Moving Out, Moving On

I'd Still Choose You

A week later…


Jay has settled everything and has decided to move to LA for better opportunities and hope to be what he has promised Emma; to move on and continue to love.


He looked around the house that was now covered in sheets, imagining what could have been in there; he smiled sadly to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Jay was confused because he was not expecting anyone since his flight was due in two hours and he told his family not to send him off.


He went to the door, it was delivery for him.


"Hi. I believe you're Mr. Park."


"Hi," he eyed the young man suspiciously.

"You are looking for?"


"Oh, I"m from Star Weddings. I'm sorry for the sudden intrusion.”

Handing over to Jay what seemed to be a large wrapped board, he continued

“We heard about your recent lost and we’re really sorry, but the last frame for your wedding shoot with your late fiancé is ready.”


"You didn't come down to collect it, we know your family's been busy and probably not in the mood. So we thought we’d deliver them to you, it’s the company’s policy.” The guy shrugged apologetically knowing that this was the wrong timing.


Oh, was all Jay could say at the moment as the sudden delivery was unexpected.


"Again, we're really sorry for your lost. My heart goes out to you and your family."


"No worries, thanks. I understand. Have a nice day."  He managed with a forced half-hearted smile. Closing the door, he carried the wrapped picture up to his room.

He took a deep breath before tearing open the wrapper; it was the picture where he kissed her whilst doing a b-boy pose. He smiled fondly at the picture as memories of how much fun they had during the shoot and the amount of effort he had to put in to persuade Emma to let him do that “according to Emma, insanely dangerous move” flash before him; a lone tear streaked down his left cheek unknowingly. All this seemed just like yesterday when they were still madly in love with each other, which he still was.




Emma was angry, lost and confused. She didn't understand why God gave her all the good things in life and now when things are just about to fall into place, just take it all away from her; sentencing her to death without even a chance to appeal or giving her a reason. But who was she kidding? This was life, you get no explanation.


She always understood and accepted the fact that life wasn't unfair; it was what you make of it. 

But all this bull happening so suddenly, she felt it was unfair to her family, to her friends and especially him. She has vowed to live life together with him and now she has to break the promise. How was she supposed to tell him?

Oh hey surprise! I'm dying and it was nice meeting you. Now see you on the flipside? 

Now that's bull.


Sitting alone in the restaurant, Emma has been here for half an hour now and still hasn't noticed her date has yet to arrive. Well of course Emma did not seem to notice, she was lost in her own thoughts, thinking and trying to register her mind to the news she just got.

But on the other hand, he was never late. Even if he was, he’d call; he’d never let her wait without knowing.


It was only till the waiter asked for any last orders did she realize how long she had waited. There was no call from Jay she thought so she pulled out her phone to give him a call to check on him. But only to find out that her phone was dead.

"" she cursed under her breath, face-palming herself. Having paid the bill, she quickly got out of the restaurant with only one solution in her mind; pay phone booth. Being so out of it the whole night, she did not even realize that it had been raining cats and dogs. She cursed under her breath as she was about to step out of the restaurant, zipped up her jacket and made a run for it. 


On the other side, Jay got delayed from work. He was a full time dancer; B-boy to be exact and part time music producer out of interest. He got caught up with a recording session which he did not want to miss because it was his big shot for getting his work displayed. Knowing his girlfriend slash fiancé, she would totally understand how important this was for him. Emma has always been supportive of him chasing his dreams and told him to not let anything hold him back; not even their relationship. So Jay was confident she would not mind if he had given her a heads up for missing out on their anniversary dinner.


He called her but to no avail so he thought he'd left her a voicemail telling her to wait for him at home instead and the he would be back ASAP.

Jay finally reached home and it was already half pass eleven. The lights of their apartment were off so he thought she may have turned in early, he got in quickly to look for her and to apologize but only to get replied with an empty house. 


Seconds running in the rain Emma was already soaked head to toe; looking around for a phone booth but to no avail. As bad as it already was, she got caught in a puddle and slipped; landing right on her behind, followed by a twisted ankle. 

Angered by all this, she sat there. Facing the cruelness of reality, she let the cold rain hit her face, kicking the floor while hitting the puddle of water and looked up to the sky.


Infuriated, she shouted in desperation

"What the do you want from me?!

 Haven't you ing messed me up enough?!

this ! Why don't you just kill me now! I'm dying anyways!

Now what did I do to get you pissed?!

Killed Jesus Christ?!"


She then noticed passersby stare at her and shouted at them in return

"WHAT?! You've never been angry with God?!"

Intimidated by her sudden outrage, passersby continued to scatter off in the pouring rain. 


Looking back up, Emma continued her ramble.


