

. . Hoe. .

That’s what everyone called Park Haneul. And she was well aware that she was one.

Being the queenka of her school, she’s bratty. Noisy. Rude. But deep inside of her, she’s not. Ever since her parents started a company when she was five, she hasn’t been getting much attention from her parents. They would come back from work when she’s sleeping at night, and leave when she’s waking up for school. She would only be able to spend time with them for an hour on Saturday mornings, then she would see them leave for work. So how did a five year-old girl spend her time at a huge and luxurious mansion? Her parents hired maids that would specifically “play” with her while her parents are gone. What her parents didn’t know was that she cried and cried every night with her hands over so that they couldn’t hear her saying, “They hate me. They don’t love me anymore.”

As years passed by, her parents started to notice changes in her. During elementary school, she would keep her distance from others. When someone tried to talk to her, she would always push them down or swear back at them. She has been sent to the principal’s office so many times the school couldn’t take her anymore so they kicked her out. Her parents started to wonder about what happened to the sweet, lovable girl that she was before, but they didn’t know what was going on.

Later on, her parents decided to homeschool her until she was finished with her education for middle school. She was relieved by the fact that she would leave that “hell-hole” and be alone, by herself. They hired the most prestigious tutor to teach her, and she went along with her studies until her parents started to notice a change in her, once again. It was the year right before high school, and Haneul felt lonely. She felt as if no one wanted her alive, even her parents. That’s why she started to steal their money, buy things for herself, and even talk back at her parents.

Revenge. That was the only reason why she acted this way. She wanted revenge because she was aware that her parents only left her at home because they didn’t even bother to spend time with each other. Not even to teach her about work, nothing. They didn’t even talk to her when they got home unless Haneul started a conversation, but they would reply with the same replies over and over again .

“That’s great Haneul.”
“Can you talk to me later? I’m a little tired.”
“I’m busy, Haneul.”

That was when she determined to ignore them for the rest of her life. Even if they died, she wouldn’t care. Just like how they didn’t care about her.

It was her first year of high school and she was determined to be the best. She wanted attention. Not because she was y, but because she wanted the loving attention she never got for the past fifteen years of her life. But everything went wrong when she found out how to be the center of attention. She had to be on top.

She was the queenka by the time she was in her second year of high school. The seniors were even scared of her. Haneul was the baddest and rudest of them all, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t know how or when to stop. She was enjoying the attention that she got, but she still knew in her heart that what she was doing was wrong. But that still didn’t stop her.

In her second year of high school, she met her first friend. Not the ones who clung around her for her money, but a friend that just wanted to be friends with her simply because he wanted to befriend her.

And his name was Kim Suho.

Now, Suho was yet another kingka. At first all Haneul would do if ignore him and lead him off, thinking that he was yet another guy wanting her money. But for weeks, he would follow her everywhere, asking to be friends. He would always smile brightly, making all the girls love him even more, but all that just annoyed Haneul. She would insult him everyday, just to show him that she wasn’t interested, but he would always show his eye smile and say,

“You’re cute.”

So how did they become friends?

It all started when one day, he found Haneul sitting alone in a classroom. It surprised him since he knew that a girl like her would never stay in a classroom after school, or to even care about coming to school. He went inside the classroom and propped a chair in front of her desk and rested his chin on his hand. He looked at her as she looked in front of the classroom, ignoring him. Suho kept switching his arms to have a more comfortable posture as he looked at her eyes. Even though Haneul couldn’t take it being watched, Suho didn’t mind and looked at her carefully. Hanuel couldn’t take it anymore.

“Didn’t your parents ever tell you that staring at someone is rude? I know that I’m pretty, but I would appreciate it if you would get the hell out of here,”

“My parents did tell me that. But I can’t help it. And, why are you here in the classroom, all alone?”

“You don’t need to know every ing little thing in my life,”

“Haneul, can I help you?

Haneul just sat there.

No one has ever asked her if they can help her, not even her own parents. It has always been,


“What’s wrong with you, Haneul?”

