Chapter 1 |Reality

Fighting the Test


I hummed and bobbed my head along with the song that I've been listening to for the last minutes. Listening to his voice always soothes me down and would give me butterflies. I giggled excitedly because in just a few minutes that voice would be talking to me , or so I thought. 


I had been waiting for an hour and out of all the things that I hate in my life, waiting would be number 2nd with sharing my food being the first. I slightly winced when the cold wind hit my bare skin and grumbled. I thought of waiting for a few minutes but everyone has their limit and I've reached mine.  


"That idiot, I'll kill him for making me wait." I picked up my bag and made my way towards the bus stop, boiling in anger. My phone rang the moment I sat at the bus stop, I thought I couldn’t get anymore angrier but I did when Kyungsoo called. 


"You know you're dead, right?" I heard hurried footsteps and when I turned to my right I saw him panting still holding his phone to his ear. "You're early." I mumbled on the phone and he apologetically smiled. "I'm sorry, baby." He said when he neared me and I glared at him.  


I shivered when wind blew and he took off his jacket to wrap it around me. "Wear something thicker, won't you?" He scolded and I rolled my eyes. "I didn’t know March would be this cold." He sat next to me and hugged me close, trying to keep me warm.  


"I'm sorry I'm late, practice ended later than I thought it would." I sighed against his chest, it's not his fault that he's late, who am I to be angry at him for that? "It's okay, practice comes first." We stayed in each other's arms for a few minutes until I was completely warmed up. 




Since it was late, most of the shops were closed and almost no one was on the streets except for both of us. Fortunately, we found a stall that was still opened and I was too hungry and it was too cold.  


I ordered everything I craved for, and I literally meant everything. Kyungsoo chuckled , "Eat up, baby." I held out a soondae out to him, "Ahh." And he chewed on it like a kid. I kept on feeding him, "You're losing your weight, eat more."  


I noticed the bruise on his arms and he quickly covered them when he saw that I was looking at them. "You're okay, right?" I asked, knowing that he got the bruises from the intense training. He tiredly nodded, "Don’t' worry too much. I'm fine." And I dropped the questions.It's his dream, who am I to ask him to take a rest? 


Our little date was cut off short when a call came from Kyungsoo's manager yelling at him over the phone. Even though it was not on speaker, I  could hear his manager's voice telling how stupid and a waste of time he was being.  


I kept on eating, pretending I didn’t hear any of those hurtful words. Kyungsoo hung up on the phone and I ate non-chalantly. He sighed and I knew that he had to go. He wiped the corner of my lips that's smeared with sauce before smiling at me weakly. 


"You can go." I said to him and held my hands in his before kissing my lips softly. "Come on, I'll send you home." And we all know he can't do that but I still smiled, appreciate his thoughtful thought. "It's okay, baby. I'm still hungry. You should go." 


He reluctantly released my hands and stood up. I made a move to give him back the jacket but he kept it in place, "Keep it, it's cold." He kissed me one last time before walking away, leaving me alone to drown in my own sorrow. 


I watched as he disappeared and I sighed. It's going to be a rough road for him alone and me being with him is just going to be an extra burden. Who am I to keep him from reaching his dream?


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I'll start to post chapters again for this story once I've finished 'Sealed Lips.' Please wait for a little bit more. :D


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ohkyung #1
Chapter 18: Okay you're killing me
ohkyung #2
Chapter 17: Please please please tell me Kyungsoo and Mirae end up together, I know he's kind of an but misunderstandings right also he's the reason I started reading ;-;;;;
ohkyung #3
ninjakona #4
Chapter 29: Plz up date
Chapter 7: Omg I love this. After every chapter I'd be like. What? Noooo! ! *Squee* and many more reactions you wouldn't want to know.

The story actually weighs a lot, I mean the emotions in it, I could cry.

I wrote a kyungsoo oc too, but didn't finish. You can have a read, its in my profile.
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: so cute to imagine kyungsoo being jealous huehue :") pls update soon love it so much!
Chapter 29: Hi! I'm a new reader here. An awesome friend of mine recommended this story for me. And I never regret spending my 3 hours procrastinating and had this story done read >< I just can't stop.
I really really like this story. Esp bcs Mirae is really related to me and maybe the other readers here. She wanted to be a composer and she finally can pursue it. Euunng thats great Mirae ya.
I hope you will update soon, Author-nim. I'll be right here waiting for the new chapter <3
Chapter 29: omg I would love to have a niece like Dana *^* she's just too cute like a doll :') <3
I think Jongin likes Mirae . and Kyungsoo knows it , that's why he's so jealous .
update soon juseyo , author-nim ~ :3
Chapter 29: I need to know the Jongin secret!!!!! o.o
I love them young love.
So messy and complicated you'll never get bored. lol.
Tension. I want them tension.
Tension of a ual kind or something.
And I can't believe I just typed that.
I'm such a y unnie. =.=
You can ignore that...or not. lmao.
Chapter 29: ㅋㅋㅋ another cute update :") happy new year !! yay ! i saw exo thru monitor like everyday but still miss em OTL