

I fixed my bag’s strap, some books in it made it a little heavy. I walked to the bus stop in front of my cluster, there wasn’t many people there usually in the morning,  because the people in my cluster got themself a private car.

This morning was very bright, a cool breeze caressing my skin and made my hair blown. I turned my head to where the wind blown and my fingers slipped to my hair, trying to fix it.

The bus stop even got no people in there, there was only street sweeper ahjumma who clean the bus stop every morning from the dried leaves that fall from the trees around it, making it  a very shady shelter.

"Anyeonghasseyo" I greeted ahjumma who was busy sweeping leaves. She immediately saw me and replied, "anyeonghasseyo" and soon  she continued to sweep and I sat on the chair there.

A quiet morning as usual, only a few cars passing by on the street. And the rest, I just heard the sound of the leaves bumped to each other.

But then there was a person who suddenly appeared in my view. I could only see his back, he stood with his broad back with a backpack that he only used one of it’s strap. He slipped his fingers between his slightly curly hair.

He was like a very familiar figure for me, but I still couldn’t decide who he was. I leaned forward a little to peek at that guy who was wearing my school uniform.

"Oh Jonginnie? Anyeonghasseyo" Ahjumma who was busy sweeping, greeted him. Jongin? I think I've heard that name.

And he was immediately turned to ahjumma that wasn’t far from his side. It was then that I could see his face. Kai ..?

"Anyeonghasseo" he replied with bow politely greeting ahjumma, with a sleepy face as usual. The
Face that had made some students who didn’t know him could be misunderstood, thinking that he’s a mysterious person.

I fixed my sitting position after realized that I was leaning too forward, too curious about who he was. Suddenly I became busy with thoughts and worry if there was someone who had been watching me was peeking at Kai.

why is he here? This is the first time I saw him here at the bus stop.

I continued to pay attention to his figure, he stood at the front of the bus stop while one of his hands got into his pockets of his uniform pants. He looked down to his shoes and rubbed his eyes, he looked very sleepy. He began to stretch his arms and stretched his back, turned round to the left and right like doing simple calisthenics. And it was then when he turned around I met his eyes. I felt ashamed to have been caught looking at him. I immediately looked away in the other direction, while Kai himself directly looking back at the street.

Not long after that the bus was coming, I could see from the outside that there’s not many people there. Kai went first and I followed him carefully from behind. For some reason I got nervous just after that embarassing moment earlier. I really didn’t expect that I could go to school with him, although using a public transportation.

Inside the bus there were only three people who sat in distance. There was a guy with his  tidy clothes, ready to to work, and there was also a mother who wanted to go shopping maybe. Kai chose to stand and his hand was holding the rod at the top of his head. I had pass him through if I want to sit on my favorite place that I always sit in the morning.

I kept my head down, didn’t dare to look at his face. Just a little more I would get my favorite place. Now the distance between me and Kai was very close and I would go passing him. But suddenly my body bumped forward onto him becase the bus suddenly moved.

"omo! mianhae" I said quickly to Kai and that time I tried to look at his eyes. Beautiful eyes..

He just nodded and let his arms down after chatching me earlier. I went to my sit quickly and trying to breath normally, my heart was pounding so fast that I was afraid the entire bus would hear it.

Kai stood right after my seat and I chose to took some distance with him, I sat nex to window so there’s one seat between us. I could relax then.

Even I was actually still feeling nervous getting around him, I tried to handle it by looking outside at the window. But I ended up looking at his reflection on the window.. Oh my.. what should I do, I can’t take my eyes of him..

Then I thought may be it was okay to watch his beautiful figure throught this window so he couldn’t realize that I was watching him. But just right after that, still through the window reflection, I saw him moved from his place to sat next to me. I was very shock and just wathcing him fixing his bag and brought it to the front so he could hug his bag.

Seriously, Kai.. What are you doing..

He moved a little to get a comfort position and then... slept.

He was sleeping, next to me.

I still didn’t know how to react to what this boy’s doing.. but, that’s alright.

I was just about to looked at the window again till suddenly his head moved to my shoulder. I could just blinked for several times to made sure that I wasn’t dreaming that Kai, someone who I always adore from far, slept with his head on my shoulder. I could smelled his fresh shampoo scent. He was sleeping peacefully without even feeling disturbed by the hard movement of the bus.

I looked at his face, flawless..

Then the bus stopped suddenly made me bumped my head onto my front seat. “ouch..” I winced in pain as I touched my head. Kai himself was little bit shock but he just continued to sleep. Seiously, this guy.. Didn’t he sleep last night?

The bus just arrived in front of my school and I stood up, going to got out from the bus. But Kai’s legs was blocking me and he just sat there, sleeping. Oh my.. Should I wake him? The bus would run soon.

