
Negatives To A Positive



He complains that you shop too much, as he carries your shopping bags as both of you continue to venture round the mall.
No matter how much he complains, he still let's you dress him up and walks with you from one end of the mall to another before teasing you about how shopping is his exercise and no longer yours.

He can have really bad taste at fashion, at times, protesting that the design is ugly or is nothing special till both you begin arguing. 
However, it doesn't last very long when he kisses you and shuts you up and asks you to buy it if you think it's nice or special. Then constantly tells you that it was worth buying when you begin to groan at because it was an impulse buy.

Majority of your meals together were either takeouts or your cooking but never his, only because he was never really good at it. And majority of the bakings you did together were either slightly messed up or ended up not even baking due to the slight flour and egg fight in the kitchen.
But those flour or egg fights usually end up with both of you rolling in the floor, giggling between kisses while he removes the egg white out of your hair.

There was also a once in a life experience when you did see Kyuhyun cook, brows knitted with concentration as he read the recipe. He also ends up burning his finger and possibly slicing bit of his skin in the process, hissing at the pain. And then he notices you with a deep blush on his cheek, explaining it was your one year anniversary and he thought he would cook for both of you.

Probably the last coherent thing either of you said after dinner as you ended up tangled in the sheets.

Kyuhyun definitely had a tendency to hog the blankets, tugging more and more of it to his side, till you're left with none and possibly freezing your off or be incredibly frustrated.

He also drools, though he doesn't admit it, sometimes on your shoulder or just on the pillow. He snores too. Sometimes, when he's up gaming, shouts at his computer, curse at it maybe, and definitely not in bed with you. 
Even though he hogs the blanket, he'll wrap his arms around you, tugs you close to him and keeps you warm, nuzzling his nose into your back, muttering an apology that he isn't the most amazing boyfriend in the world. 

Or he sings you a lullaby, making you swoon just from his rich and velvety voice. He would also whispers sweet nothings in your ear, making you feel like his princess.

He doesn't have great skin, acne scars on his cheeks. Scowling every time you try to apply some sort of weird smelling, acne controlling cream on his face.
Although he hates the random creams that you apply on his face, he still enjoys the rare times where either of you gives a facial to each other, then simply falling asleep beside you till the mask dries or till you finally get up to wash it off.

Both of you also enjoy the unattractive looking kisses you share with the face masks on, face masks smearing on to each other's face and hair, or both your faces get stuck on to each other from the still-drying masks. Also, sometimes accidentally tasting them whilst kissing each other.

Everyone know that he's addicted to games especially Starcraft. Whenever you visit him, and eventually stay for the night, your lullaby would consist of zergs dying and him cursing or cheering from his victory. Also, the rare sight where he can get incredibly moody due to poor connection or from losing too many games in a row.
Whenever you have this sudden mood to game, he would allow you to sit either in front of him or in his lap, arms wrapped around you with his controller in his hand. 

Pointing out the controls for the game, though it was pretty useless since you usually just press random buttons and with a bit of luck, you manage to beat him. Or...Kyuhyun would purposely lose the game for you, but you could easily tell when he did that.

Usually it ends with tickle fights, giggles and laughter filling the living room, opened bag of chips abandoned on coffee table or the floor. Then the occasional sloppy kisses on the couch, fingers tangling into each other's hair, tongues caressing against each other, leaving both of you breathless as you part.

He has his flaws.
But most of his negatives turn to positives, and he always makes you happy.


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Snarky #1
Chapter 1: Love it so much.. Its so sweet :3
kyuhyunlover3 #2
@silverpaw22 thanks for reading~glad you like it!
Aww, soooo cute >.<
Thank you!