9 months flew by so fast. Now, L’s rushing you to the hospital because your bag of water ruptured already.

“MYUNGSOOOO!!!!! CAN’T YOU GO ANY FASTER?!!!!!” You yelled at your car.

L was driving fast. REALLY fast. It is just that you are in great pain that you don’t know he is driving extremely fast.



“Ssssshhhh. It will go away, babe. Just..” L stopped. “Hold on. We’re here.”

L went out the car and ran to the other side to carry you bridal style. He ran to the emergency room.

The medical personnel immediately pushed your stretcher to the delivery room.

“Sir. You can accompany your wife.” The nurse told L.

L got dressed and went with you.


“One more push, babe.” L said as he wiped your sweat.

“One, two, three, push!” The midwife said.

“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” you gave your full force on that one.


“Wow. That was a long and loud one.” Hoya said as Infinite and Eunjae were waiting at the hallway.

“That was the loudest. I hope it’s over.” Dongwoo said.

Then the door opened revealing L who is drenched in sweat.

Everyone crowded him.

“How’s the baby?”

“Where’s ~~~~~?”

“Is the baby a boy or girl?”

“What happened?”

There were a lot of questions that bombarded L.

“The baby’s fine. They transferred her to the nursery.” L said.

“Yes. She’s a girl. And my wife is getting transferred to a private room later. They are just preparing her.” L said. “And what about your dumb question, Sunggyu hyung? ‘WHAT HAPPENED?’ Nothing happened. I just happened to accompany my wife to give birth to our child. Not to mention that I am drenched in sweat. NOTHING happened.” L said sarcastically.

With that hysterical and sarcastic response of L, everyone laughed.


“Myungsoo! Where is ~~~~~~?” Your mom and his mom came. Your fathers were out of the country but they sent you greetings for your baby.

“She’s inside.” L smiled.

The moms went straight to your room. They saw you with your baby. You were holding her in your arms and observing her features.

“~~~~~~~!” the moms called you.

You smiled when you saw them. “Mom! Omma!” You straightened up.

“Is she the little angel?” Your mom carried your daughter.

“Neh, mom. Isn’t she so beautiful?” You said.

“She is the most beautiful baby I have seen!” L’s mom said.

You chuckled. “She got every feature of L. I hate it.” You said.

“That’s why she’ll grow beautiful.” L said.

You slapped his chest. But he hugged you.

“you meanie!” you told him.

“I love you too.” L said as he kissed your cheek.


5 years later….

“Hanaaaaaa!” you screamed your lungs out.

“Omma!!!!” You heard her scream from the drawing room.

You went to her and checked her out. You saw her drawing something.

“What’s that?” you asked.

“Us. This is Appa. This is you, Omma. This is me. And this is Sungjae.” She said as she pointed to her drawing.

Sungjae is your 2nd child. Your son. He is 2 years younger than Hana. ^^

You smiled at your daughter. But then you saw another drawing.

You looked at a boy and a girl.

“What is that, baby?” You asked Hana.

Hana looked at you with her innocent face.

“He is my best friend, omma! HE is Lee Byunghun. But they call him L. Joe.” She said as she pointed at the drawing.

You smiled at your daughter.

“Next time, tell him to come by and eat here.” You said.

“Jeongmal, Omma!?” She rounded her big eyes, the only thing she got from you.

“Yes!” You said as you carried her.

“Ommmaaaaaaaa!!!!!!” A cute boy’s voice echoed over the house.

You and Hana went down to see Myungsoo and Sungjae back from playing basketball.

Sungjae ran to you. You hugged him and carried him.

“Did you have fun?” You asked your baby boy.

He smiled and nodded. “I had a lot of fun! Appa is really good in basketball. He taught me.” He said enthusiastically.

“Really?” you asked as you looked at L. “Indeed. He is good in shooting.” You said to Sungjae. But to L, it sounded different.

L smirked. And looked at you.