“Hey, Kai.. Kai.. wake up..!” I said as I shook his body. He opened his eyes slowly and got up and just went away from the bus. He seemed like ignoring me who was saving him from going late to school.

I got out the bus quickly, hoping that I still could meet him and he would say thank you but when I got there He just walked away to the shcool’s gate. “This man.. “ I said little bit angry because somehow he was being little bit rude I think. He should say thank you at least.

But, I don’t know.. I felt happy somehow.

I walked to the class, where I was meeting him again. He was leaning on the edge of the table, his long legs supporting his body. He was chatting with his close friend, Sehun, who was also in the same class with us. Actually he didn’t look that cold anyway, I saw him talking with sehun, he smiled and even laughed.


I sat in my chair, right next to his chair. He sat beside the window. During lessons I always tried to look at him. In the lessons that required calculations such as mathematics or physics he looked concerned. But when it came about history lesson, he looked bored and would rather look out the window or doing something else, like to draw something on the paper. I didn’t know whether he was drawing something or writing the lessons. But his gestures such as leaning back, supporting his chin with one hand, playing a pencil and many more, showed that he wasn’t paying attention on the lesson.

It was time to go home, I said goodbye to Seohyun, my close friend, and went to the bus stop in front of the school. School seemed little bit quite since it was late afternoon. I passed the school yard that was cool because of shady trees, the wind blowed moving the dry leaves on the road. Suddenly I wanted to go to coffee shop to buy a glass of my favorite huzelnut milk. Maybe it's okay if I went to buy it, and the coffee shop was close enough to my house.

I passed the school gates and going to the bus stop, and then I saw the same figure as I had seen that morning at the bus stop near my house. Kai

I kept walking and kept my head down, I didn’t know since when I was getting nervous to see him like that. The bus came as I reached next to Kai, he looked at me and then got into the bus. I even waited him to be about 1 meter in front of me first and then I entered the bus.

Just like this morning, there wasn’t many people on the bus, Kai took the same place and again I had to pass him to sit on my favorite place.

I kept my head down and holding my bag’s strap tightly. And this time I got through him and immediately took a seat beside the window. I breathed a sigh of relief carefully, afraid that Kai would notice it.

But only a few moments I sat with relax, Kai sat next to me again, moving his bag into his lap. "Nana, please wake me if we’re close to the cluster Han, will you?" Suddenly kai spoke to me. He .. how come he knows my name? Oh maybe because we got in the same class so he knows .. but  I’ve never talked to him. It was the first time he spoke directly to me.

I blinked my eyes several times, "ah, but, I want to go to the coffee shop first. So I'll get down on the different bus stop "I said to him, very nervous.

He just wanted to close his eyes, wanted to sleep, but then opened his eyes again, he looked at me, "coffee shop? Near the cluster Han? "He asked me. Without realizing how nervous I was, I hugged my bag tightly, I nodded.

"Then I'll go down there too" He said. And I was confuse for a moment for what he had said. What is he trying to do with me? Indeed, his face is very handsome, I was very fascinated..

"We'll be there soon” I said as I looked at him with an ‘are you sure?’ face. He didn’t spoke yet till the bus suddenly slowed down and stopped. I was ready to get up and he seemed to know it so he also getting up and we went down at the bus stop.

The bus already gone, and we stood there with Kai was watching around him, he looked not familiar with this place.

I tried to speak at him carefully, “The coffee shop..” He looked at me with his beautiful eyes as I said that and kinda made me more nervous. “The coffee shop is over there” I said as I pointed to the coffee shop not far from where we were.

As I saw him started to walk and I walked quickly before him, just to let me lead him to the coffee shop.

I stood there in the front of the cashier with Kai next to me. He was busy looking at the menu on the top. The shop assistant greeted us and asking what to order.

“I’d like one huzelnut-flavoured milk” I said and the shop assistant started pushing his cashier machines.

“Two” suddenly Kai spoke and I looked at him.

“okay, it would be 8$, miss” the shop assistant told me so I took out my wallet to grabbed some money.

“No, no, let me pay it” Kai took out his wallet from his pocket and payed our orders. I was just stood there, not doing anything just looking at him getting the change from the shop assistant.

Seriously, I was still little bit shock so I could just watching him looking at the menu with his hands on his pocket.

“two huzelnut milk!” the shop assistant snapped me back and made me realize that I was looking at him at that entire time waiting for our orders to be ready.

After getting our baverages we walked together back home. He was next to me playing the straw with his mouth.

He suddenly noticed that I was watching him, “Waeyo?” He asked and I looked away down at my shoes quickly, “Aniyeo” I shook my head. We started to walk in the silent again.

