It Has Begun

Tumbling Down (undergoing re-write)


“I see you got my message,” she smirked as she stepped forwards. “How brave of you to show up.”

She crossed her arms as she stopped in front of the girl. It was still bright daylight and there were too many people around for any tricks to be played. So it was safe to come out and see what she wanted from her. “I see Saburou has gotten a new owl to deliver his messages...”

“Not as much an owl as I am his right hand woman,” she said proudly. She brushed her light hair off her shoulder that revealed the tattoo on her right shoulder. It was the gang’s crest. This girl sure was dedicated to the cause for whatever reason Nezumi couldn’t understand. She never was much in the ranks of the group. Then again, with Mizumi’s death and Nezumi’s departure, a lot of things had happened and Saburou had always taken a liking to this weird girl.

“So why couldn’t he come here and face me myself?” Had he turned into such a coward or was he planning on something bigger. Maybe he felt too superior to face his targets personally.

“Saburou knows that your little friend likes to meddle in businesses that aren’t his own,” she explained calmly and amused. She was all too happy that she was actually part of this plan. “He has plans. For all of you, but he knows that if he steps out in the open... he’ll never get a chance to revenge the traitor...”

“Traitor?” she scoffed. “Wasn’t it he who betrayed our leader by killing her... And tried to blame it on someone else?”

“I never saw her as my leader anyway... Saburou is so much better...” she smiled.

Nezumi chuckled which caused the girl to tilt her head, “I’ve always known you had a crush on him... Don’t know why though...”

“That is not the point,” she scoffed, her smile disappearing completely. “Saburou could accept the fact that you wanted revenge for Mizumi... He actually let you go in the hopes of you destroying Azuma so he wouldn’t have to deal with it...” she continued as she crossed her arms.

“And that makes me a traitor?” she frowned. She still never understood why they kept calling her a traitor. Up until now all she wanted to do is avenge the death of her leader and friend. That is not something a traitor would do, would she?

“No,” she shook her head. “The day you decided to join forces with that boy was the day you betrayed us.” She explained to her. “After all, up until know you hadn’t even known Saburou was the real culprit... You betrayed your leader and the group...”

“Ah?” she tilted her head slightly, “I have not joined forces with any of them... Not voluntarily at least...”

“Oh, so that is why he always shows up to save you from the punishment you deserve?”

“That’s because he’s an idiot...” she scoffed as she looked away. Just because he is so determined to get to the bottom of this and get involved on his own is his own responsibility and has nothing to do with any coöperation between the two whatsoever. “Is there any point to this conversation?”

“Listen closely, Nezumi-chan,” she smirked as she mentioned the name. Her lips curling up as she spoke the words in a way that irritated Nezumi. She had always wanted to punch the girl, she was always getting on her nerves. But Mizumi always told her that she wasn’t worth it. Then again, who’s to say she’s not worth it now? “You are Saburou’s main target... He has eyes everywhere...” she chuckled. “But he’s not a fool... He knows that it would hurt you more when you are attacked indirectly than face to face...”

“Douyu koto?”

“Let’s just hope Wataru and his little friends can do more than prance around in glitter outfits...” she giggled before turning around. She gave the same amused salute as Saburou usually signs before disappearing into the crowd, her giggle turning into a much louder laughter that send chills down her spine. Such a wicked laugh.

Shibata Yuko, a girl who could barely lay a punch. She had always been quite useless in the eyes of Nezumi but somehow Mizumi was convinced that she brought something to the group that no other member could. And for some reason she was always following after Saburou. She was like his personal slave and Saburou had no trouble taking advantage of that little crush. Yuko was a master in pickpocketing, but that was all the talent she possessed. She wasn’t a yankee, she was just a common thief. And now she was the personal delivery owl.

But the words she spoke echoed through her thoughts. ‘Let’s just hope Wataru and his little friends can do more than prance around in glitter outfits...’ what would she mean by it? Unless... Maybe she was the one who had to keep an eye out for Wataru and the guys instead of the other way around...