“Later, babe.” He mouthed you as Hana came to him and showed him her drawings.

You rolled your eyes at him.



You were watching the kids play. You feel contented about how everything worked out between you and L. This was a tiring love story, honestly.

You sighed and smiled while watching the kids.

“Aren’t they perfect?” L said and appeared out of nowhere.

You looked at him and he hugged your waist.

“They are our little angels. I can’t believe this happened to me.” You said.

L held your shoulders and made you face him. He cupped your face.

“You deserve this. You deserve a perfect family.” L said. He smiled at you.

“Thank you, ~~~~~-ah. Thanks for giving me the chance to have our daughter and our son.” He said.

You smiled. “I should be the one thanking you.” You said.

L smiled at you. He shook his head. “Ani. I should be. I have hurt you a lot in the past but in the end, you still accepted me. You still loved me and gave me the opportunity to be your husband and the father of your children.” L said as he kissed your forehead.

“I don’t know what to do without you.” He continued. “You accepted the real me and you changed me.”

“I didn’t.” You smiled. “Our love did.” You continued.

With that, L kissed your lips passionately. You responded on that kiss. You felt L’s love with his kiss. You were extremely happy at how things worked between the two of you. You remembered everything that happened after meeting this jerk.



“Hey, Miss. Having a hard time starting your engine?” He asked seductively.

 “Mind your own business.” You said.

He smirked. “You know, you can always ride with me. Err. Scratch that, you can always ride ON me.” He said as he plucked his tongue and his lips.

You rolled your eyes. “Jerk.”

L’s eyes widened. “What did you say?” He asked.

 “I said you’re a jerk, Jerk. Don’t act like every girl wants you, like every girl dreams about you and like a crazy maniac banging all the girls he sees.” You said as you went out of your car.

“YAH! YOU! How dare you say those things?! Don’t you know me? I am the next generation Kim Leader of the Kim Group of Companies. Don’t even dare talk to me that way, I can call guys to you if I want.” He said. “And look at yourself. You think you’re pretty?! You are not! You are the ugliest person I’ve ever seen.” He said.


“What are you doing here?” You asked him.

He glared at you. “You’re asking me? What are YOU doing here?” He shot back.

“You know each other?” Your dad asked.

Both you and L shook your heads. “Ani.” You chorused.

“OMO! Myungsoo, you feel so special when you are with your fiancé.” His mom said.

“MWOH!?!” You asked.

“Marriage with this jerk?!!!!”

“Marriage with this arrogant girl?!!!!”


 “J – j – jerk?” You asked as you stuttered.

L glared at you. His death glare really kills you ON THE SPOT. “YAH! You, ugly girl!” He yelled. “WHY ARE YOU NOT LOOKING ON YOUR WAY?!” He asked with irritation evident in his voice.

You got up and held your bumped head. *Damn! Why is his shoulders so hard?! Full of muscles, huh?!* You playfully thought as you remembered his body. Then you snapped out of it. *YAH! What am I thinking?!* You told yourself. “You were the one who is not watching the way!” you blamed him.

L scoffed in disbelief. “MWOH!?!!!!” He yelled. “You are the one who’s jumping up and down here. And you’re telling me that I am the one who wasn’t looking?!” He hissed. “You’re unbelievable!” He yelled.

You were about to respond when Sunggyu cut the fight. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG?!” He yelled. “A simple apology would be fine!” He said.

You and L looked at each other. You glared at each other actually. “It’s not my fault!” You chorused.


Eunjae smiled. “Because you are going to live with him for the rest of your life!” She reasoned out.


L sighed. “I said I’m sorry.” He repeated.

 “It’s okay. You don’t have to say it if you don’t mean it.” You said.

L breathed heavily. “I mean it.” He replied. “I’m really sorry.” He added.