“Why can’t you do anything right, Haneul?”

“Why are you so ty, Haneul?”

“I’m not trying to be rude in any way, but why are you so y, Haneul?”

“Haneul, why do you have to be that way?”

“Haneul, why are you so rude?”


Haneul was flabbergasted. She was speechless. She sensed something inside of him that she has never felt before, not even from her own parents. She didn’t know why; she just did. She told him everything that was going on in her life, starting with how her parents don’t even pay attention to her. Suho kept listening, amused and fascinated by her story. When Haneul was done, she couldn’t stop her cheeks from flushing into a deep shade of red from embarrassment. She told him to forget about everything she said and started to leave, but he held her back and said,

“So that’s why. You have such beautiful heart inside you, I don’t know why you’re not letting it shine.”

And starting from that day, Haneul and Suho were friends.

But Haneul couldn’t stop herself from wanting to be more than friends.

It was senior year, and Haneul still didn’t stop herself from being the conceited girl she is.


Haneul took off her dark-brown Prada sunglasses and read the title of her school’s newspaper.

“Lee Jungho--School’s Top Student--Flunks Final Exam?” She squinted her eyes as she read the captions underneath the headlines. “Park Haneul-- Only Suspect!” Haneul scoffed as she read through the article. She couldn’t care less if she was being criticized by other people.

“Haneul, can you at least stop giving guys heartbreaks? You knew that Jungho can’t handle relationships very well,” Suho gave her a look of disapproval as he gave her a slight nudge.

She could still remember the day very well. It was a Monday; Haneul was sitting at a table eating her lunch when Jungho sat next to her. He started eating and he didn’t say a word. The silence was killing her. She slammed her fork down on the table and stood up. She was the center of the attention by now, and she looked at Jungho. She yelled at him for being such a ‘boring loser’ and she said that it was over. Jungho looked at her with a fierce look in his eyes, saying, “You’re breaking up with me?”

“Well obviously that’s what I’m doing here, honey,” She stood up and left, trying to clean this mess up as fast as possible, but everything changed when he grabbed her wrist and turned her around. Haneul had a ‘thing’ when people touched her wrist. It pissed her off, except for Suho. So with her free hand, she grabbed her lunch and shoved it in his face. She pried his hands off her and looked at the “masterpiece” she made. She kissed her hand and exclaimed a “muah!” like what an artist would, and added a piece of carrot on top of his head that she took from a girl’s lunch right next to her. Jungho was raging. He looked at her and before he could say anything, she stuck up her middle finger and walked out of the cafeteria like a model, yelling “HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!” She ditched school for the rest of the evening.

“Oh, boys need to grow up. Just because I dumped him and shoved my lunch in his face in front of the whole school the day before the exams doesn’t meant that everyone has to blame his grades on me. Something else could have happened to him at home. He got way too boring as well and I don't even get why he's a kingka. People are just so annoying these days,” Haneul’s eyes wandered to the reporter’s name. Yoo Nabin. Haneul was determined to look for her later in the day... If she had time. Her Wednesdays were the busiest; she had a massage appointment with Dr. Cho, she had to pick up her leather shoulder bag from the newest collection from Gucci, as well as as picking up her pre-order of the lastest leather boots from Tory Burch.

“And besides, you have to give me some props. I mean, my name has popped up on the headlines seven times in a row! They just love me, don’t they?” Haneul exclaimed sarcastically as she looked at Suho who was sitting next to her on the bench.

Suho sighed. He just looked at the students that were leaving the school building. “Why am I even with you here? You said that you didn’t need me anymore after I helped you find your homeroom this morning for the umpteenth time this year. You know that it’s half-way through the school year, silly,” He looked at Haneul with a mischievous look in his eyes.

“I already told you. You need to drive me this whole afternoon since my parents took away my car after I almost killed someone while I was driving,” Haneul emphasized the ‘almost’ part. “Besides, that’s probably the only thing my ty parents ever cared about. Plus, I almost killed the lady that was walking on the street. She could have walked faster if she didn’t want me to run over her with my new Zenvo ST1. My baby got scratches on the side because of her, you know,” Haneul couldn’t understand why people had to scold her for her mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, right?

