Get Us While We're Hot

Get Us While We're Hot


There isn't much else to do on a hot summer day.

In the middle of boring-ville, with nothing to do except fry in the summer sun, Park Chanyeol lay on his back on the floor of his boyfriend's bedroom.  Said boyfriend sits at his desk scrawling on some music paper.  A fan in the window blows on him, but doesn't do much to alleviate the heat in the room.  Chanyeol is sure he's dying, or catching on fire, or something.

"Baekhyunnie!"  Chanyeol leaps to his feet and drapes his lanky form over the back of his shorter boyfriend.  He nearly yanks the chair backward, causing Baekhyun to yelp.  "This room is going to be our tomb!  They'll put an epitaph on the door: 'Here lies Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun, they fried to death!'"  Baekhyun laughs and pushes Chanyeol off of him.

"It'd be far less hot if you weren't huddled on top of me, you know."  Chanyeol pouts on the floor. 

"But I wanna cuddle..."   He sticks his tongue out.  He gets a burst of energy and jumps to his feet.  "Why don't we do something?"

"Like?"  Chanyeol breaks into a big grin and throws himself on top of Baekhyun again.  This time the chair does lurch backwards and they both tumbled onto the floor.

"Swimming!"  He says, waving his hand above them.  Its grandiose and dorky, but Baekhyun laughs.  Chanyeol loves his laugh.  

"And where do you propose we go to swim?  There's nowhere in town we could go, not even a lake nearby." 

Chanyeol only responds with a toothy grin. 


It's easy, really. 

Baekhyun watches as Chanyeol peaks around the corner and gives him the okay.  They walk down the side of the hotel just as someone's crossing the parking lot.  They get to the side door and Chanyeol reaches into his pocket, then his other pocket.  A look of shock crosses his face.

"Do you have the key?"  He says, like they rehearsed.

"I thought you had it."  Baekhyun attempts to act as natural as possible.  Its not his strong suit, but its passable.  Chanyeol sighs.  The passerby swipes his card key and opens the door.

"Excuse me sir, could you hold the door!  This idiot forgot the key in our room."  Chanyeol laughs.  The man is more than happy to, and that's how they get in.  When he's safely out of ear shot Baekhyun lets out a sigh of relief.

"I cannot believe that just worked."  Chanyeol snickers at his beleaguered boyfriend. 

"Told you~"  He puts his hands behind his head and poses with a goofy smile on his face.  Baekhun sighs and gives in.  Its only marginally illegal, right?   Who's going to care?

The pool area is next-to-deserted, the smell of chlorine and the mugginess of the room assault Baekhyun as he and Chanyeol enter.  Chanyeol hastily deposits his shirt on one of the umbrella-covered tables and plunges into the water like a giddy child.  Some kids in the shallow end giggle at his eagerness. Baekhyun is more leisurely.  He glances at the front desk through the glass wall.  The woman behind the counter is reading a magazine and hardly paying attention.

Chanyeol pops out of the water and Baekhyun spends a few seconds ogling his torso.  He can't help it, it's alluring.  He's not particularly built or muscular, just thin (although, so am I, he muses), but Baekhyun can't imagine him any other way.  Chanyeol waves to him.

"Hurry up and get in!  It's nice and cool!"  He flips his lengthy dark hair out of his face.  Baekhyun walks over to the edge and kneels down.  Chanyeol swims over, like a crocodile keeping his chin and lips underwater.

"I was gonna read first, Yeollie."  Chanyeol pouts.  He blows some bubbles with his mouth.  Baekhyun is about to stand up when Chanyeol attacks.  He grabs his boyfriend's arms and yanks him into the water with a splash.  Floating in the water with Chanyeol, he really should have expected this outcome, so he enjoys it.  When they surface he blows water off his lips and Chanyeol laughs.

"Well, you've made your point."  Baekhyun says.  Chanyeol nods and latches onto him again.  It's somewhat awkward to have the taller boy holding onto him, they both sink under again.  Their laughs come out as bubbles.  They spend an hour splashing and attempting to dunk each other.  Baekhyun sometimes floats on his back with his ears covered in water, blocking all sound.  Chanyeol comes up and wraps his arm around his stomach and pulls him under.

When they grow tired of that, they sit together in the shallow end, with the occasional butterfly kiss, and talk.  Talk about the strangest things, like Chanyeol's theory that their town is run by aliens. 

"Baekhyunnie you're not going to tear off your skin and reveal you're an alien and eat me are you?"  Chanyeol asks, leaning toward Baekhyun.  Baekhyun smirks.

"You caught me, I just can't resist.  You're too delicious, earthling." He wraps his arms around Chanyeol's neck and pulls him underwater.  Chanyeol jerks in just the right way to pull Baekhyun under the water underneath him, and he bubble-laughs again. 

When more people arrive Baekhyun gets out of the pool and sits with a towel and a good book.  Chanyeol does some laps.  The woman behind the desk is replaced with a burly looking man who gives Baekhyun a strange look before going onto the computer.  Chanyeol comes over to the table, dripping.

"Come back in with me one last time before we go Baekhyunnie~"  He says in his cutest possible voice.  The depth of his tone makes it all the more amusing and endearing.  Baekhyun sticks a bookmark in and slides the book back into their bag.  As he stands up, he notices an officer talking to the man behind the counter. 

"Chanyeol."  Baekhyun points over to him, big mistake.  The cop and staff member make eye contact with them.  Chanyeol takes Baekhyun by the hand. 

And they run.  Out the door and through the courtyard and over a fence.  The cop is behind them.  The summer evening air fills their lungs and the sound of the cicadas and traffic is drowned out by their laughter.  The bare pavement is cool against their bare feet.  Chanyeol shouts to their pursuer and into the night air:

"Get us while we're hot!"

inspired by the provided lyric in the foreward, from Lana Del Rey's 'This Is What Makes Us Girls'

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Chapter 1: Phahaha baekyeol are geniuses!!! Sneaking into the hotel pool, such rebels! Phaha cute fic!
EunHae986 #2
Chapter 1: Kyakyakya! BaekYeol fluffiness overload! Hihi,,,
Great story! Especially during the hot summer~ It felt refreshing and it contained a lot of humour ^^ I really liked it!
menikkey #4 makes me wanna go swimming like seriously. XD
Delvae #5
awww nice and refreshing, like the first dip into a pool on a hot day :D
nice story ^^ they are such a cute couple ^^
(and I can totally imagine them to do something like that ^^)
Miah_bie #6
Such a lovable story I loves it hahaha
jessgo #7
cute :D
baek-yeols #8
so cute!!! ahahah <3