On Rainy Days

On Rainy Days

Checking the last equation, I finally set down my pen, and then let out a silent huff. I had gone over the questions in my paper at least three times, and have tried the best of my abilities to correct whatever I could. A few people around the room, were either still working on their math exam, or checking through their answers like what I had just done. There was also a few that had dozed off, or were carelessly doodling at the back of their test, but they were the ones that didn't take their studies seriously. I took a glimpse at the clock on the wall, to see that there was still ten minutes left of the exam. Tired, my thoughts started to drift away, where I suddenly found myself gazing out of the classroom window.

Oh? It's raining, huh?

I always found the rain to be such a soothing thing to watch. Like how some of the droplets would form on the window, and then eventually slip off of the surface. The shades of grey amongst the clouds were quite nice to look at as well, as they slowly changed here and there. It was weird how this weather would always remind me of a certain someone...but maybe that's because our first encounter was because of the rain. Ever since that day, our friendship grew, where we eventually formed a relationship and decided to be together. We had been inseparable for two years, and I really hope that it will continue to stay that way, once we finish this year, and then head off into university together.

Wait a minute; it's been two years already?

Wow, two whole years...well, we’ve technically known each other for three years, but ended up officially together on the second year.

But even though it's been that long, I still remember the day we met, quite clearly.

My day had started off just like every other day, where I would roll out of bed, go through my daily morning routine, grab my school things, along with a little of something to eat, just before heading out of the door. At school, it wasn't that different either, just the usual. I paid my locker a visit to grab my essentials for class, met up with my friends, and then headed off to class with them. Since I had left quite a few assignments to the last minute, sleep was something that I hadn't been able to do much, so it was a pain in the to stay awake during class. I was pretty ecstatic when the day had finally ended, because it seemed like it was going to go on forever.

By now, I was at the bus stop, and when the bus arrived, I found myself sitting down next to this cute boy. His dark brown hair suited his angelic-looking face, and throughout the bus ride, my eyes couldn’t stop peeking over at him for a few sneaky glances, here and there. At one point, he managed to catch me looking at him, and when I saw a tiny smile decorate his handsome face, my heart did a loop, as I easily returned the warm gesture. I didn't want to come off as strange, (even though I probably already implied that, with the creepy glances) or end up saying something that might be awkward, so I returned back to looking at anything and everything but him.

Out of nowhere, it suddenly began to rain, and I frowned. Bit by bit, the droplets began to fall more rapidly, to the point where it was now pouring. It was obvious that it would, with how that huge storm cloud had been slowly rolling in since the afternoon. I silently cursed myself for not bringing an umbrella with me today, even though the weather had been a little wet lately; knowing that just made me want to hit my head against the glass window more than I already wanted to. The male next to me must have noticed me cringe, because through my peripheral vision, I could see (and feel) him staring at me.

And when I turned to him a bit more, his face was full of concern, which surprised me.

"Do you have an umbrella?" he suddenly asked.

I blinked a bit, and then shook my head. "No..." I slowly replied, feeling a bit shy, "I should have really brought one though, huh?"

He didn't say anything when I showed him a sheepish smile, but the look on his face seemed as though he was lost in his thoughts. Soon, my stop had finally arrived, and I got off the bus. I shivered at the contact with the sudden wind, and the rain was still as heavy as before. The sun was close to being set by now, and the thought of it getting darker made me wary. With a sigh, I hoisted up my backpack, and slowly began my walk. At first, it was a little difficult to walk with this horrible wet weather, but with the more steps I took, I surprisingly found it getting easier and easier. It didn't seem to make much sense, and when I looked up out of curiosity, I was surprised to see how an umbrella had magically appeared over my head.

I looked next to me, and saw that the source for it was coming from the same angelic male that I was sitting next to, back on the bus.

Upon seeing me slightly shiver, his expression softens, as he took off his school blazer, and then gently draped it over me. "Come on, lead the way," he urged, while gesturing me to go forward.

I was taken aback by everything that was happening, and was too shocked to say anything properly for a few seconds. "Iumb-but why?" was what had ended up coming out of my mouth.

He smiled another dazzling smile at me. "This weather is terrible," began the male, “you’ll definitely catch a cold if you walk home without an umbrella."

I felt a warm sensation flutter within my chest, and smiled at his kindness. It was just the two of us, silently standing there underneath the umbrella for a while, until I mustered up the courage to thank him.

“Thanks, um...”

"Joonmyun,” he brightly said, “my name is Joonmyun, but please call me Suho.”

Joonmyun and Suho are two completely different names, but they seem to suit him either way. I slowly nodded, taking that in, and then told him my name.

With that, he accompanied me home, and I was very grateful for it, for it felt like having a guardian angel of my own.

"Alright, and time is now up!" said a voice, snapping me out of my thoughts.

The teacher got out of his seat, and began to collect back the papers. As he did so, people were expressing their joy for the test finally being over, while others began to compare the answers that they had wrote for certain questions. The bell suddenly rang, signaling the end of the day, and everyone quickly packed up their things. In a flash, we all piled out of the classroom together, excited for home time. I made a quick stop at my locker to grab a few books, said goodbye to my friends, and then made my way outside. As I walked towards the exit of the school gates underneath the shelter, I frowned at how I had forgotten to take out my umbrella from my locker.

Damn, why am I so forgetful?

The miserable feeling quickly dissolved away, as soon as I managed to spot a familiar brunette, standing near the school gates, with an umbrella.

“Suho oppa!" I happily called out.

His face instantly lit up once he saw me quickly making my way over to him. "Hey," he said, as his hand automatically found my own, "how was your exam?"

"Great!" I chirped, while lacing my fingers with his. "I managed to finish earlier than I thought. How was your day?"

“It was alright,” he shrugged, “but I have a lot of studying to do, though.”

I let out a little sigh and nodded, understanding his pain.

As we continued to make our way back home together, my mind thought back to how this all began, and couldn't help but compare the 'then' with the 'now'. I let out a small giggle, when Suho started to gently swing our connected hands together. A squeal escaped my mouth, when I felt a few water droplets land on my head, and seeing that, Suho softly chuckled, as he instantly stopped the swinging, and then brought me right against his body. I automatically wrapped an arm around his waist, happy to be closer to his warm self.

Within the span of two years, our relationship from complete strangers, managed to develop into us being partners. It did take us a while to actually get to where we were though, with us both having been so shy at doing something about it in the first place. But through the push of a couple of our mutual friends, and their devious ways of getting us to ‘accidentally’ meet, we finally managed to get our feelings across. I guess my point is, if you ever forget your umbrella on a rainy day, make sure you make a really bummed out face while standing next to someone who you think is cute.

Because as weird as that may sound, it might actually be a good sign, and turn into something like this.

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Chapter 1: This is indeed so cute and it fits Suho perfectly. He's so selfless and cares much about his loved ones it almost hurts. He's too sweet for his own good T_T

It's really well-written ;D I love it!
Chapter 1: I agree with the comment below me...why can't real life be like this. And it's a good thing you chose Suho for this story--he is the guardian of water after all haha.

I posted on another one of your stories about how I wanted a Suho fic before I saw this one. Again, wonderful story author-nim! I like how you're inspired to write fics from your own experiences. Don't stop! Can't wait to read what you have next!
Oh gosh, now I'm depressed. WHY CAN'T REAL LIFE BE LIKE THIS? TT_TT
Omg such a cute story ;~;
aww~ so cute ^^
dawn_yhm #6
HAHA stumbled upon this while listening to B2ST's On Rainy Days:)
nts: forget the umbrella