
[ONE-SHOT] Tell Me Lies


 “Yah, Lynndy, why aren’t you picking up your phone? This is an emergency. I’m just gonna leave you this message and hopefully you’ll hear it before it’s too late. You have to go and confess to Kris tonight. Don’t ask why, just do it. There are some things I haven’t told you yet, and some things need to be fixed, so confess to him, and I’ll explain everything later. I have a good feeling about this, so please, just confess to him before its too late, and before you’ll regret it, okay? I love you, bye. Good luck.”

Early that morning Lynndy got a message from her friend, Kim, saying that she needed to confess to Kris right away before it was too late. Once she heard the message her friend had left her, she was a bit confused. What is she talking about? Confess? To Kris? Tonight? Is she on her period or something? What was going on? Question after question was running through her mind, but she got no answer.

In the end, she decided to listen to her friend. What harm could a confession cause? Nothing really. I still have my dignity left and my pride. I have absolutely nothing to lose. Just maybe the fact that it might be awkward between us, but that’s really it.

Lynndy wasn’t the mushy, lovey-dovey, type girl. If she liked someone, she would tell them instead of beat around the bush. She’s learned thatif you never confess, you might miss out on a chance to fall in love; someone else could steal it from you.

Although it was late, and he was probably sleeping, she decided to call him anyways.

“Hey, Kris?” she asked quietly.

“Mmm, yeah… what’s up?” he asked half asleep.

Oh, so he was sleeping.“Oh nothing really… I was just wondering if you could come out to the beach. I couldn’t sleep, so I thought maybe you were awake, but it seems like you were sleeping, sorry.” her voice trailed.

“Ah… don’t worry about it. I couldn’t sleep either. How about I meet you there in 10 minutes?” he asked, now fully awake.

Behind the phone, Lynndy couldn’t help but smile after hearing him agree to her request. “Okay, see you soon.”

“See you.” he said before hanging up.

She immediately got up from her bed, and looked at herself in the mirror. I look… decent. Whatever, this is just who I am, the kind of girl who can care less about dressing up. Lynndy was in her sweatpants, and she had a sweatshirt on, her hair flowing off her shoulders. She grabbed her phone and keys and placed them in her pocket, and tossed on a pair of converse. Time to face the music.

In exactly 10 minutes, they both reached the beach, and sad down on the sand, side by side. The weather was just right that night. It wasn’t too cold, but it wasn’t too hot. They were both looking out into the ocean. Lynndy looked over her shoulder and at the same time, Kris turned around to look at her too.  He smiled at her, and she smiled back, before turning around to look out into the ocean.

"I like you." Lynndy confessed.

Kris was shocked by her confession. He didn't know what to say. Lynndy on the other hand had a lot to say, but she waited for his reply. A few minutes passed by and finally he spoke.

"Lynndy..." he began, but she stopped him before he said anything.

"I probably know what you're going to say already, but I still feel like I should tell you everything. You know, to get it off my chest." she shrugged. "I'm the type of girl, that if I like someone, I'll tell them directly. I don't wait for them to say anything or beat around the bush because that's stupid. What if I lose them in the end? What if something happens before I get to confess my feelings? What if Iregret it?" she took a breath before she began again. "I like you, Kris. You. The person who's sitting next to me. The person who calls me their baby boo. The person who makes me genuinely smile every day. The person who makes me forget about sleep. The person who's always on my mind. The person who makes my heart beat faster. The person who makes my stomach flutter. The person, who stole my heart, is you. It's always been you, Kris." she finished.

The atmosphere was calming. Both parties were quiet. Lynndy had finished her confession, and now all she needed was his reply. She had to admit, it was a bit nerve wrecking. Whatever, you did well, Lynndy. Be proud of yourself. Even if he doesn't like you, it doesn't matter. You did this for yourself and you should be proud.

"Wait, me? Me?" he asked in disbelief.

Lynndy turned her entire body around to face him, cris crossing her legs, and laughed.

"What? Why are you laughing at me?" he asked smiling.

"You, pabo." she said poking his chest. "Yes. You. I like you."

He removed her hand from his chest, and placed it back down on her lap. She looked at him confusedly.

Kris let out a sigh before he began. "Honestly... I like you too Lynndy, but..."

Uh oh. He said but. I should've have known. I mean I did expect it I guess... but at the same time I had some hope in me.She continued to look into his eyes, and he began speaking again.

"I'm a bad person. I drink and I smoke. You wouldn't want to be with me, Lynndy. You're an amazing girl and you can do so much better than me. I do like you; I really do, but don't like someone like me."