“Aigoo, Haneul, when will you ever stop getting into so much trouble? I’m getting sick of this,” Suho exclaimed.

Haneul glared at him. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I never begged for you to stay with me anyways,” She stood up and started to leave. Suho ran up to her and stood in front of her. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, waiting for an apology.

“Okay okay, I’ll drive you. Your highness, please get in the car,” Suho bowed down and led her to his electric-blue Ascari A10. Haneul smiled at his actions and followed.

“Yah, Kim Suho. Why do you still drive this around this anyways? You’re still richer than me by a little bit. Do you want me to get you a new car for your birthday?” Haneul questioned as she got in the car with him.

“Oh, you’re so caring. I only got this eight months ago. I don’t need to buy a new car every three months, unlike someone,” Suho stole a glance at Haneul who was already looking at him. She scoffed. “Besides, I don’t want a new one. I had to get one since my old car was breaking down. This is expensive already,” Eunhae gave him a ‘whatever’ look and looked outside the car window.

Suho leaned toward Haneul’s ear and said, “Also, earlier if I didn’t apologize while you were walking away from me, where were you going to go anyways?” Suho asked in a teasing voice. Haneul froze. She had her car taken away, and the only transportation she would have gotten that was near the school was the city bus, and she swore that she would never ride that, even if that was the only transportation vehicle left on earth. Suho knew that as well.

“You know, I think we will be friends forever. You know why? We’re just too lazy to find new ones.” Suho said enthusiastically and he rested his hands on the back of his head.

Haneul crossed her arms and muttered,

Shut the up and drive.”


Haneul and Suho’s relationship as friends were well known to everyone, and they didn’t understand why such a nice guy would be friends with a girl like “her”. Suho didn’t care about what they would call her and only said that you shouldn’t judge a person from the outside. Everyone didn’t get it or care; they just hated Haneul, even the teachers. The only reason why she stayed at the school was that her parents donated money to the school every year so the principal has no choice but to let her stay at the school. Haneul couldn’t care any less about whether she stayed in school or not, except for staying with Suho. She loved him. Haneul couldn’t make herself not to, but everything changed when she saw him with another girl.

It was just another day at school when she stepped inside the school building, walking in the halls as if she owned the place. It was just then when she saw Suho smiling at chatting with another innocent looking girl. But this time, she looked too innocent. She didn’t look like those girls who acted as if they were innocent and flirted with him all the time. Haneul didn’t care about them, but when she saw him with her, something just irked her. She didn’t like it at all.

Haneul walked up to them and flashed her pearl-white teeth at her as she stood next to Suho. She said hi to him and asked him who she was. She pushed up her glasses and looked at the floor.

“Yoo Nabin. She’s in my chemistry class,”

Yoo Nabin. Haneul’s eyebrows scrunched up together. She swore she heard that name before. Right then, she finally realized who she was.

“So you’re the who wrote about all those lies about me on the school newspaper! What ungrateful you are! I can’t believe people these days would actually have the nerve to-” Suho blocked and apologized to Nabin before he dragged her away from the crowd Haneul had made. He dragged her outside and forcefully pushed her down on the bench. Haneul looked at him with rage in her eyes and before she could say anything, Suho started first.

“Haneul, what is wrong with you?!” Suho yelled at her. She glared at him. He said yet another thing that everyone else said to her, but since he was her friend, she was mad. Furious.

“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?! She was the one who wrote those lies about me on the school newspaper and you just had to cut me off!” Haneul yelled back. No matter who it was, she did not like to lose.

“You never got mad at anyone when I talked to girls, why her?”

Why her? Haneul didn’t understand why, but she got mad at her because she was just another innocent face. She absolutely hated that. And the way that Suho was looking at her was unbearable.

“Suho, do you like that girl or something? Why are you getting mad at me?!”

