My Dear Pencil

My dear Pencil

Kids always use pencils. Everyday at school, when doing assignments, and when they're just drawing. As we also all know a pencil would always come with an eraser. we make mistakes when we write, when we draw. A life of a pencil is considerably much longer than an eraser. We make mistakes more often than we sharpen our pencil. Little by little we use our eraser and in time we would see our eraser is gone. We would buy a new one but still be using the same pencil. We do this always not knowing what these pencils and erasers feel.

" luhan hyung... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything " sehun said in a sad voice
" for what sehun-ah? " luhan said 

They were like this yet again. Every time luhan would erase something sehun had made, the younger would feel  very guilty. Before, this conversation rarely occurred but ever since Luhan became smaller and weaker sehun seems to breakdown much often.

Luhan knows this was his destiny, to be used to erase and every time he did he would lose a part of himself. He accepted it. But never  did he know that he'll fall in love with the reason he's going to die.

He learned to just fake a smile for his pencil whenever this comes up and cherish his remaining time with sehun.

" hyung... Why do you have to be like that? Why do you keep on sacrificing yourself for the mistakes I've done" the younger said with voice quaking

The older used the smile he'd been trying to learn for the younger and said " i was made to be like this sehun-ah... I was supposed to help you remember?, they said that before we were created "

" but they never told me I would love you, hyung" the pencil said, finally letting his tears flow ... 

The eraser was surprised, he never heard the pencil say that. Yes, he does feel the love and care sehun gives him but he never really hear him say it to him like this.

" I-I love you. I love you so frikkin much it hurts to see you like this." he cried harder and harder.
" sehun-ah ... i l-Lo..." luhan began but was pulled away .
" hyung! Hyung! " sehun shouted 

Yet again luhan was being used with the little life he still have. He just let his tears flow and silently cry while he's being used as an eraser for the last time.

They both know this was luhan's last time. He was already too small and fragile. This was their last time together...

" LUHAN HYUNG! .... " sehun shouted in pain ... It's too much for him to see his love one little by little losing his life...
" please stop... Please stop... Stop... " sehun kept on chanting while crying... 

Finally it did.. 
Sehun, as a pencil, went to luhan as fast as his body would allow him to.
" Sehun-ah I love you, I love you so much..." luhan kept saying when sehun was by his side
" please don't leave me luhan.." sehun closed his eyes for he knows what'll happen next. He closed his eyes and cry quietly this time.
" sehun-ah.. I-I love y-you..." and said that for the last time...
" hyung , hyung, " sehun called like it could bring back his love. 
" I love you too.." finally saying it when reality struck him that luhan would be forever gone...
The wind blew and the remnants of the luhan from the paper he erased was blown to sehun....
" you'll be with me always, right luhan, my eraser? You'll always be mine... Forever" sehun thought as he picked the remnants and hugged it... Tight

' my dear pencil, I would be with you ... Forever'

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Chapter 1: OMG,...this is sad....
This is so creative :O Hope you update soon, I like it :D