She looked at him with a confused look. What do you mean bad person? Her heart was racing and she was trying to figure out what to say to that because at that moment, her mind went blank.

"I don't care if you drink or smoke. I already knew that. Don't you know I can care less about that kind of stuff?" she managed to say.

"I know, but still. Don't waste your time on me. I'm not worth it, Lynndy. You're a beautiful girl who can do so much better than a jerk like me. I'll just hurt you. Trust me."

"How are you a jerk?"

"I played a girl's heart before. I lead her on. I shouldn't have, but I did it anyways. In the end, I broke her heart." he explained.

"So are you trying to say you're playing with me then? All the things you said to me, we're they all lies?" she crooked. Lynndy wouldn't believe what she was hearing. Bull! What is he talking about? Hurt me? That by far is the most ridiculous reason I've ever heard.

"No. They weren't lies. The difference between you and her was that I like you. I didn't like her."

What was he saying? Why don't I understand it?

"Then how are you going to hurt me? I don't understand." tears began swelling around her eyes.

"I just am. Trust me. I'll eventually hurt you, so it's not worth trying. You can do so much better, okay?"

Why is he saying this? Is he trying to say that I'm not even worth trying?

"A-are you saying I'm not worth even trying...?" she stuttered.

"No, it's not that. I'm touched that you like me, I really am... it's just I'm going to hurt you in the end and I don't want to hurt you. You're important to me, Lynndy."

Lynndy didn't realize it, but she started to cry. "Do you know that you're hurting me now? Saying that you won't even give us a try is hurting me already."

"See. That's what I mean. Please, don't cry, boo." he begged.

"No. Don't." Lynndy got up and backed away slowly from him. "Don't call me boo. Just... don't." she continued backing away from him and made a run for it, tears streaming down her face.

I can't believe it. Why am I crying? Why Lynndy? Why? He's not worth it. You're stronger than this. You know you are. Stop being weak. Stop crying. Let him know what he's missing. I can't help it though... it hurts...

She came home and ran up the stairs, trying to punch in Kim’s number.  W-where is she? W-why isn’t she picking up her damn phone.

 “Hello?” Kim answered. “K-K-Kim…” Lynndy said softly, crying. “Lynndy? W-what? Why are you crying? What’s wrong baby girl?” all Kim could here on the other side was crying. Inside, she knew something went wrong. “Give me 5 minutes, alright? I’ll be there soon.” she instructed. All Lynndy could do at that moment was let out a soft ‘mmm’ and she hung up. Just like she said, Kim arrived to her house in exactly 5 minutes, and went inside Lynndy’s room, closing the door softly, making sure not to wake up the parents.  They both sat down on her bed, and Lynndy began explaining what happened.

“That bastard.” Kim cursed. “I can’t believe he would do that. I was so sure he would say yes. He even told me he liked you! That coward, when I see him, I’m going to kill him, so don’t try to stop me.” she said angrily. Kim was so sure that Kris would say yes, but she never expected him to say no.

“Don’t. Don’t hurt him. It’s not his fault, it’s mine. I was stupid and foolish enough to fall for him. I knew this was going to happen, so I don’t even know why I’m crying now, Kim. It just… hurts.” Lynndy explained.

Kim could see hurt and sadness in Lynndy’s eyes. She didn’t want to see her best friend like this because it also pained her. All she wanted was the best for her friend, that’s why she told her to confess. She didn’t know it would turn out like this. Soon, tears began to swell in her eyes.

“I-I’m sorry, Lynndy… I didn’t know he would say that. I was so sure he would say yes. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”  she stuttered.

Lynndy half smiled, and pulled her friend into an embrace.

“It’s okay. I know you meant well for me. You always do.” she said softly.

“I’m sorry, Lynndy.” she apologized again.

“It’s okay.” she said releasing Kim from the embrace. “I’m fine.  Now that that’s off my chest, I hope we can still continue to be friends, you know? I don’t want things to be awkward between us, even though I know it will. What am I suppose to do?”

“The first thing you’re going to do, is keep trying. Although it may be awkward, talk to him like you did before. Just brush it off. Pretend nothing happened, and talk to him how you normally do. Then maybe, he’ll realize that maybe you are the one for him. It’s going to take a while, I know. It’s going to be a tough road too, but I know you can do it. You’re a strong woman, Lynndy.” Kim explained, wiping off her tears.

Lynndy let out a soft giggle, and gave her friend another hug.