“Just because I’m your friend doesn’t meant that I can’t get mad at you. And so what? What if I do like her? Maybe I do but then you came and messed everything up!”

Haneul’s heart broke. The boy she loved liked another girl. Haneul just stared at the boy infront of her. She felt as if her heart has been stabbed multiple times by a knife and she can’t get it out. She couldn’t say anything. Nothing would come out. Inside of her, tears were starting to form in her eyes but she used all her strength to hold them back. She didn’t want anyone--especially Suho-- to see her crying.

Suho massaged his temples and looked at the ground. “You know, I don’t think I can tolerate this any longer. I don’t know why you just did that, but I think it’s best that we don’t see each other anymore.” And with that, Suho left Haneul on the bench, tears slowly trickling from her eyes.

The following school days for everyone was anything but normal. Everyone noticed how Haneul and Suho are now distant.

“This is what you get, .”

Snickers and whispering always surrounded her wherever she went. Usually, when she can hear someone talking about her, she would always yell at them and act as if she was better than all of them, but lately, she didn’t care anymore. Even though she acted as if she was unaffected by anything, her heart would eventually break little by little whenever she saw Suho in the halls. Things didn’t make it any better when she kept seeing him with Nabin all the time.

Haneul honestly didn’t know what to do. Go on with her life? Forget about him? Act as if nothing has happened? She couldn’t do any of that, knowing that Suho was the one tho mended the pieces of her broken heart two years ago, and he shattered it once again. He was the only one in her heart, and nothing would ever change that.

Haneul would constantly walk to the park everyday. She didn’t know why, but the kids that were there seemed to ease the pain for her little by little. But one day, she finally got the courage to call him.


“Suho... I don’t know where to start. I’m sorry. Sorry for everything. I honestly don’t know why I shouted at her. I don’t even know why I’m still like this. Come back to me, Suho. I want you to be by my side again. It feels so empty without you and I have nothing to lean on, so I feel like I’m going to fall on the ground and never get back up. I need you. You are the one who makes me happier than anyone else. You are the only one who makes me smile when I’m at my worst. I can spend every second of my life with you, but since you aren’t with me anymore, I feel hopeless. I don’t know why, but I just do. Sometimes I think I’m crazy for thinking this, but I think I’m in love with you. No, I am in love with you. I need you by my side again, Suho,” By the time Haneul said this, tears were streaming down her face. She felt like a disaster. She didn’t know what to do. She snapped her phone shut and cried.


Haneul looked behind her and she saw him. Kim Suho. She ran up to him and hugged him, saying sorry over and over again. He smiled and hugged her back.

“Babo. Did you really think I would ignore you for long? I couldn’t stand it either. I don’t like Nabin. I don’t think I ever will. And Haneul, I need you too. When it hurts to look back and you’re afraid to look forward, just look beside you and I’ll always be there. That’s what friends are for, right?” Haneul nodded on his chest and looked up. She slowly lifted up a small smile and said,

“I love you a lot, Suho.”

And with that, he replied by locking his lips into hers.

People would always tell her to hold on to the things she loved before she loses them, but she never listened. But this time, she knew she was never going to let him go.



asdfghjkl I don't like this one-shot either. I prefer my other one haha

You know how there are always those "es" in fanfics and she always gets in the way of the main character's realtionship with the guy? I tried to make a story from their perspective... But I think I failed ahaha. Check out my other stories too<3

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Chapter 1: i cried TT

but then i realized that the ending was really sweet.
from tears of sadness to tears of joy ~^^
I teared up.
i like it~
thanks for this nice fic^^
omo i like this story! i wish i had friend like suho too he's so sweet i cant even pftttttttttt hahahaha
I think this need a sequel. Seriously~~
chocolatefromheaven #6
Aww~~ This is so sweettt
negene #7
What a beautiful one shot you write here :) You make me cry two times, thank you! LOL
hahakap #9
i love your story.. T__T.. i hope you will make multi-chapter story about suho..