That is how she ended up waiting for them by the gates after the sportsfestival. She had to make sure it didn’t come across as suspicious, but the guys seemed too cheerful to even further question her presence. So she could keep an eye on them without them noticing. She didn’t see anyone related to Saburou and actually thought that it was just a mind trick that Yuko was playing on her, until she received the text. He really did have eyes everywhere...*



“Nezumi, ohayo!”

She looked back to see who greeted her before turning around again and groaned. Not her again. She left home for school earlier this morning to avoid Wataru and the others following her, she completely forgot about Michiyo.

“Ohayo...” she nodded as the cheerful girl walked next to her.

“You sure are up early...” she grinned as she skipped a little and slid her bag back over her shoulder.

“I guess,” she nodded. “Tried to avoid Wataru...”

“Ah, they’re still stalking you?” she asked as she looked up to the sky, “They mean well...”

She sighed, “I’m sure...” even though she already told them more than once that she didn’t need their help.

“... Have you heard anything from him lately...?” she then hesitantly asked as they were walking on. Nezumi had hoped she wouldn’t ask about it.

Nezumi just silently kept moving as she looked away.


“Betsu ni...” she shrugged.

“Eh?” she took a few more steps ahead and stopped right in front of her, her cheerful smile replaced by a serious stare. “Nezumi...”

“Shinpai shinaide,” she stopped and looked back at the girl, a kind smile on her face, “Daijobu desu...” she assured her.

“Honto?” she still wasn’t convinced. Nezumi had been very reluctant to tell anyone what was going on, this much she had noticed from the brief conversations they had been having.

“Un,” she nodded as she patted the slightly taller girl on the shoulder, “Sa, ikou? I’ll race you to school, ne?” she grinned before taking off.

Michiyo stared after her before shaking her head. There was more to it than that but if she was unwilling to tell her there was nothing more she could do. Maybe she could talk to Wataru about it, since he was so focused on keeping an eye on her and Saburou, maybe he could bother her enough to make her come clean.

Nezumi had honestly considered telling Michiyo about Saburou and Yuko, especially since she was more related to the whole situation than any of the guys, but she didn’t want to endanger her as well. So far Saburou and Yuko had only mentioned the guys which would mean that Michiyo was out of the danger zone, which was for the better. So she had to make sure that she would stay out of it completely. One way or another.



I see you’ve managed to avoid your friends this morning?

How very smart of you, or is it?

I don’t need you around for them to suffer because of you...

It would be entertaining but still...



So did that mean he had kept his eye on the guys or was he following her this morning? For some reason she hoped the first, just because she was trying to keep Michiyo out of the whole situation. Wataru could defend himself long enough, surely he wouldn’t survive but at least defend himself.

“Oi! Nezumi!” she looked up from her phone and saw the red haired guy approaching her, followed by some of his friends.

“Yo,” she nodded.

“Have you seen Michiyo-chan around?” Ryosuke wondered immediately as he looked around. That guy got it good and hard for this girl. Too bad she seemed neither interested nor impressed.

She shrugged, “What am I? Her personal bodyguard?” she snapped then sighed. “Probably in the gym?”

“Domo,” he smiled before skipping off towards the gym.


“Oh,” he nodded with a grin. “Ne...”


“Did you see someone suspicious this morning?”

She tilted her head. “Ah?”

“There was this guy walking around who I’ve never seen around before,” he explained as his grin disappeared and replaced itself with his familiair frown.


“So... I thought maybe it was Saburou... Or someone...-”

She scoffed, “Mattaku,” she crossed her arms as she leaned against the wall and tilted her head once again, “Not everyone is related to him you know, maybe it was just some random idiot? You seem to have a lot of those in this town...”

“Are you sure?”

“You’re not planning on bothering me over every weird person you meet, ne?” she sighed as she relaxed her arms again.

“If Saburou was planning something and you knew...” he ignored her question completely. “You would tell us, ne?”

“Ah?” had Michiyo been talking to them already? Or did he suspect something already?