"ing you God!

I did not go to church all these years to have you pull this bull on me!

Well thank you very much!

Praise the lord! Hallelujah!

I'm truly BLESSED!!!!"


Laughing and crying at the same time, letting out all her anger and frustration on the streets without a care in the world that people would stare at her or call the cops thinking she was crazy. Things were already pretty messed up and now, this was nothing to her as compared. 


Back at the house, Jay was worried sick. He tried calling Emma over and over again and then tried calling everyone he knew that might probably know where she was but all he got was either “no” or “I don’t know”.


He decided to go out and try his luck. He grabbed his jacket and yanked the door open and there she stood before him; drenched and expressionless, staring blankly.


"Oh gosh babe! Are you okay?!” He asked grabbing her shoulders touching her head.

She stood there, lifeless, her face as pale as snow. Seeing no response, Jay continued to examine her.


"I've been worried sick. Where have you been?” He asked cupping her face. She swapped his hands away and made her way into the house limping, totally ignoring him.


"Look babe, if this is about me being late. I’m sorry okay.” He sighed.

"I called but you didn't answer, I even left you a voicemail which I guess you didn’t receive as well.” Sounding more annoyed than he intend to.


"Yea, whatever." She simply replied.


Getting more annoyed by the minute, Jay followed her into the room, grabbed her arm and made her face him.

"Emma I said I'm sorry okay. I know anniversaries are an important thing for girls but hey I called, I left a message. You were the one who went missing. I’m sorry and I promise I’ll make it up to you. Now would you quit ignoring me and talk to me?!”


She stared up at him not knowing what to say. Was she supposed to tell him what happened? Did she have the heart to break the news to him? No she didn’t.


"Emma baby look at me. Things like this happen and sometimes there are other priorities. So you gotta stop overreacting. And if we want to get married, we gotta learn to give in.”


She looked at him, his look ever so sincere no matter how cold and unreasonable her reaction towards him was. She wanted to just run into his embrace and tell him that everything is okay but she couldn’t. Not at the given situation. If she wanted to break it off, she had to do it now; break his heart and just leave, to cut him some slack. He did not deserve to have to go through this with her she thought. Emma hardened her heart for what she was about to say to him.


"Then don't"  finally meeting his eyes.


"What?"  He asked in disbelief


"I said then don't get married."


"You know that's not what I meant. Look we’re all tired, let’s get some rest and we’ll talk about it tomorrow." Not knowing what has gone into her.


She broke free from his hold and turned around, trying to blink back the tears. On the table was their wedding pictures they took a week ago; everything seemed perfect.


"But I meant it." She sighed, hoping that he would just let it go.


"Quit playing, c'mon babe."  He pleaded in desperation, hoping it was just some prank she was pulling on him.


She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. Emma could hear the desperation in Jay's voice and every minute of this was breaking her heart as much as it was breaking his. But there was no return, she has to be strong.


Emma spun around, her expression as cold as ever, “Am I laughing?”


"I mean it, the wedding's off. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t put me on top of their list."  And with that, she tore the wedding pictures and threw it at him.


"Babe, you're overreacting."


"Just leave me alone and get out of my life.” She simply said.


And she left.




He looked to his left, where the pictures she had torn were nicely taped back.

He let out a wry smile and sighed, “Well at least, this one is perfect.”


He kept the pictures into the closet, shutting it.

He took another look at the house, the house that was supposed to be their new home for the family they were gonna built together.

The home that would have created countless memories for them, but all that’s left is what was.


"Bye babe."

With that he closed the door shut, leaving all this behind, heading for LA.

In search for new hope and a new life; leaving for good. 








Hi all! As you figured by now, I'm inconsistent when it comes to updating. Well I write only whenever something comes to my mind. But anywho, thanks for subscribing & the support. Again constructive criticism, advices & comments are much appreciated. Thank you!



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wendextie2 #1
Chapter 3: Omg....who would've known the story would be this sad. Tears are streaming down my face and omfg...poor jay. Poor poor jay and poor emma. This just . Oh man. But I'm definitely loving the story so far. Keep up the good work! :)
Chapter 3: I cried in every chapter, no doubt about it. Please update soon, this is really good so far. The way you describe Jay's pain is so... excruciatingly painful for the reader, let alone if you're actually the one going through it. Wow. Just wow.
Chapter 3: A sweet chapter! Hope you update soon!
Chapter 2: I'm glad we get to know what happened beforehand. Hope you update soon!
Your story is pretty good :)
Keep writing for your readers xD
wendextie2 #6
Omg....Okay no more sad stories for me haha they keep making me cry. BUT!
It's an exception for yours haha I loves it!