Blue Skies and Scythe

Blue Skies and Scythe





His face etched with passage of time longingly stares at the clear blue sky that grew with him ever since he was born.


He can already feel the impending pound of something dark and hard that was surely to come.


"They probably don't mind, don't they?" He thought.


His fans, his band brothers, his lost family, his love.



His love.


If only he went out of his hiding place, shove his 'career' elsewhere and show his love for her.


When did it turn out like this?


He sighed heavily without noticing that traces of wetness rolled down his wrinkly cheeks.


No one cares now, anyways. 



“Come on now, ‘lil boy.” The crow perched on his lap said to him.








(A/N) So this is the aftermath of all the fame and fortune Taemin had when he was once young. I can't help thinking what would happen to SHINee (to Taemin, in this case) after the lights turn off for them forever. This is just a drabble of a possibility of an old!Taemin living alone, abandoned by his SHINee hyungs and fans, also regretting for not admitting his true love to the world during the peak of SHINee's success, eventually dying out of old age, loneliness, regrets and most noticeably, the thought of no one loving him anymore. /sighs 



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Oh yeah, I really adore the title! It's so pretty.
sdfnksf. Banmal led me to this. LOL. I'm probably going to be reading quite a few of your oneshots/drabbles. :)
This one was more of a realistic one. ; u ; It kinda made me... think about life... yeah.. LOL. OTL, I really feel bad for idols sometimes. They're judged on just about everything they do, and they barely have any freedom.
I think idols should aaaaallll just tell the world about their relationships. LOL, although that would cause some to go down. Fans are so pressed sometimes.
I really hope that Taemin (and all da other idols) don't turn out like this, LOL.
But I'm pretty sure after idols retire from their showbiz stuff, they will still be seen as (insert stage name here). lol, i really hope that they get the happy future that they deserve. /insert le thumbs up here.
Very nice drabble. * v * Even though the crow confused me. idk, maybe i'm just too young to understand the deepness of it or something, LOL. But I think crows represent like... death, right? I'm probably totally wrong. o n o