Sequel to Guitars: Lay

One shots with EXO





Lay was sweating profusely but dancing his heart out. He was practicing for their long awaited comeback and each step had to be perfect. The Exotics deserved that much; they had waited a year.

Aileen was finishing up with the wardrobe fitting for each boy when she looked at the clock: 10:00. Whoa it was so late. She was sure she was the last person in the building. She cleaned up her station, locked the door and walked out to the elevator. She stopped and looked at the elevator. She so didn’t want to get on but she was too tired to take the stairs like she normally does. She was contemplating on what to do when she heard faint music coming from one of the rooms. She decided to investigate. She went into the dance room to find Lay dancing at a fast pace song. He looked so good doing those intricate dance moves. He was born to do this. She smiled as she stared attentively at the boy but that wasn’t the only reason why she was paying close attention to him. Lay wasn’t wearing a shirt. Muscles that weren’t there before appeared right before her eyes. She believed Exo’s concept was beast like or masculine therefore she noticed some members having to bulk up and Lay so y in his new form. As he moved and started to breath heavy with his chest rising up and down, sweat started to drip off of him. She felt like a total ert staring at his body like that. She was lost in La La Land that she didn’t hear him calling her name.


“Huh? Oh hey Lay. I was about to leave when I heard music. You look great,” she smiled at him

“Thanks,” he put his shirt back on much to Aileen’s chagrin, “Can you wait for me? I’m going to shower real quickly.  I feel gross,” he laughed

Oh how she missed that laugh. They had not really established a relationship since the last SMTOWN Concert so she felt their relationship was just stuck. But Aileen was well aware of their totally busy schedules.

“Sure Lay, I will wait for you,” she walked out of the room to sit by the elevator to wait

Lay quickly ran to shower to run cold water all over his body. Not only did he smell but he had to calm himself down. He was well aware of Aileen’s presence in the room when he was dancing; he tried to ignore her and concentrate on the dance moves but it turned out to be very difficult plus when she stared off into space her lips made a pout and Lay couldn’t handle it after that. He wanted to take her in his arms and lay a big one on her which was so unlike him.

“Focus Lay,” he washed his body thoroughly and got dressed

When he finally made it to the elevator he found Aileen on the floor with her eyes closed. Poor girl, she was so exhausted. Thankfully they lived in the same dorm so he could make sure she got home safely.

“Aileen wake up,” she slowly opened her eyes, “Sorry you had to wait for me,”

“That’s fine,” she stood up and pressed the elevator button

The doors opened and Aileen had to be brave. It would only last a few minutes and Lay was with her so how bad could it be. She was claustrophobic but she never told anyone. She didn’t want anyone to think she was wimp. They all knew she took the stairs but they just thought she like the exercise.

They were on the fifth floor so she just closed her eyes as the doors closed and told herself to breathe and think of the crisp cold air once they got out of the elevator. Only that didn’t happen. The elevator suddenly jolted and all went dark.

“Lay!” she screamed as she grabbed on him pulling him to the elevator floor

The lights flickered off and then came on again.

“Are you ok?”

“No,” she had tears in her eyes as she slid to the corner of the floor holding her legs

Lay started pressing the buttons and then the emergency button but they were the last ones in the building. They were stuck and they would be stuck all night but looking at Aileen, telling her that wasn’t a good idea.

“We are going to get out of here,” he sat next to her

“Don’t lie to me. We are stuck aren’t we?” she looked at him

“Yes it looks that way…”


Aileen started having a panic attack. She clutched her chest and frantically ran her hands through her hair as she paced at a quick speed back and forth in the elevator. Lay had never seen her like this and was very worried.

“Aileen,” he stopped her by hugging her but that set her off more

“Don’t touch me! That doesn’t help. I feel…” she yanked her shirt off because she felt suffocated and she thought that would help, “Why isn’t this working. I need to get out,” she banged on the door

“Aileen stop,” he gripped her tightly and wouldn’t let go

“Lay stop please,” she was crying

“You have to calm down. What’s wrong?”

“I’m claustrophobic,” Lay released her as if she were on fire. He felt guilty, “That’s why I always take the stairs. It’s always been this way ever since I was kid. I can’t explain the feeling I get. It just feels like someone has me in small box and they are slowly crushing it with me inside,” she fell to the ground, “I need to get out,”

Lay took out his phone but he had no service. He tried to think of ways to make her take her mind off her problem. He sat down next to her and put his hand on her leg patting it gently.

“I missed you,” he suddenly changed the topic


“I missed you. They changed your schedule so you’ve been with Exo K instead of us and when we are together we don’t have time together and I’ve missed you,” he turned to face her

Her expression still had not changed so he turned to her and called her name.



He slowly closed the gap between them with a kiss short of her lips. He didn’t have to guts to kiss her on the lips so the side of would have to do. He smiled at her as she smiled at him and laid her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly.

“Think of fresh air and blue skies and all the things we are going to do together when we get out of here. What do you want to do?”

“Walk to the park hand in hand,” he grabbed her hand and squeezed it

“Ok we can do that together. It’s going to be ok,”

“I’m so tired,” she said with her eyes closed

“It’s going to be ok. Go to sleep,” he rested his head on top of hers and closed his eyes

Before he went into deep sleep his phone said 12:30. He knew his band mates would find them soon but he couldn’t keep his eyes open.




Lay woke up to people’s shouting voices and the elevator doors being pried open. They were saved finally.

“Aileen wake up. Help is here,” he smiled at her drowsy face

Security pulled both of them out and Aileen was so grateful for Lay. If she were by herself she would have gone crazy but with his good distraction technique she survived. The boys have breakfast all ready for them but before they could eat, Lay dragged her outside so she could fill her lungs with fresh air.

“This feel so good,” she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the moment.

She then felt a pair of strong arms wrap her in a back hug and a chin fitting perfectly on her shoulder.

“This feels better,” they stayed like that for what seemed a lifetime




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Chapter 6: Thumbs up
lovebug208 #2
Chapter 18: I'm dead!!!!! I can't even deal!!! I dyed laughing at the fact that the other members actually took pictures
Chapter 26: I like this. ALL OF IT! *^*
Creal32 #5
Chapter 28: This was awesome chapter and tear of joy -for coulp, I know I misspell that word.
Creal32 #6
Chapter 25: Awwwww so sweet
Creal32 #7
Chapter 8: I love it!
Creal32 #8
Chapter 6: Aww they make a cute pairs . :)
T-O-P-oppa #9
Chapter 28: Finished? :'( dang...
It was awesome though, thank you very much ^^
Chapter 28: T_T awww...this chapter...
and it's over!?!?!?

thanks for updating, and of course i want more!! ur such a good writer!!