I'll love you until peaches grow on mango trees.

I'll love you until peaches grow on mango trees



(A/N Every line shows that a short period of time has passed before the next event)

Kai's thoughts- Blue
Her thoughts- Orange



Nini tossed and turned in her sleep. In her dream, she saw her friend drowning.  She tried to walk towards her but she was pinned to the ground, cemented, she couldn’t move.  She tried calling out for help but her voice was muted and strained. As her friend’s face disappeared under the water an unfamiliar voice snapped her back to reality.


"Miss, miss, excuse me, I think you're in my seat.”


She sniffled as she wiped away her tears.




She looked up and saw a man staring back at her. He had captivating eyes, long lean arms, a perfect nose, high cheekbones and a perfect jaw line. The blood rushed to her face, causing her to blush. Snap out of it Nini.


“Miss, are you okay?"


Nini stood up quickly to bow and apologize. He noticed that her eyes were slightly puffy, and tainted with hint of red. She must have been crying.


She was in a daze as she stood up and climbed into the seat that was on the opposite side.


Before sitting back down, she bowed and apologized once more.  She took a few deep breaths and leaned back. She tried her best not to focus on the past few days and to forget about her friend’s death.


"You okay?" asked the man as he stared at her with curiosity. His voice was full of care and concern.


Nini tilted her head up to look at the man sitting on the other side with an emotionless expression on her face. Why would he care about how I feel? Surprisingly, she found herself giving him a response.


"Y-yeah, I--," She mumbled while held back her tears.


He patiently waited for her to continue her sentence.


"I'm fine."


He noticed the way that her eyes were fixated on the floor or the cabin. How her breathing was uneven and her body was hitching up and down. She was staring intently outside the window so he followed her gaze. There was nothing unusual outside so his attention shifted back to the peculiar girl seated in front of him.


Nini could see him staring at her from the corner of her eye. She looked at him and he looked away. She made a mental note to avoid eye contact with him. Creep. He continued to stare at her.


"Is there a problem," she mumbled.


"Sorry," he laughed. "You're interesting to watch."


"What?" she replied. Did he just say that?


"You're interesting to watch," he repeated.


She bit her lip as she looked for something to say. The corners of his lips pulled into a smirk. Ugh, it would be much easier to ignore you if you weren't so damn attractive.


As she fiddled with her mobile phone in her hands, it fell onto the floor. She bent down to pick it up but noticed that he was already going to pick it up for her.


"Thank you," stammered Nini.


She figured that she would try and make conversation with him, as she didn't want to have an awkward two-hour train ride.


"My names Kai, what's yours?" he asked, while brushing his fingers through his hair.


"Nini," she replied. Nini..


"So, tell me. What’s wrong?" asked Kai.


Surprisingly, Nini and Kai got along quite well. Two hours flew by as they talked to each other about their hopes for the future, their dreams, aspirations, and hobbies. They found it easy to open up to each other.


Nini learnt that Kai was an aspiring dancer; he was hoping to audition for the amazing SM entertainment. Kai learnt about the recent death of one of Nini's friends. He gave her comfort and assured her that everything was going to be okay.



Several months went by after the conversation on the train. Nini and Kai had grown closer. They would exchange texts everyday. Their bond was unbreakable. 


Kai:  “You haven't lost your smile at all, it's right under your nose. You just forgot it was there.”


Eventually, Kai taught Nini how to smile again.



Kai: Nini, it's been ages since we last met.

Nini: yeah :)

Kai: Do you wanna go out this Saturday?

Nini: Lmfao of course.


A few more weeks went by. Kai realized his developing feelings for Nini. He realized that he cared about her more than anything. When she cried, his heart would cry with her. When she laughed, all of his worries would disappear. He had to tell her before someone else snatched her away.



Kai walked to the restaurant wearing his tux. He adjusted his tie and looked at his watch. 9:30, she should be here soon. When he turned around, he saw a beautiful girl walking towards him. She looked like a goddess in her blindingly white dress. Like a beautiful spirit. He smiled at her.


"Kai!" yelled Nini as she ran towards him with open arms and embraced him. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," he laughed.


They entered a posh looking restaurant. The interior was grand and elegant with its beautiful marble flooring, golden curtains made of silk, polished windows and in the middle of the room, a crystal chandelier. Nini stared at her surroundings in awe. Soon they were seated in a private candlelit room and Kai began to talk.


"Nini-ah, can I tell you something," mumbled Kai, he was beginning to feel nervous. His heart began to thump against his ribcage.

"Yes, anything," smiled Nini, she looked dazzling in the glowing light.

"Well, I'm in love with a girl. But what if she doesn't like me?" he asked.


Nini was shocked by what Kai had just told her. It was like someone had just stolen her heart and shredded it into a million pieces. Her feelings for Kai had developed in the past few months. I guess it wasn’t meant to be. She forced a smile.


"Don't worry oppa. Who wouldn't like you?" she answered as she sipped some water from her glass to stop herself from crying.

"What do I say to her?" continued Kai.


