Letter to Yixing

Letter to Yixing


Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Forgive me for what I am about to say. As much as it pains me, I have to let you go. Please, don’t look for me , don’t try to contact me. It will only make this that much harder. We’ve been together for a while and I won’t ever forget the happy memories we’ve shared, I won’t ever forget our meeting, the moment our lips met. I won’t ever forget it. They will always stay locked away in my heart, they will be the most precious memories I have in this life time. You are probably questioning why I am letting you go, well…you have a dream. Unfortunately, I am not in that dream. Maybe one day when we’re older if we ever meet again, maybe we could pick up where we left off. You’re leaving China and going off to a better future, a better place. This is a decision I’ve decided to make. A decision, that is best for you.
I refuse to be the reason you don’t pursue your dreams. Go, go forward and fulfill them. Dancing is your life, singing is your dream, and you have finally found that chance. You have finally taken a step towards your future. While, I have taken none. I stand here, an indecisive girl, who is only in the way of your career. Follow your dreams, be happy. Find a girl you can be with, there. Not a plain ordinary girl, who has no dreams. Go. Be happy, make your dreams come true.
Wo ai ni……..
Yixing stared at the letter in his hand. She wasn’t coming to see him off, she was letting him leave without saying good bye in person. He reread it, noticing some smudges here in there…probably from her tears. He looked around hoping to see her, come running to him. In tears, telling him she didn’t mean it. He understood her reasons, but how could she think he’d be happy with another female? A woman other than her? Didn’t she know anything about his feelings? He looked around, frantic. They were starting to board the passengers. She wasn’t coming to see him off. He knew that once she made a decision, she didn’t go back on it. He looked back at the letter, fighting back tears. She wasn’t plain, she was perfect. In his eyes, she was exactly everything he wanted. His dream, was to make enough money to support her when she needed it. No matter the distance, he’d be in China for the most part anyways. He shut his eyes as the manager led him to the opening of the plane. He held on to the letter, like it was his the most precious thing in existence to him. Taking his seat, he placed his headphones on, crying silently into his hands. He took out a pen, turning over the letter, and began to write, a song that he would one day sing. A song that fans would love.
A song that she would one day hear. 
He reread it and felt satisfied with it, he wrote what was in his heart. How he felt, the things he wanted to tell her. 
“what are you writing?” his manager suddenly spoke up, handing him some tissues to wipe his eyes.
He smiled, removed his headphones, and took a tissue, wiping his eyes. “A song.”
“What’s it called?” 
He thought for a moment, reread it, smiled. 
“Airport Tears.”
Yeah, that sounded good.
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omg i love lay!
sshin96 #2
Heartbreakingly beautiful.
Enough said.
Thank you. For your comments! ^_^
Awwwww T-T
Even though this is a short story, it is very nice and sad.
I love it so much that I even subscribe, comment, and shared it on Facebook!!!
shinhaerin #5
;_________; yixing dont cry
Aww ):