Part 2

a sight to see
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I didn't want to wake up. I didn't want to deal with anything. I don't know what's worse; going blind in one eye or that it couldn't be cured. I just wanted to stay where I was, floating in this strange warmth.

The other part of me wanted to wake up. To wake up and continue life with Chanyeol. Chanyeol. Such a perfect person. A wonderful man. A wonderful boyfriend. I wondered how someone like me had managed to capture the heart of someone so perfect. I hadn't even considered what he thought of my condition and of everything else happening. All I knew was he would do anything to help me.

My happy thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone calling my name. It was Chanyeol.

'Chanyeol's here.' I looked around and saw no Chanyeol around. He called my name again. His voice echoed everywhere.

My eyes fluttered open to a white room. I could only open my left eye. There was something over my right eye. I raised a hand to feel a bandage over it. My eyebrows knitted over. Right at that moment the door opened and a doctor walked in.


"I see you’re awake now. The operation went just fine. You are the first candidate in this new field of surgery. You just need to rest now and recover and you'll be out in no time."


"Yes. On your eye. Your boyfriend loves you very much. So much he'd give an eye for you to be able to do what you love most. You don't find many men like that these days. Now that's a keeper."

"What?" My voice rose a level.

The doctor looked at me and a glint of sadness flashed on his face when he realized I knew nothing about the operation. "Guess you two didn't discuss over it did you?" His name badge read 'Dr. Byun Baekhyun'. "I’ll ask him to come in."

Dr. Byun nodded once and stepped out of the room leaving me to ponder. My eye being completely out. An operation. Chanyeol giving an eye. The bandage over my eye.

"No," A whisper escaped my mouth as I came to realize. "No." My voice a bit louder.

Whole eye transplants. They weren't possible. Dr. Byun had said it himself the first few days of examinations. The optic nerve that connected the eye to the brain could not be connected to another persons. He said it was technology far in the future, still being developed.

The door opened and in came Chanyeol. Chanyeol was in casual clothing. A gray t-shirt and blue jeans paired with converse. His hair fell perfectly almost covering his eyes. He looked good as he always did. The only difference was a white bandage over his right eye. It couldn't be.

"Hey." He said with a hoarse voice.

"Your eye."

He smiled a little. "Do I still look good? Does it suit my face?" He pointed to the bandage, his smile turning into a full grin, the signature twitch in his face showed.

"You idiot," A sad smile appeared on my face. I wanted to cry. He took a step towards the bed I was on. "You're so stupid."

Chanyeol stepped closer and I brought a fist to his chest. "I hate you," Down my fist went again. "Hate you."

He grabbed my wrist. "Don't cry. You'll ruin the bandaging." He cupped my face like he always did. He stared at me for what felt like hours or centuries. "You are so beautiful." His eye tracing my face and slightly shaking his head like denying something.

"And you're so stupid. Why? How?"

"Because I love you." And I broke down crying.

"Hey, hey, hey. No. No crying." He pulled me into a comforting hug and held me like a fragile piece of artwork.

"You can't cry or else I’ll start crying." He spoke into my hair. His hand patted my back lightly.

I stopped crying and pulled away from him. In some way I wasn’t mad. I was happy. This man that loved me so much as to give an eye for me.

"Start talking mister." I frowned at him, pointing to the chair by the side of the hospital bed.

Chanyeol kissed me on the forehead and pulled the chair over so he could hold my hand as I sat in bed. He started to talk.

Chanyeol started from the night he told me to wait in the car. He ran back into the hospital to ask Dr. Byun about getting his own blood drawn and tested. He wanted to see if our blood types matched. The results came back and we were a match. Dr. Byun said that the disease could be suppressed or become worse, resulting in a blind eye. Chanyeol was betting it to go away. Chanyeol asked if a whole eye transplant could be done. Dr. Byun said that it was impossible; far from the technology we have. But he also told Chanyeol that he had been developing a technique to transplant the whole eye. He was close to a solution. On the day I freaked and knocked out, Chanyeol raced me to the hospital. He arrived and demanded to see Dr. Byun.

"I don't care! Do the operation!"

Dr. Byun refused saying there was nothing to be done. He could

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and i hope a man like chanyeol would exist... EH, HE'S EXIST!

but too far for me. cry

BTW this story soooooo beautiful! Gosh, i'm tearing now. so pure and innocent love c':
miakoo #2
Chapter 2: OMG! I love chanyeol. hahaha
Chapter 2: i ing hate you god this is so nice im crying i just
Chapter 3: Such a beautiful story!!
Chapter 3: I ALMOST CRIED. ;;;;;;; so good. ;-;
Chapter 1: omg this was beautiful. too beautiful to be true. and chanyeol is asgajvajabakVvzbz can't find any words to explain it<3<3<3
Chapter 2: it's a nice one omg i almost teared up about the transplantation esp chan's eyes are so big and beautiful
nicoholic #8
Chapter 2: This is so sweet. Gaaaaahhd :))
MVPloveonew #9