“Thanks for waking me up this morning at the bus” He said with his deep beautiful voice.

I looked at him with a little bit shock. knowing that I didn’t answer,  He looked at my eyes and smile, “Komaoyo” he said.

I was suddenly feeling that something heavy just went throught my chest and made me hard to breath, I even reflex to touched my chest. What did he just do to me.. That smile was like.. I couldn’t describe it.. I was being dazzled with that smile.. Oh my..

“You must have thought that I was weird, did you?” He said.

“A-aniyeo!! I wasn’t thinking like that!” I explained to him so enthusias that I even waved my hand in front of him. He laughed at my behaviour and it made me ashamed, “ah, mianhamnida” I looked down at the path again. I even spoke to him with a formal words. That was how great my nervous were in front of this guy.   

“You’re so cute” He said after done laughing. My cheek suddenly felt so hot and I didn’t dare to look at him, I was afraid that my face was red because of blushing.

We kept walking together while talking to know about each other. And I just know that Kai had just moved in to cluster Han several days ago, He lived about 4 blocks nex to my house, he had an older brother and a younger sister and his mom actually a friend of my mom and many more.

We’ve reached our cluster and we stood there in front of my house.

“So, this is your house?” He said as he turned to face me, he looked at my house. “Yeah.. Yes it is” I said to him got little bit my chin up because he was so tall.

“Okay, see you tomorrow then” He said as he raised his hand to give me a little wave. I bowed to him as he walked away.

I looked at my hand and a glass of huzelnut milk remain there. I remembered I hadn’t say thank you to him.

“Kai!” I shouted and it made he turned to face me in such a long distance. The way he turned his body and the fact that I could see his handsome face again was just made me almost forget what to say to him.

“Komaoyo!” I said as I raised my right hand with a glass there so he knew what that thankyou was for.

He smiled and nodded.


I just stood there admiring my latest view of him.

I felt my chest get heavier again, I touched it carefully like something would fall from it.

How could he look so stunning.. so gourgeous..

My heart kept feeling this way if He smiled to me like that..

That night I was thinking of Kai, I couldn’t sleep on time. I recalled his smile.. his laughed..


“Nana-yah, come on we have to go to the library, the others are going there!” Seohyun woke me from my thought and I just remembered that our teacher asked class to go to the library to read some books about the lesson.

The library was so quite as usual and Seohyun decided to go to the different row of book shelf so I started looking at the book myself.

There was a lot of book there and the book that I’d like to read was placed little bit high. I raised my hand so high and even tiptoed with all my strenght but I still couldn’t grabbed it.

I let out a sigh and tried to reach it once again but suddenly a hand was reaching it so easily. I looked up to that person. Kai..?

He handed me the book with his smile on, I could just showed my shock expression and soon I accepted that book from him. “Komaoyo” I said as I hid my shy face.

“Anytime” he said and I was about to looked at him when some books suddenly fell down from the earlier place but Kai’s arms was covering me so I didn’t get hitted by them.

“Gwenchanayo???” He said as he tried to look at my face holding my shoulders. I looked up to him while nodding, he sure looked so worried.

He started to collect the books on the floor and put it back at their place, “I’m sorry, I didn’t get it right so they fell down on you” he apologized.

“Ah, aniyeo! I’m the one who should say thankyou to you. Thank you..” I said and bowed to him while hugging my book. He smiled at me, “Gwenchana, just ask me if you need help next time”

That smile again. I tried to avoid his gaze and just bowed once again to him as he walked away.

But then I cought a scar on his arms,maybe he got that from the books that fell earlier. I didn’t know what to do but when I decided to call him, he just went away and disapear.

I decided to give him a small bandage but I didn’t know how to give that thing to him. I felt guilty about his scar.

Class started to fill up with some students who were comeback from the break. I stood next to Kai’s table holding the bandage. How am I supposed to give it to him?

Then I decided to put it on his table, actually on Kai’s books there.

I sat on my chair and soon Kai got in the class with Sehun, they seemed had a very interesting conversation. I tried to get myself busy by took out some books from my bag. I peeked to Kai and He seemed confuse to saw the bandage on his table. He was holding it and his other hand raised to touched his hair.

I looked away before he caught me and soon the teacher got in the class to started the next lesson.

School’s bell was ringing and it was time to go home. I collect my books and put it on my bag but suddenly I felt something touched my cheek. And When I saw it, it was the same bandage that I gave to Kai earlier.


He stood next to me with his hand holding the bandage, he was the one who poked me with that bandage. He smiled to me, “Do you wanna go home now?”

I looked at him with a big eyes, “ Ne..” I nodded.

