.

“Yeah, he’ll notice you.” Luhan rested his head  on the palm of his hand, also eating his ‘favorite’ strawberry cake shaped in a little heart with a chocolate on top.

“Really?” Baekhyun looked at him with sparkling eyes. Luhan nodded reassuringly.

“You’ve been here every day since it opened, of course he’ll notice you.”  Luhan rolled his eyes at his love struck friend. If you could call it that. Then he felt someone slap his arm.

“What was that for?” Baekhyun could only shake his head then looked back at the smiley waiter. His deep voice contrasting with his cute baby face. Luhan looked at his friend. The other’s eyes dreamily looking at the human tower on the other side of the room. Luhan pinched his cheek, forcing Baekhyun to look at him.

“Aigoo…Look at you.” Luhan cooed at him.

“It’s not my fault he’s cute.” Baekhyun muttered, under his breath.


“Nothing hyung…” Baekhyun looked away irritated then snapped his head back at Luhan, shocking the older in the process.

“Just wait hyung. You will find someone too.”

“Find… Someone?” Luhan shot him a questioning look.

“Yes hyung. You never know when he will come.” Baekhyun sang and smiled at him. Luhan pursed his lips together about to reply with a snarky answer but a shadow loomed over them.

“I’m not looking fo-“ Luhan stopped.

“Excuse me.”

Luhan’s eyes widened at the angelic voice. The two looked up at the person speaking to them. If possible Luhan’s eyes widened even more and his heart started pounding out of his chest.

A boy stood in front of them, clad in a white uniform and a black apron tied around his waist. He looked no older than 18 but most certainly was in high school. His skin was flawless and was just like the colour of milk, it was as if he has never stepped into sunlight for years. The smile on his face out shone the brightest of stars.

When the boys lips moved and his voice rung out, it was when Luhan realized that he was staring at him and quickly looked down.

“Are you done eating?” he asked them, the smile never leaving his face. Baekhyun sharply nudged the blushing man with his elbow.

“What?” Luhan hissed at him. “Oh! Uh, yes we’re d-done.” Luhan looked up at the cute waiter.

“Okay. I’ll be taking these then.” He picked up the plates and put them on a tray. Luhan noticed that he had a bit of a lisp in his words. ‘Cute…’ Luhan smiled.

The boy spoke again, “Please, just pay at the counter.” He motioned a hand towards the cashier machine next to the assortment of colourful cakes in a glass display case. Luhan nodded slowly, still mesmerized by the boy’s magnificence. He couldn’t take his eyes off of him.

Baekhyun watched the scene unfold with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He chuckled to himself a smirk gracing his pretty lips.

The boy bowed and turned to leave.

“Wait!” Luhan suddenly said and cursed himself inwards at his stupidity. The boy turned around with a slightly confused face and large doe eyes that could melt the coldest of hearts. Luhan’s certainly did.

“Yes?” he smiled at him. Luhan felt a blush creep in his cheeks.

“Um… what’s your name?” Luhan felt himself spurting out the words before he could control himself. ‘Ahh…what am I saying? So embarrassing.’ Luhan bit his lip.

The boy smiled brightly anyway. His eyes full of sunshine and cuteness. He bowed once again and spoke,

“Sehun. Oh Sehun.” 


Hello~! <3

What do you think? Too short? 

I was wondering if I should make another part, actually. Tell me on my profile or comment below :)

(that's why it isn't marked as 'complete' yet.)

Anywho.... Please remember to COMMENT! Looking forward to critism and thoughts!

CREDIT: Pictures and Gifs not mine.

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Aww all my biases in a fanfic *-*
I really like this fic, HunHan ♥. I want chapter 2! >_<
shineeforever5 #2
I found this off tumble ;A THIS IS SO CUTEE. please have chapter 2!
Nomichui #3
PART 2!! ;) This was seriously adorable and I HAVE to know what happens next xD i dont know why every hunhan story needs to end up with them kissing or hugging,etc for me to feel happy and relaxed ;) there"s so much to explore,baekyeol couple"s story is really interesting too,I really liked the way you described everything so that there are 5163161651 different ways of continuing the story without being boring ^^