“I don’t trust him one bit...” he continued. “He’s been quiet for too long....”

A grin appeared on her face, “You scared, Wataru?”

He scoffed as he shook his head.

“Daijobu,” she also tried to assure him. “Saburou might be planning something... He won’t stay quiet for long... So just enjoy the calm now you still can...”

“Douyu koto?”

“You signed your own death when you decided to interfere with me and Saburou. He won’t just go after me anymore... You are all involved...” she explained to him. “So enjoy while you still can.”

“So, you do know what he’s planning?”

“Tabun...” she shrugged before walking away.

“Nezumi!” he called after her. “Oi! Nezumi!”



“Michiyo-chan” he cheekily grinned, “Ohayo~”

She looked up from her bag and nodded, “Ohayo.” She got up and headed for the mat when she noticed that the blonde delinquent was following her silently. “Nani desu ka?”

“Ne,” he smiled as he stopped in front of her, “Are you free on tomorrow?”

She tilted her head slightly as she looked at the taller guy, “Tabun... Naze?”

He shrugged, “You know about the new amusement park?”

“Hai...” she slowly nodded. She was starting to see where he was going with this.

“Wanna go check it out together?” he smoothly asked.

She thought about it for a moment. Long enough for Ryosuke to start doubt his chances. She really did make it seem like she wasn’t interested in him at all, which he just couldn’t understand. Not could he stand it. And Michiyo found it amusing to see him try so hard and end up frustrated and disappointed.

“I guess...” she shrugged finally and Ryosuke’s eyes lid up. “But only if I can bring a friend.”

“Eh?” his smile dropped again.

“And you can invite someone too... It’ll be much more fun with more people,” she nodded.

Slowly he nodded, “Okay,” he said as a smile appeared on his face. “I’ll ask someone.”

“Good!” she smiled. “Meet me at the gate at 12,” she quickly told him before turning around again, “Ja, matta!” with that she walked away.

“Yoshi,” he nodded content before realising what she had done. Even though he was the one who asked her out, she turned it all around to make it seem like she was in charge of the entire idea. Oh she was good...



Your threats will not work.

Your words don’t scare me.


Was it a smart thing to send it? Probably not. Will he laugh at her text? Most likely. But she mainly hoped he would stop sending text messages. Although she considered those chances slim to none, at least she gave it a shot.

“Nezumi-chan~” she skipped over to the table at which the hooded girl was sitting. Quickly she flipped her phone closed and buried it in her pocket as she looked up at her cheerful disturber. “You need to do me a favor!”

She arched a brow. Did she really just say that?


“Ryosuke asked me out,” she quickly explained. “We’re going to the amusement park tomorrow.”

“You actually said yes?” she frowned. So she was interested in him, or was she?

Michiyo giggled, “The least I can do is to give the boy a chance, ne?”

“So desu ne...” she nodded slowly before looking up at the girl again, “But what’s that got to do with me?”

“Come with me,” she said.


“I said I was going to bring a friend along tomorrow... For fun...”

“I’m not your friend!” she scoffed.

“You’re close enough, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not,” she shook her head wildly. “Ask one of your tumbling friends.”

“But they’ll be so judgemental and ruin the fun,” she whined annoyingly.

Nezumi rolled her eyes, “Hey, they are your friends!”

“Onegaishimasu!” she placed her hands together as if she were begging. This was the first time she actually begged for Nezumi to do something. Well, it wasn’t so much begging as it was just kindly asking her to come along but still.

She frowned once again. Why on earth would she want her to come along on a date to the amusement park? Was she seriously considering Nezumi to be a friend even though she was still acting rather rude and indifferent with her?

She eventually sighed, “You totally owe me one...”

“Yatta!” she smiled as she placed her hands on her hips. “Arigatou ne, Nezumi-chan.”

“Don’t call me that...”

What was she thinking?!



“Seriously,” she scoffed as she saw the girl leaning against the gate once again. She was starting to make a habit out of it. “That is what you’re wearing?”