“Thanks, Kim. You’re a great friend, you know that? Thank you for being there for me whenever I need it. Even though sometimes I say ‘I’m fine’ or ‘leave me alone’ you’re always there. Thank you for putting up with me and my moods. Just… thank you.”

“Anything for my baby girl. I’m here for you always and forever. Even when you get tired of me, I’ll still be here.” Kim said smiling.

“I doubt I’ll get tired of you, but thank you.” Lynndy said again before letting her friend go.

“Stop thanking me, and go to bed. I have work early tomorrow morning, so I have to go now. Remember, try and talk to him. Okay? It’ll be hard, but you’ll do fine. I know you will.” Kim said one last time before she disappeared out Lynndy’s bedroom.

That night, Lynndy fell asleep with only one thing on her mind. I’ll be fine.

A few days later

After listening to Kim, Lynndy and Kris have been getting along well. They went back to their old ways and talked like nothing was wrong. There were days where she cried herself to sleep because it pained her to act like nothing was wrong, when clearly, everything was. Then there were days where she was just happy to have him back by her side as friends, but then one day, he started acting strange. She texted him, and usually, he’d text back, but today, after she sent him a few messages, she got nothing back. She tried calling him, but no answer. What was going on? Why isn’t he picking up? Maybe he’s busy? Should I go check up on him? No. Then he’ll think I’m being too nosey, but I feel like something’s up. Oh whatever, Lynndy. You’re his friend so you have a right to go check up on him. Stop being a and go see him. She tossed on her jacket, and drove to his house. After she arrived, before she left her car, she called again to make sure, but no answer. Where on earth could he be? Slowly, she walked up to his door, and knocked. No answer. She knocked a few more time, each time louder than the other. Finally, he opened the door. Kris was in his sweats, and in his eyes, she could tell he was annoyed.

“What do you want?” he asked, clearly sounding annoyed.

She never saw this side of him before, and at that moment, Lynndy was a bit afraid.

“N-nothing. It’s just you won’t answer your texts or phone calls, so I was a bit worried and—“ before she could finish, he cut her off.

“Well, clearly I’m doing fine. Now will you just leave?”

What was up with him? Why was he acting so strange today? “I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today, you know. Like we always do on Saturdays, but it seems like you’re not feeling well. Are you okay? Are you sick? Do you need medicine?” she asked worriedly.

“Oh my god, you’re so annoying! Why can’t you just leave me alone for once? Is it wrong I want some peace and quiet, god damn. You’re so clingy! This is probably why I didn’t want to date you.” he yelled at her.

W-what was he saying? I-I don’t understand. What was wrong with him? “Yah, oppa. What’s wrong? Why are you acting like this?” her voice sounding scared, but at the same time, she could feel tears forming around her eyes.

“You want to know the truth? You’re annoying as . All those things I said to you were all lies. I never meant any of it. The stuff about me liking you was all bull. How could I possible like someone like you? You’re so ing clingy and annoying; I must be blind if I liked you. The only reason why I said those things was because I felt like playing with your heart. I was bored, so I needed a new toy, and now that I’m done with that toy, you can leave.” 

Tears began streaming down her face. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. What? Lies? What was he talking about? Oppa…

“O-oppa, w-what are you talking about? H-how come I-I don’t understand anything.” Lynndy said in between her sniffling and crying.

“Let me sum it up, so you can understand, get out of my life.”

All he had to say was that phrase, and Lynndy turned around, and ran. She ran away from him as far as she could, soon disappearing from his sight. How could you do this? To me. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to even believe you. That’s right. I am annoying. I am clingy. I’m a stupid, foolish, vulnerable girl.

Kris closed the door behind him, and slid down the door, crying. He covered his face with his hands, and hugged his knees. I’m sorry, Lynndy. I didn’t want to do this, but I had no choice. If we pretended nothing was wrong, it would’ve pained you more. I didn’t want to see you hurt. I’m sorry. You’ll always be in my heart. Always. 

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Chapter 1: whatt? why did he do it awwwww please sequel????? *aegyo that will never work*
Chapter 1: I'm crying, why is he do that ?? Please sequel
Chapter 1: Continuation!
Chapter 1: It makes me cry! Why? WHY? WHY? Why does Kris need to do that?
Chapter 1: I can't. ;A; <///3 orz
Sequel please author-nim
Omg sequel!!!!!!! So sad but it was greatt~
windaeee #7
Sequel pleaseeee?
tiptoethroughthesky #8
commenting again bc YOLO.
Sob. You're writing the sequel right~?
Lynndy is such a pretty name. /troll face
Oh wait, THAT'S ME -u-