Nini sat there in silence so Kai continued to talk.


"What about this?" said Kai. "Deep in my heart, I'm concealing things from you that I'm longing to say. I've been scared to confess what I'm feeling, but I'm frightened you'll slip away from me if I don't. The truth is.. I love you."


Nini was touched by what Kai had said. If only those words were meant for me.


"It's beautiful, now go tell her before someone else does," she smiled.

"I just did," replied Kai as he took Nini by the hand.


Kai laughed at the shocked expression on her face. Then, he leaned in and kissed her.



Nini lay down with Kai and counted the stars in the night sky. She shivered when the cold breeze brushed against her skin. He moved closer to her and she blushed in the darkness.


He pulled her closer and pecked her on the nose.


"Nini, I love you," her whispered.

"I love you too," she answered as she buried herself into Kai's chest.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

"Stop joking around Kai," mumbled Nini.

"I'm serious, I know this isn't the most romantic proposal but I've realized that I can't live without you," he explained.


Nini sat up and looked Kai in the eyes.


"Do you really mean it," she whispered.

"Yes," he smiled.

"I'll marry you," she laughed.


Kai slipped an engagement ring onto Nini's finger and kissed her with passion. He felt like the luckiest man in the world. What did I do to deserve you? He pulled away leaving Nini empty inside. I love you Kai.


"How much do you love me?" asked Nini playfully.

"I'll love you until peaches grow on mango trees," whispered Kai.

"So will I," whispered Nini.


They lay there for the rest of the night, holding each other tightly.



A few years later. Kai discovered that he had gotten cancer. It was life threatening and the chances of him surviving were slim. He walked into the room where his loving wife was sitting. I can't possibly tell her now.


Kai lay on the hospital bed thinking about his life. He had told Nini that he was going away on a buisness trip. In reality, he was in hospital. Guess I'm not going to make it. He began to fell queasy. Soon enough, it was hard for him to breathe. He grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and scrawled down a message. With his last breath, he managed to utter one sentence. 

"I love you Nini."




"I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU KAI," screamed Nini. How could you leave me like this?

"Darling, it wasn't his fault," replied her mother, trying to console her. "We can't control what happens in life.


Her mother’s heart broke watching her daughter cry. She hesitated before pulling Kai's letter to her out of her pocket and handing it to Nini.

"He wanted you to have this," said Nini's mother.


Dear Nini,


I want you to know, I love you more than anything. I want to apologize for not telling you about my cancer. I couldn't ruin your happiness like that. I'm sorry for meeting you on that train, I'm sorry for making you smile, I'm sorry for convincing you that I was even worth loving, I'm sorry for writing you all those love songs, I'm sorry for buying you roses everyday, I'm sorry for holding an umbrella up for you in the rain, I'm sorry for every kiss and every hug, I'm sorry I fell for you, I'm sorry I made you love me.


Nini scrunched up the letter and threw it across the room. This doesn't make a difference. He left me. He left me alone in this world. He had driven her insane. I'll never forgive him for doing that.


She ran upstairs, tears flowing down her face. She searched for Kai's belongings. She was going to burn everything. As she lit a match to set his box of things on fire, an unfamiliar object caught her eye. A book. She blew out the match and crawled towards it. Her hands we're shaking as she opened it.


Kai's diary.


Today, I met the most remarkable girl on the train. She had captivating eyes and a beautiful complexion. She was so alluring. There's something about her that's different to other girls I've met before.



I felt something unfamiliar today. When I saw Nini's text message on my phone. My heart began to flutter. Is this what they call love?



I confessed to Nini today. She said yes. My heart feels like it’s going to burst. Damn she looked amazing in that dress. I'll never let her go. I'll never make her cry. She is the best thing that's ever happened to me.



I think I've fallen for Nini even more. My heart feels heavy when she's in pain and I forget about everything when she smiles. When I saw her talking to the bartender today, I realized I cared, a lot. Should I propose to her? I don't want to lose her.



Today... went well. I finally did it. I proposed. She said yes. Life has never been this great. IHFOHEWFJWNC I AM GETTING MARRIED HAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAH



Nini looked stunning in her wedding dress today. My heart was thumping against my ribcage throughout our whole wedding. Could she hear that? When we said our I do's, I felt like I was going to cry. What did I do to deserve this amazing girl?



Today I got the results back from my medical examination. It's cancer. I wanted to tell Nini but I couldn't do it. I can't bear the thought of her being sad all day. For now, I can only hope that I'll survive and treasure every second we're together. I love her so much.


Nini cried as she thought of everything that they had been through. I miss you Kai. Then, she forgave him.


"I'll love you until peaches grow on mango trees too Kai," she smiled.

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b2stie #1
T.T kaii... *exasperated scream* we all don't got to be sorry for something we desire for xD Good job author/admin of Beast FB page xD just here to let u know someone is supporting you from there xD
the beginning was so beautiful
and then the ending made me creyyyyyy omg ;~;
junmyeons #3
i hate you lmao update soon! :(