 “I said you don’t have to say it. It doesn’t matter at all.” You said as you walked pass him. Unfortunately, you tripped over nothing. Luckily, L caught you. But accidentally, you landed on top of him with your lips locked with his. Both of you had your eyes wide opened. *Yah! My stupid, clumsy self, get up now!* You commanded yourself but you just didn’t move. Somehow, you felt good with this kiss.

L can’t move at all. He was shocked about everything. But then he noticed his eyes closing and his lips moving into yours. *What is happening to me? I am not kissing this woman!* He screamed in his thoughts but his body acts the opposite.


“Do you, Kim Myungsoo, take, Lee ~~~~~ to be your wife, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, n sickness and in health, to love and to cherish: from this day forward until death do you part?” The priest asked.

L thought for a moment and breathed heavily. *Bye, happiness.* He said as he closed his eyes. “I do.”

Then the priest turned to you. “Do you, Lee ~~~~~~~~, take, Kim Myungsoo to be your husband, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, n sickness and in health, to love and to cherish: from this day forward until death do you part?” The priest asked.

*Say no.* Your mind said. You paused for a moment as you looked at the priest with serious face. It’s like you are giving me a what – do – think – you – are – doing – look. You swallowed then closed your eyes. “I… do.” You said. *It’s all over.* You thought.


“Hey.” He said. “Can I ask you a favor?” He asked.

You looked at him. “What?” You asked.

“Don’t let anyone know about this marriage.” He said.

You scoffed. “Arasseo. I won’t. I don’t want to let them know that I am married to a jerk.” You replied.

“And I don’t want them to know that I married an ugly girl.” He said back.

Your eyes widened. “FINE! Let’s keep this SECRET MARRIAGE!”


Eunjae laughed. ‘Just admit it. You are falling for him.’ She said.

“I AM NOT! NOT NOW, NOT EVER!” you yelled as you hang up. Then you paused. *Falling for him? It can’t be. Impossible. He doesn’t even do something sweet or good. Why would I?!*


“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dared you to eat those nuts.” He said as tears were about to fall. “Just wake up, please? I won’t be a jerk to you again.” He swore as he was holding your hand.


“I am so glad you woke up!” He said as he was hugging you.

“Yah. What’s happening? Did I just die?” You asked.

L chuckled. “Mianhe. You had an anaphylactic reaction.” He said.


“I actually don’t like seeing you cry.” He said.

“Don’t cry anymore.” He began.

“~~~~~~,” L began. “You may think this is crazy. You may think I am weird.” He continued. “But I think, I love you.” He confessed.


L smiled. “I cared from the start. You just didn’t notice because I always tease you.” He said.

You laughed and nodded. “Yeah right.” You said. “You’re the BULLY – EST person I have ever met in my

whole life.” You admitted.

“I know. And I know that you are thinking now how the hell you fell in love with me.” He said.


“You’re mine.” He said.


L stared at you. “You really at lying, Kim ~~~~~~~.” He said.

“No. It’s the truth.” You said.

L still stared at you. “If I found out you are lying, you are as dead as the person who did this to you.” L warned.


“Don’t ‘oppa’ me! I’m telling you all!” He yelled. “Once you lay a finger on Lee ~~~~~, you’re dead as hell! You won’t be seeing daylight! Keep that in mind.” He said as he stormed out of the school again.


 “You look so cute.” He said.

You rolled your eyes. “Hey! Don’t go without this.” He said as he pecked your lips.






“Hey stop talking to yourself.”

 “Y-you know I am here?” You asked an obvious question.

L smirked. “Of course, you babo. That’s why I am here.” He said as he put the things he is holding on the table.

 “Babe,…” He started. “I am so sorry.”He said.

“It’s okay. At least you are here now.” You said smiling.

L hugged your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder. “You should know that I will never forgive myself. And I am glad that our baby is fine.” He said as he kissed your neck.


“Arasseo. I’ll be going then and look for your ice cream.” He said as he pecked your lips.


“STOP HITTING MY WIFE!” A raging L came and walked to you.


“You actually changed.” You said.  “I mean, you became a sweeter Myungsoo.” You said.