He put the bandage on his shirt pocket, I didn’t know why he wasn’t put it on yet, I still could see his scar on his arm.

“How about a glass of huzelnut milk?”


We walked on the roadside with our baverages. Kai asked me to go to the coffee shop and I said yes. And once again he payed me for my huzelnut milk.


“Komaoyo” I said while we were walking at that late afternoon going back home. He smiled at me, “it’s okay”

We walked in silence again, I could only heard the sound of our feet stepped on the road side. Kai suddenly grabbed my arm, "Let's go there!" He said with a passion as he led me to the Han river side. Just like the name ‘Cluster Han’ , our the cluster was located on the side of Han river. It’s been a long time since my last visit there, some people were jogging in the afternoon enjoying the sun that soon would go down.

Kai brought me onto the grass on the rive side and then he sat there. I was still shocked and confused because he suddenly took me there. He bent his legs and hugged them with his arms, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Han River.

I slowly sat beside him and started staring at the water surface of the Han River which reflected the afternoon sun light.

"Aaah~ how refreshing.. " Kai said as he lay down beside me on the grass. He used his one hand as a pillow.

I only could look at him there, he closed his eyes, his figure looked very beautiful in the afternoon shine a light, breeze blowing his messy hair.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, "I hope you don’t mind that I asked you here all of a sudden" he smiled.

I smiled because he brought me here first before asking me. "Gwenchanayo" I said, sipping my huzelnut milk.

I saw him again and at that time I also saw the scar on his hand. Why did he not use a bandage that I gave him earlier?

"Your scar.. why didn’t you use the bandage? "I asked him carefully.

"Oh, this bandage?" He got up and pulled out a small bandage that I gave to him earlier from his shirt’s pocket. "So this was from you..?" he added as he watched the bandage on his hand.

I took the bandage from his hand, "Here, let me do it for you" I said as I opened the wrapper.

"don’t!" He said, but I was already stuck it to his scar.

I started to panic, "why?? You're not allowed to wear bandages? "

He chuckled "No, it's just that I want to keep it, as a gift from you" he said as he wiped the scar which is now covered with a bandage. I was getting nervous and lost for words. What does he mean?

My heart started pounding harshly, I looked away to avoid his gaze.

"Nana .." He called me with a soft voice. I also looked and saw him smiling at me, "I love you .."

I like hypnotized by his words just now. Was I misheard it or..?

He seemed to know my shock expression, he smiled back and took both of my hands, "I love you.. would you be my girl..? "

I didn’t know what to say and I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. I nodded and immediately hugged him without saying a word.

I was very happy to hold him like this, I heard he chuckled and hugged me back soon.

"I love you too.. "I whispered in his ear, he tightened his hug and give me a kiss on my head.

This is Kai’s short point of view.. [a song by Tohoshinki –Begin-]

It's okay if you cry when you want to,
It's not unreasonable.
When a tear dries, a smile lights up your face.
Look, you are already laughing.

The future is confusing
But I won't lose to its brilliance, I want to have courage

Every day and night with you,
I hold your small hand tightly
Every day every night everywhere,
Let's always make sure our feelings are connected
Now, let the story begin.

You avert your eyes... do you plan to avoid me?
But I like you
Even when we are separated, we can share something
Yes... if we have these feelings.

I can't say "goodbye" to yesterday yet
This smoldering time is just lifeless...

Every day and night with you,
I just don't know what to do with this ceaseless fever
Every day every night everywhere,
Let's gather up our feelings more and more
Now, you and I begin

You're really just like me
Baby I need your love, need your touch
Baby I need your love, need your touch, baby
Scared of the darkness of the night
You tell me now
But you're not alone.

Every day and night with you,
I take your quivering hand and hold it tight
Every day every night everywhere,
Let's always make sure our feelings are connected
Now, let the story begin.

Every day and night with you,
I just don't know what to do with this ceaseless fever
Every day every night everywhere,
We'll gently overlap our destinies
Now, just the two of us begin


Thanks for reading everyone, hope to see your comments soon :D

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KatreeTree #1
Chapter 1: SO CUTE!!!!!!!! ME LIKEY LIKEY <3
Chapter 1: LOve how you added Dbsk song at the end^^
wahhh~! KAi... ^^ xD
This is such a cute fic :) Kai is totally ruining my bias list ;__;
cute and sweet xD

i just wished you used english words instead of those short korean phrases.
cute!! <3
Kai...kai...kai...never fail to make me fall in ♡(●^―^●)♥
jenjeneee #9
Aww, this was sooo adorable. I was reading this while playing some Yiruma music and it was perfect! I could totally imagine everything, haha. :)