My tainted Heart


Tainted heart is a story about a girl who finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her, and slept with other people. So she So through with love she gives up on it it happened to her in her past realationships and she doesnt want it to happen again until a new boy in school kwangmin steals her heart but does he like her will the same thing happen in the past realationships you'll havwe to read to find out?


I haven't seen my boyfriend in over a mont hnot texts no calls no nothing. I'm getting worried, so i leavve and drive over to his house i sneak up the tree like i always did when i used to spy on him before we went out. Ahhh the good times i hid my head so he couldnt see it until i see a girl in the roo mwith him she is super geeky, with ugly big old glasses brown tarnished hair that was matted, and was wearing a faded Sweatshirt that had stains on it. i tilted my head to get a better look but believe my eyes he kissed her his brother kyung and i were super close, we wrre in the same grade we new eachothers facebook passwords and all. I left before he could even see me i kept it quiet and just walked home to my house the next morning i wake up there is a message for me from kyung.

Kyung: Hana i have to tell you something important and by this i hope you believe me.....

Me: Yes kyung, what is it, ihave to catch the bus before i  miss it

Kyung: Sunjong is cheating on you he is what i was so pissed off

then he put a group chat wow i though nao sungjong is in the conversation so sungjong you have something to tell me i asked?

Sungjong: no i dont what there to tell

Kyung: fine i will tell you sungjong slept with two girls and one male

Me: whattttttttttttttttttttttttt i am so furious

Kyung: my work here is done

Sungjong?: i coudnt help my self i have needs

Me: what kinds of needs is that

Sungjong: Looks away ual needs

Me: fine we are so done right now and when i see people in schol i'm going to tell them what a basterd you are for doing that your a scum bag

SUngjong: thats not the point he said to me

Me: then what is?

SUngjong: the point is i  dont love you anymore hana

Me: i logged off computer


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Celinko #1
Can you please update soon ^__^.