 “Of course. That’s because I love you.” He said.

 “I actually loved the annoying L better.” You said.

“What? You want the other side of me?” He asked.

 “I fell in love with that L.” You said.

 “Me too. I fell in love with the evil you.” He said.


“You deserve this. You deserve a perfect family.” L said.

“Thank you, ~~~~~-ah. Thanks for giving me the chance to have our daughter and our son.” He said.

 “I should be the one thanking you.” You said.

 “Ani. I should be. I have hurt you a lot in the past but in the end, you still accepted me. You still loved me and gave me the opportunity to be your husband and the father of your children.” L said as he kissed your forehead.

“I don’t know what to do without you.” He continued. “You accepted the real me and you changed me.”

“I didn’t.” You smiled. “Our love did.” You continued.


“I love you.”

“I love you too.”




You smiled as you stood up from Hana’s bed.

“It’s late. You go to sleep now.” You told her.

She smiled and nodded. “I love you, Mommy!” She said.

“How about me?” L said as he opened the door.

“I love you too, Daddy!” She said.

L came and hugged her.

“Mommy and Daddy love you too, baby.” L said as he was hugging Hana.

“Hey, Mommy! Why don’t you join us?” Sungjae said.

Your eyes widened. “Sungjae? How did you get there?” You asked in amusement.

“Hehehe. I sneaked out.” He said as he was rubbing the back of his neck. “Aren’t I good at sneaking, Mommy?” He asked.

You smiled at him. “You really are.”

With that, you hugged your precious family. *Thank you, Lord, for this perfect family.* You thought as L kissed you.




I am so happy.  I have a family that loves each other. We always find time for each other. I can see that Appa loves Omma so much and so does Omma. And I love them too. I think Sungjae thinks the same. ^^

So, hello guys! I am Kim Hana, the daughter of Kim Myungsoo and Lee ~~~~~~. I think you will be seeing more of me soon. Yes, readers! You will see more of me soon. Stay tuned.

I know I am just a 5 – year old girl. I know I don’t know anything much about the world but who cares? I am a human and I can still feel something, y’know~ I am not Kim Myungsoo’s daughter for nothing.

So, I have a guy best friend. He is always there for me. When I am being bullied, he always stands before me and fights the bad guys. He always makes me happy. He cracks jokes when I am sad. His little efforts really make me happy. He helps me in everything. I think he is perfect.

His name is Lee Byunghun. You will know about him soon. Very soon.

When? I don’t know as well. Just ask the author about this. And tell her to describe --------- well.

So, there you go. You saw how my parents were developed to each other. I think it’s time for my love story too. See you soon!


Yours truly,

Kim Hana, the girl who’s in loved with her best friend.





There you have it! =))))

I hope you enjoyed the story~ 

Thank you for reading and being with me through it all.

I enjoyed writing this fic. ^^


Yes. L. Joe won the poll by a lot! I repeat, a lot. =))))

That's why he's the next character in my fic. 

See you there!! =))))



Yours truly, beloved author lelinigo~ ♥

Saranghamnida~~~ :">>>>


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Chapter 34: I like this one~ but I feel it’s short ;;;;;
keep it up, dear!
Chapter 37: Your stories are so beautiful istg I'm going to upvote this ^^
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh!!!! L! What have you done?!
Chapter 8: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ their first kiss!!!! ♥
Chapter 34: Aah~ this fanfic is full of sweetness oh my god myungsoo why are you so hot dan cute at the same time? I really like this authornim~
blanktae_thy #6
Chapter 7: Your Myungsoo fanfics are the best~!!!
EliseNopuente #7
Chapter 19: I started crying for
Some reason so cute and sad :( :)
evelym #8
Chapter 36: Great story authornim!!!!next to sequle!!!
EXO1127 #9
Chapter 30: I LLLLLOOOVVVEEE your other fanfic!!
EXO1127 #10
Chapter 3: AAAAmazing story!!