Nezumi scoffed back, “It’s your date, not mine” she then looked down at her clothes. “Besides, what is wrong with my clothes?”

She was wearing a black skirt that ended right above her knees. On top she wore a black tank top and of course she wore a hoodie jacket. This time it was a dark shade of green that almost looked black as well. She was wearing black high boots with white laces and black stockings that ended just over her knees. It was nothing different from what she usually wore, except this time she wasn’t wearing her school uniform underneath.

Michiyo on the other hand was more dressed for the occassion. Which could have been expected. She wore pure white skinny jeans with underneath sneakers. She was wearing a black and white striped tank top and accessorised it with a red heart necklace. And of course her hair was partly tied up in a mushroom bun.

“Never mind...” she sighed.

“Oi! I can leave, you know!”

“Michiyo-chan!” they both turned in the direction of the voice and saw Ryosuke casually approaching the entrance of the amusement park. He, too, wasn’t really bothered to dress up for the occasion. Maybe he misunderstood the concept of a date or maybe this was just his way of dating girls.

Following Ryosuke was someone that neither Michiyo nor Nezumi had expected but when thought about it more thorougly it was kind of an obvious choice. Ryosuke had brought, or forced more likely, Wataru along. He didn’t seem to be interested in anything at all, nor did he look happy in the first place.

“Ah... Nezumi...”

“What are you doing here?” he frowned.

“I’m being punished by the gods...”

“Oi, Nezumi-chan!” she nudged her shoulder. “Genki dayo! This is going to be fun, ne?”

“Un,” Ryosuke smiled.

“I guess...”




Michiyo seemed as cheerful as always as they entered the new amusement park. Some of the rides were still the same as before the fire that had been started in the middle and destroyed most of the park. And some had been renovated and updated with new things. And there were also a lot of new rides and things to do.

Ryosuke was slightly out of character so it seemed. For some reason he had to give it more effort to hang around the girl which might have something to do with the fact that she had been one of the first girls who were so hard to impress. For a moment he even started to believe what Nezumi said, that Saruwatari Michiyo was out of his league. But then again, she did agree on coming with him on this which can be considered a first date. Although he still didn’t get why she wanted to bring friend and then, out of all people, she would choose Nezumi.

Wataru didn’t actually mind coming along with Ryosuke. What did bother him was the fact that Nezumi was here. Why would Michiyo ask her to come along and why on earth would she say yes. They hardly ever talked to each other and if they did they weren’t many nice words to be said. Then again, maybe it had something to do with the fact that Michiyo’s sister used to be her friend and the leader to the gang. But he had noticed that Nezumi had been acting strange lately, more than before. Something wasn’t right about it...

Nezumi reluctantly followed behind the group. She had no idea why she was so stupid to agree on coming along. Michiyo and her weren’t friends, no matter how kind she was trying to be towards the yankee, there was nothing that could lead to the word friendship between them. Although the effort could be considered kind. Nezumi didn’t like cheerful places if she was in an uncomfortable situation. And it was safe to say that this was a uncomfortable as it could get. She was constantly keeping an eye out for Saburou and his spies, had to pretend like nothing was going on whilst keeping an eye on Wataru and the others. She somehow got herself into a date with three people she hardly liked. And this place was far to cheerful for that.

“Oi! Nezumi!” he waved his hand in front of her eyes and she snapped out of her thoughts.

“Nani?!” she snapped.

“I asked you if you knew where those two idiots went?”

She looked around, “Who?”

“Ryosuke and Michiyo... I think we’ve lost them...”

Slowly she nodded and looked around. Nope, no sign of them anywhere. They probably got seperated through the crowd or maybe they entered a ride when Wataru and Nezumi weren’t paying attention. Either way, they were gone.

“I’m sure they can take care of themselves,” she eventually shrugged as she slipped her hands into her jacket pockets. “That means I can leave...”

“Not in the mood for fun?” he wondered.

“This isn’t exactly my idea of fun...” she grinned.

