L.Joe Likes Me?


L.Joe, the kingka of T.O.P high, has had a crush on you for 4 years? Wow, that's a first. Why you ask? You're probably the most hated person of the school. Was there a reason? No. It was just because you were a nerd. A nerd, who was smart and pretty. You were smart, had a pretty body, but you were quiet. VERY quiet. People picked on you, and made you do their homework. You got taken advantage of because you never felt like standing up for yourself and never thought that fighting back was the answer. So, you quietly took their hateful remarks and quietly helped them finish their homework. Not like finishing their homework was hard or anything. School was a breeze for you in general. But the remarks? They hurt, a lot. But you never showed it. 

L.Joe always watched from the side, and tried to quietly protect you as much as he could. He would ask you out, and make you his girlfriend but, he was a kingka as well. Everybody at school loved him and girls drooled over him. But, you, the one who was always picked on, wouldn't you hate him? He was a kingka, and you probably thought all kingkas were jerks. 



You, Park Li Na- 

Everyone at school thought that you were a stupid ugly nerd. But really? You weren't ugly at all. You always had your beautiful long hair down in curls. Okay you had glasses but, was it your fault you were as blind as a bat? You didn't have much friends since everyone thought you were a snobby and stuck up rich girl. Your parents owned one of the biggest companies in Korea. You were pretty rich. You would have been home schooled but, you wanted to be a normal person and go to normal school and make friends. You were really smart, and people always made fun of you and tried to get you to do their homework but, L.Joe would always show up and tell them to buzz off and do their own homework. And that is another reason why everybody hates you. L.Joe was very protective of you, and they were jealous poopheads. You had a secret crush too. Guess who it was? None other than the almighty L.Joe. Whenever he protected you, you always blushed to yourself, but would never dare to confess to him, as you were scared of rejection.


L.Joe, aka Lee Byunghun- 

He was kingka of the school. Girls drooled over him, and guys wanted to be him. He ruled the school with TeenTop, his crew, his gang. Yes, he was in a gang. Of course he was! No one dared to mess with the L.Joe because everyone knew how good he was at fighting. He was the absolute best. He's had a crush on you since the sixth grade, and now, you guys were sophmores in highschool. He always thought that you were beautiful, and he loved your shy but bubbly personality. L.Joe seems to be a cold person, but if you really got to know him, he was a complete byuntae(ert) and a skinship monster. He would ask you out, but he was afraid that you hated him because he was kingka. 


Your best friend, Lee Ji Eun-

Your best friend for life. She was your best friend since you two were born. Your parents' companies were merged together and worked together, so both of you were rich girls. She got made fun of along with you, since everybody was jealous of you guys, being rich and pretty and smart. They really had no reason to make fun of you guys, but they did. Ji Eun was much more fiesty than you, and would always spew out a line of curses and fight the person making fun of you guys, leaving the person walking away crying. So technically, people were quite scared of Ji Eun. But yet, they never learned their lessons, and continued to make fun of you two. She knew you liked L.Joe and completely supported your crush on him. You two certainly didn't think he was a jerk kingka since he always protected you. Ji eun, herself had a crush on Chunji, a member of TeenTop. She thought he was absolutely adorable. 



They knew L.Joe had a crush on you for a long time. They already thought of you as their sister because L.Joe has liked you for so long. They all got your back, even if you didn't know they did. They would never hurt or make fun of you, knowing that if they dared, L.Joe would whoop their asses. 


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tahlima #1
Chapter 10: When are u gonna update this story
Plz udate soon
EjLovesYou #2
Chapter 10: This is great^^ It's so cute and I love Teen Top so much <3 You're a good author :)
Goldie #3
Chapter 10: Hahaha are u serious?! Teentop is the waiters!
Yahh! Author nim! I'm dying! xDD UPDAAAATEEE
Chapter 9: she was forced to marry jong in? As in jong in? Wow i wouldnt mind though :))
ljoe2320 #6
Chapter 10: cant wait any longer. please update. ><
ljoe2320 #7
Chapter 10: ohmaigawd i LOVE your fanfic!! please update >< pleeeaaseeee ><
LavyChua #8
Chapter 10: Great story plot. Waiting for updates!! ^^
hana_yuki #9
Chapter 10: author-nim please update this fanfic....
Chapter 10: You're not updating this one anymore..... I'm sad now...