Chapter 8

She's our Miracle



shenez73: OMFG I SO DID NOT THINK ABOUT THAT!!! XD!! that's so awesome!! XD!!! LMAO!!! *imadork*
eyaaaxx: Sorry this wasn't technically what happened next XD!!
Jun_KOI_Mi: We're getting there :)
mai994: Thank you so much!! I hope you keep loving it!!
OKAYLOVE: Thank you!!! Because OMG i love your () stories!! XD!! You're one of my gods on AFF XD!!! Please guide me well...okay i shouldn't say that for this is not a story..but in the future!!
axrawr617: Oh shush woman we're getting there XD!!
_DyNaR_: I updated, but i'm so sorry it was so short :(
secretlyinluv: Ahaha, sorry this isn't technically a "what happens next" *sigh* i'm making you guys so unsatisfied T^T
miel123: Thank you very much, although this update isn't much XD!!
WinterJasmine: I hope it stays catching your interest :)
SoulRugger: Yay~ finally someone asks~! Don't worry i'll make it all sense soon :))
white_charm: I'm so happy you and SoulRugger are asking questions XD!! But like i said, i'll clear things up soon okay?
dark_butterfly: She's being a fake fortune teller, for her words aren't wise XD!!
cjae09: Hello new reader~ and don't worry i'm trying to update as i can :))



Jaejoong and Yunmi had been bothered all week. About that woman and all the things she had said, but the minute they came home that night and saw Minjee running up to them, they decided to let it go. Psh~ yeah, let it go when all they could do was think about it. Trying to place pieces together but missing the big picture.

Jaejoong couldn’t even concentrate on this new song he was supposed to compose for their album; he stared at blank music sheets and repeatedly tapped the same key on the keyboard. As for Yunmi, she was getting lots of NG’s on her filming, she would phase out of her character and miss lines, having either a confused thought or a blank expression.

It wasn’t until a new scene that snapped Yunmi back to reality. For this scene was the one she experienced with Jaejoong. Her cheeks reddened at the thought but as she turn to see the main actor she couldn’t help but think, would the feeling be the same as she did with Jae?Snap out of it Yunmi! You’re an actress, now act like one and give everyone a break. She scolded herself. She took a deep breath and shifted into her character.

When the director cued the action, she immediately went to work. But today, for once, she didn’t think about the mysterious woman. She thought about Jaejoong, and couldn’t help comparing him to this man. He wasn’t as less as Jae nor more, but she can’t stop her mind from wanting Jae instead. She would have preferred him over anybody else, just the mere image of him in her head sent her heart racing and she went numb for a second. His plump lips glistened as he it, those eyes that were only set for her, and his simple touch that can make her burn more alive than she ever felt. Oh dear god, did she liked him? No, it felt stronger than that. Love…?

“Yunmi.” A hand waved in front of her eyes.

She blinked a couple times to regain conscious. “Eh?” From the groans as a response, she knew she messed up again. “I’m so sorry.” Yunmi apologized. She cleared and went right back to work.

On Jaejoong’s side though, wasn’t bliss either even if he did have their bright sunshine of Minjee with him. He’s just glad she’s drawing on the table in the living room, quietly humming. He was mad at himself, he couldn’t come up with something and it was frustrating him. This was the only time he had to at least play something, because he knew that if he didn’t do this now he may never get to it. One more look at the keyboard and he wanted to bang his head hard on it.

He sighed and blew his hair out of his eyes before slumping on his chair, tilting his head back. That was when he really listened to Minjee’s hum. If he wasn’t going to do anything he could at least listen to her tune, which was surprisingly good. The sound made him at peace and he closed his eyes sinking deeper into it, and unexpectedly Yunmi invaded his mind. Her face appeared, those twinkling eyes of playfulness and innocence, her luscious red lips turning into a sweet smile, and her warm voice that sent him in awe.

Jaejoong’s eyes snapped open at the sudden realization, had he like her? He didn’t know but just thinking about her spiked up his inspiration and he started to play a melody going on in his head. He didn’t stop, couldn’t stop, it was like he was on a roll and within thirty minutes he had made a song. A few more tweaks and it was going to be perfect.

“Daddy!” Minjee ran into the room with a piece of paper in hand. Jaejoong huffed, as if he had sprinted a mile, from all the creativity that had left his fingers. “I remember!” She jumped in joy.

“Remember what?” He stared down at her.

She waved the paper up in the air at him. “The lyrics.” Lyrics. Yes, that was what the song needed. He grabbed the paper from her and analyzed it. This was perfect. He smiled, even though he couldn’t read some of her handwritings and misspelled words. “It’s the lyrics from mama’s lullaby.” She announced. Jaejoong paused, stunned. He hadn’t noticed earlier, but he had created a song from just thinking about her. This harmony came from her, dedicated to her. This instantly proves that his feelings for her had become so much more than a small “like”.


Not much talking and is short, but it does show a lot with tiny baby steps to the ultimate “love”~. (Boy did that sound cheesy =.=) But while writing this I felt EXACTLY like Jaejoong, looking at my computer keyboard (not piano) I wanted to just slam my head down, but this was my only time to write and it was a miracle I finished within an hour with minimum mistakes (but definitely explains why it was short XD)


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Oh my lovely subbies..I have not abandoned u, but my comp is being an idiot at the moment..please wait patiently TT TT


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Keahun #1
Chapter 15: nice one , thanks
yumizock #2
I just found your story and I think it's interesting...
Chapter 15: Awww Minjee you cutie bear :) cute story.
Chapter 15: Great story, enjoyed it very much. Wish it was longer though.
I think when you have time we need a sequel for this.
faridpraderago #5
Chapter 15: i love this^^
this is not so cliche and so many drama...this one is cute and funny!
You did a great job,authornim...
I expect more jaejoong story from you XD~
Chapter 15: great story ../.
loved reading it !!!!
by any chance are you going to write a sequel for this?
900204 #7
Chapter 15: This was such a fun and cute story to read! Thank you once again!
laulau #8
Chapter 15: Have you ever thought of writing a sequel to this story?
Aikarara #9
Chapter 15: just finish reading it.. cool story!! really.. wow.. author-nim.. i love this.. kkk.. >o<)b
Chapter 15: hey!! you subbed to my story i'll protect you. i was posting my thank you mssg on ur wall n i saw posts saying how good ur stories were. so, i decided to look. honestly, i really love this! its really sweet and romantic!! thanks for supporting my fanfic an i'll suppot yours!!