He frowned, “Oh? I bet fighting is then?”

“Pretty much,” she nodded before looking at the guy. “Why?”

“Why did you come along in the first place?” he continued.

She shrugged as she made her way to the bench on the side of the road. Wataru followed as she sat down, “I tried to do good? You know, score some karma points and what not... ”

“That is so unlike you,” he grinned. “Where is your yankee soul?”

She scoffed with a smile, “Oi! It’s still here,” she tapped her heart for a moment, “But I’m saving it all up for... Uhm... ”


She nodded and looked around the park again. There were a lot of people out today, it probably wasn’t such a good idea to go on the second day that the park had been re-opened but it wasn’t her choice to begin with. Her eyes stopped as something caught her eye. Or someone more likely. All the way on the other side, near the bushes and the gate and between the many people walking around. It was him. It was Saburou. He had probably followed her again, on his own this time. What was he doing here and what was he planning on doing now that she had spotted him as well. There was this sinister twinkle in his eye as his smirk reached from one ear to the other, his pale scar that ran from the inside corner of his left eyebrow all the way down to the outside corner of his left eye, now seemed more clear in the daylight.

She froze for a second by the thought that he had been around all this time, meaning she had yet again endangered more people than just herself and knowing his wicked ways this could only mean bad things. She then jumped up, completely ignoring Wataru by her side as she took a few steps forwards. He merely shook his head and as another group of people passed by, he disappeared into the crowd.

“Nezumi?” Wataru frowned as he looked into the same direction she had been staring in but saw nothing.

“Nan demo nai...” she slowly shook her head before turning back to Wataru and placed her hands on her hips. “Ne, let’s go find those love baka’s...”

“I thought you were going to leave?”

“Yeah... Well... I won’t get any points if I don’t finish the game, ne?” she grinned.

Wataru tilted his head, was she still talking about karma? Why was she even talking about that? She did quickly switch moods and subject of conversation which Wataru didn’t like at all. But before he could even say anything she already marched off looking for the others and he reluctantly decided to follow.

“This way!”

“Chotto matte!” she sighed. “Ryosuke-kun! Do you even know where you’re going?”

“Of course I do,” he said confidently even though he actually had no clue.

Entering the maze was probably not one of the smartest things to do. Especially since neither of them was really paying attention how they got in, nor did they notice that it was just the two of them. It was only just now that they found out that Wataru and Nezumi got separated from them.

“I doubt it...”

“Just trust me,” he assured her.

“You need to earn trust to receive trust...” she shook her head. “And you, my friend, have lost all the trust I had for your direction instincts...”

“Oi,” he sighed. “Then you lead the way!”

“Fine,” she huffed. “Follow me, pretty boy...” she turned around and walked in a completely different direction than Ryosuke was going at, sure of herself that she knew where the exit was.

“Maybe I should call Wataru for help...”

“Ne~” she huffed as she turned around and placed her hands on her hips. “Can’t you do anything without him?”

“Of course I can!” he scoffed.

“Then shut up and follow me!” she ordered before moving along again.

Reluctantly he followed but quickly send Wataru a message anyway. Just to tell him that they were lost in the maze. He wasn’t exactly hoping he would help, he even imagined him laughing about the fact that they got lost, but it was something.

“They are in the maze...”

She looked at him, “How do you know?”

Wataru showed her the text he had just received and noticed the smirk appearing on her face.


“I’ve always known they were idiots...” she shook her head as she looked around. She noticed the entrance of the maze and even from where she was standing the maze looked very deep and long. They could be anywhere.

“Let’s just wait for them to come out,” he chuckled. “They got in, didn’t they?”

She slowly nodded but before could do anything her eyes caught a glimps of that same person again. Saburou was waiting in front of the maze entrance with that same smirk. She quickly looked away and back, making sure she wasn’t hallucinating. Maybe he just really gotten into her mind and she was starting to see him everywhere. But he then started talking to the guy at the toll booth who spoke back before turning around again and challenging her to follow.

“He’s here...” she said softly.


“Maze entrance...”

“Is that... Saburou?” his voice changed immediately as he spoke out that name. What was that guy doing here.

She felt the faint vibration in the pocket of her jacket and fished out her phone, flipping it open and reading the new text message.

Let’s all have some fun, ne?


“Masaka...” she took off as she watched him enter the maze. She didn’t know what he meant by that but she didn’t like it one bit. Not to mention the fact that Ryosuke and Michiyo were still stuck somewhere inside the maze, who knows what he was planning on doing to them. If they were even his target in the first place.

“Chotto! Nezumi!” he quickly followed after her as she chased Saburou into the maze. This was not going to end well, he knew that much. And he didn’t like to think about that those bad endings could possibly be, all he knew was that they had to solve this before it came that far.

Can you keep up?

Those stupid messages were starting to creep her out. She could even imagine his voice saying those words as she read them. She looked around, the first little crossroads inside the maze, which way had Saburou gone? Wataru caught up on her as she looked around.

“This is a bad idea...”

“And Saburou in this maze is a bad thing...” she answered. “Especially with Ryosuke and Michiyo somewhere lost in here...”

“Are are, did I hear my name?”

Both of them looked around. They heard his voice clearly but they couldn’t see where he was nor decide from which way his voice came.

“Oi! Teme! Show yourself!”

Saburou laughed, his voice so deep and loud that it could scare even the bravest soldier.

“Such a bad mouth...” he roared. “Is this the kind of people you hang with, Nezumi?”


Saburou had shown himself around the corner of the left entrance. He then turned around and disappeared again, Nezumi and Wataru quickly following him. They had no idea where he was leading them to, but they couldn’t let him walk around like this. Not that they would actually stand a chance at his wicked ways but what other choice did they have? It was too risky.

“It’s like a cat and mouse game...” his voice seemed to echo through the pathways. “But then I should be chasing you...” he chuckled for a moment. “Oh wait...”

Nezumi stopped running abruptly, Wataru almost crashing into her as she turned around.

“We’re going the wrong way...”


“We’re not chasing him... not anymore...”

“So bright...” his voice hummed.

They turned around to the direction they just came from. Was he there now? Was he leading them the wrong way?

“Stop playing games, you coward!” Wataru yelled.


“Don’t challenge him...” she hissed.

“Now, now Nezumi... Let your friend have his fun...” he laughed once again. “I do enjoy challenges!”

“Ikou!” Wataru decided as they ran the other way again. He knew that Saburou was just playing with them, but he didn’t want to wait around and see what was going to happen in the end.

“Are you sure you’re going the right way?”

“Urusai yo!” he bit back as he continued running. They eventually came to a dead end and were greeted by his roaring laughter once again. How was he doing that?

“Nice try...”

“Maybe we should try and find the others and get out of here...” Nezumi suggested.

Wataru looked around, “Which way?”

“There are more players in the game?” he sounded amused by this. Which meant that he didn’t even know in the first place. Of maybe he was playing a trick once again.

“Leave them alone, Saburou!”

“So selfish,” he chuckled. “Then catch me if you can...”

Nezumi sighed before taking off again, trying to follow the occassional chuckles and hints that his voice gave them. Once in a while she could have sworn she saw a glimpse of him but as she caught on he had disappeared once again.

“So close...” his voice echoed. “So... So... Close...”

“I know it’s this way!” she told Wataru as she turned the corner and immediately crashed into something. Or someone more like it.

As she fell to the ground she looked to the other side to see who she crashed into, somewhat hoping it was Saburou but also fearing that at the same time. But it wasn’t Saburou. It was Ryosuke and Michiyo that had managed to find their way onto their path and she had bumped into Ryosuke who was considerably taller than her so it merely knocked her off her feet as he took a few steps back.

“Ah~ yokatta...” Michiyo sighed. “We’ve found you guys!” she then turned to Ryosuke. “Told you I knew where I was going?”

“What’s wrong?” Ryosuke frowned as he noticed the rather serious faces of Wataru and Nezumi who was getting up from the ground and brushed the dirt off her skirt.


“Eh?” her eyes widened.

Trrrrr trrrr trrrr

Nezumi fished her phone from her pocket again and flipped it open to read the text. It was another text from Saburou.

Wasn’t that fun?

You found your friends, how fortunate.

But you’re playing with the big boys now...

Expect the unexpected...


“Kuso~tsu!” Wataru cursed as he read the text over her shoulder. “That guy...”

“Is dangerous...” she sighed as she closed her phone once again. “It’s getting serious...”

“He is disturbed...”

“I think we should get out of here...” Ryosuke nodded as he looked around. Who knows, he might still be running around here and he didn’t really feel like bumping into a maniac like that.

They finally reached the exit of the maze and decided to head for the exit of the park. Not only was it starting to get late and dark but because the whole Saburou thing was getting far too dangerous.

“Maybe you should check with your other tumbling friends, see if they are okay?” Michiyo suggested as they walked out of the park.

“We’ll pass by their homes on our way,” Wataru nodded.

“You think he’d go after them though?” Ryosuke frowned.

Nezumi sighed, “No one is safe... Expect the unexpected...”

“It’s not your fault, Nezumi-chan...”

She grinned and turned around, walking backwards and slightly ahead of them.

“Never said it was...” she shrugged. “But unfortunately everyone is involved now...”

“We’re almost at your home, Michiyo-chan” Ryosuke then noted.

She frowned, “H..How do you know that?”

A slight panic crossed his face. He had said too much. Now he had to think quick to answer her without coming across in a wrong way.

“Eto... Eh...”

“He once helped Nippori with his paper route and they saw you enter one of these houses,” Wataru quickly came to the rescue. Maybe that is why Ryosuke asked him to come along.

“That’s right!” he snapped his fingers with a nervous grin.

“Ah...” she slowly nodded, not really believing this story for one bit.

Nezumi shook her head with a chuckle as they came to a stop in front one of the more expensive looking houses. She had always expected her to live in a great community, she was just that type of girl. It made her wonder if Mizumi would ever be able to get used to that kind of lifestyle since she seemed rather down to earth and happy with anything than someone who would live her life in such a posh enviroment.

“Please be careful...” she told them as she walked up to her door. “Oyasuminasai,” she nodded before disappearing inside.

Nezumi looked around for a moment to make sure they weren’t being followed before Wataru urged to move on.

“Which way to your house?” he then asked her.

She frowned, “You’re not going to walk me home... I can take care of myself...”

“Baka,” he scoffed. “You wouldn’t stand a chance...”

“Neither would you two...”

“Oi!” Ryosuke intervened. “Why not head for the restaurant and each of us go their seperate ways?”

“Fine,” she sighed.

“Wataru!” a voice called as they approached the restaurant.

“Ah?” he frowned.

“What are they doing here?”

The three of them stopped in front of the group as they had been apparently waiting in front of the restaurant for quite some time now. Wataru’s mother was gone for the weekend to visit an old friend and apparently go to some kind of convention where she was asked to make her famous omelets. So no one was home to answer the door and let them in while Wataru was at the amusement park.

“I wanted to discuss our routine for the competition this weekend...” Yuuta explained.

Nezumi stared at him for a moment. They had their first competition this weekend already? And only now he decided to discuss the routine, something they should have been practising for months already?

“It’s not the same as the demonstration then?” he frowned.

“You mean you’re going to bore the audience again?” she grinned as she tilted her head.

“It is, but...-” Ignoring the girl completely. He wasn’t really going to give her the satisfaction this time. He had more important things on his mind.

“He thinks we’re not up for it so he dragged all of us here even though I told them that aniki wouldn’t be home...”

“You knew no one was going to be home?!” Kaneko asked.

“I’ve told you already...”

“No, you didn’t!”

“I said it was no use since Aniki and Ryosuke were on their date so no one was home...”

“A date? Together? ” Kiyama grinned. “Romantic, ne?”

“Urusai yo,” Ryosuke scoffed. “We were at the amusement park with Michiyo-chan and Nezumi.”

“Ah? Nezumi too?” Mizusawa sounded surprised.

Nezumi sighed slightly frustrated, “You make it sound like I never do anything fun...”

“That’s not true...” Satoshi shook his head. “But it’s surprising to see you hanging around with Saruwatari-senpai... Voluntarily...”

“It’s wasn’t completely voluntarily...” she grinned.

“Not that you could call it fun either...” Wataru scoffed. “Saburou is back...”

“He never left...” she shook her head. He had been there all along. Watching their every move from the last time they met up until now. Which was slightly creeping her out. “Speaking of which... It might not be such a good idea to wait around outside like this...”

“You mean he is following you?”

“All of us...” Ryosuke corrected.

“Shouldn’t we go home instead then?”

“We should walk you home as well...” the blonde nodded.

“The guy seriously can’t take a break, can he?” Kiyama sighed.

Nezumi shook her head, “Saburou never gives up...” he probably doesn’t even know the meaning of those words.

They decided to walk everyone home. Surely Nippori, Wataru, Ryosuke and Kiyama could defend themselves better in case of emergencies than Yuta, Mizusawa, Kaneko or Satoshi but even then they wouldn’t all be save on their own.

“Why won’t you tell us?”

“Why?” she laughed as she was walking a few paces in front of them and turned around to walk backwards again. “Because I think one stalker is enough...”

“Oi, we’re no stalkers!”

“No, just people who coincidentally need to take the same route as me,” she laughed as she shook her head.

“Ah, lighten up Nezumi!” Wataru chuckled.

She stuck out her tongue then turned around to walk forwards again when someone quickly crashed into her and stopped her in her tracks.

“Sumimasen,” she said quickly before running along through the group of tumblers.

“That was rude...”

“I’m surprised Nezumi didn’t punch her for it...” Yuta laughed.

The others agreed but Nezumi kept quiet. She was frozen on one place as she stared ahead, sweat slowly starting to drip down her head as her eyes were getting hazy with tears. The sting was burning fiercely as her hand dropped down to the spot and pulled out the cause of it all. A small, sharp silver knife now covered in her blood which she dropped almost immediately. She slowly looked down to her hand and noticed the crimson liquid that had covered it like paint.

“Nezumi-senpai?” he was the first to notice her unusual reaction as the other guys were childishly playing out the scene in which Nezumi would react the way she usually would.

“Wataru...” Ryosuke tapped him on the shoulder then pointed towards Nezumi.

She let out a loud and piercing scream that was filled with the feeling of excruciating pain as the drops of crimson were now landing on the ground, before dropping to her knees, a chill running down her spine as the sting got stronger and stronger and the pain increased more and more. Expect the unexpected. She hadn’t been paying attention. Only now she realised who the person was she had bumped into. That same wicked grin on her face. Yuko.

“Nezumi!” Wataru had jumped forwards as the girl dropped to the ground, desperately trying to withstand the pain and hold back the tears. None of them had been expecting the unexpected. All of them were taken off guard and Saburou took his chance. He had luck on his side. And with that luck he had send Yuko to deliver his message. Things were serious, they were playing with the big boys. And they were losing...

Trrr trrr trrr

It was Wataru who fished out the phone from her pocket as she was grasping the wound with one had and grasped the ground with the other, breathing heavily as she no longer held the tears back. The pain was just too much for her to pretend to be tough enough. She didn’t care anymore.

I had warned you... It has begun...” he read out loud before cursing under his breath.  


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Chapter 16: oh.... so there's a sequel coming? This was a really good series, but I didn't really get it due to the fact that Gekikara was in the picture up there and there were majigaku2 scenes for nezumi and geki in there........ so that yuko girl played miso's role..... that killed my brain cuz it's late at night and I decided to read all that..... but it was really good~~