AN: So i've decided to post this Please don't take this too seriously & there's a possibility that I can do a sequel if I get enough subscribers...
Note: 'Q' means it's the female person who's questioning them.
ENJOY! [^]-[^]

Q: Heechul, do you think of yourself as the most perfect male alive? Why?

Heechul: I wouldn't say perfect. But i do think i'm the best. You ask why? I don't even know. Maybe it shows that i'm the best because of all the girls swooning over me... *smiles arrogantly at the camera*

Q: Does the other Super Junior members think the same?

Heechul: Of course!

Hankyung: No!

Eunhyuk: Definitely not.

Heechul: *glares at Hankyung and Eunhyuk**

Q: Who is the weirdest member?

Heechul: Ah, it's got to be Yesung.

Yesung: YAH!

Heechul: It's true. Right guys?

Kangin: Why are you always the one answering the questions? Well, i think the weirdest is... i don't know. I think we're all weird.

Super Junior: What?!

Q: Each member needs to answer this question. If you were a girl... pretend to be like a female ELF, who would you like the most out of Super Junior? 

Leeteuk: AH! This has been repeatedly asked whenever we would have interviews! Why?!

Heechul: Yah, Park Jungsoo, have you heard of, or read, any fanfics?

Leeteuk: A what?! P-p-an Piku??

Q: Please answer the question.

Kyuhyun: I think I would like Donghae hyung.

Sungmin: *stares at Kyuhyun*

Kyuhyun: I-i-i think I'd like Donghae at first...But like Sungmin in the end. *forced smile*

Eunhyuk: I think mine would be Siwon. This guy has got the looks, the money, what not...

Siwon: I'm not rich~~ Mine would probably be ...  Ryeowook-shi. He's so talented.

Heechul: If I was an ELF, would like Kim Heechul.

Super Junior: *Stares at Heechul.*

Heechul: What?

Kangin: Mine would be Leeteuk-shi.

Leeteuk: Mine would be Siwon. (:

Hankyung: No one. *looks away from the members*

Heechul: I feel rejected.

Shindong: Siwon.

Sungmin: Kyuhyun, cos ...his voice is so nice. ^^

Ryeowook: Sungmin.

Kibum: I don't know...

Q: Who is the most annoying member?

Yesung: *stands up* I haven't even answered to the other question yet~~!T_T *stares at the questionere*

Q: Do you want to answer it that bad? Yesung, ARE YOU GAY?

Yesung: WHAT?!

Q: Because it looks like you want to answer that question that bad... I'm asking, are you gay?

Leeteuk: No~ He's most definitely not. Next question please. *forced smile*
*whispers to Yesung* Kwenchana (you okay)?

Q: Is it true that Heechul likes to kiss guys? Especially the members?

Leeteuk: Yah... What kind of questions are these?

Heechul: *looks around the room* This is one of those pranks again, isn't it?

Siwon: Please change the question.

Q: Donghae, when your father died, did you take a break from your career first or instantly continued performing?

Siwon: *stands up* *walks towards the female questionere** EXCUSE ME... But could you please give... NICER... less personal questions? Thank you.

Q: Siwon, are you really religous or are you just doing it to be somehow liked more by the fans?

Leeteuk: Yah!!

Siwon: Yes, i'm really religous...

Q: Yesung, how can such a human have such small hands?

Super Junior: **walks away*

Manager: (to the questionere) What is wrong with you and your questions?! I thought you were professional and from an international magazine!

Q: Nope. I'm an anti-fan.

Manager: Why are you here then?!

Q: I want to annoy them as much as they annoyed me before. They are too popular, they're taking over the asian pop world! I don't see how so many fans could like them. Hence why I was asking those questions. The band that I like, didn't succeed as much as they wanted to because of these 13 ridiculous guys!!

Manager: You've got serious issues. Please leave before you're forced to.

(Super Junior comes back in the room)

Super Junior: (to the female questionere) We are unique. That's why we are ...SUPER JU-NIOR!

Leeteuk: I may be too much of a mother. But that's what makes me a great leader, and keep us all together.

Heechul: My face completes the last puzzle peice in our family (Super Junior). *smiles greatly at the camera*

Hankyung: *speaks in chinese*

Heechul: (pretends to understand) He said "you're gay".

Yesung: I may be the oddball with the small hands, but it's my talents that count!

Ryeowook: *hugs Yesung*

Kangin: I may look tough, but if ever I had to leave these 12 weirdos, it's like leaving half of me too.

Q: So you'd be half your weight? Is that what you mean?

Heechul: (in english) SHADDAP! (shut up). Emotional talk is in the process~ Continue...

Shindong: Just what Yesung hyung said, it's the talents that count.

Sungmin: Pink.

Heechul: What?

Sungmin: I meant, yes, it's the talents that count.

Eunhyuk: (in english) Nice weather! Cos of Super Junior~

Heechul: *rolls eyes* I thought we were serious here...

Donghae: I love my father! He's dead but he's still with me~

Yesung: Yeah, i can see. He's next to you...

Heechul: Not now with the weirdness, Yesung...

Siwon: God is the one that brought us 13+2 together~ along with the help of ELF's.

Ryeowook: The reason these guys are still alive is because of my cooking.~

Kibum: Even though i'm very busy with my acting career and don't get to do activities with the group anymore, I've always supported these guys~~ That's what most fans doesn't know~

Kyuhyun: Starcraft.
S - super junior
T - together,
A - always
R - rising
C - continuously,
R - right till
A - at the end,

Heechul: What? Does that even make sense?~

Leeteuk: So you see, Mrs. Q, we, Super Junior, are awesome. And if you don't like it, just stay away. *smiles with such cute dimples**

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deadlysins #1
I'm so touched~ <br />
I missed when they're 13 back then... :D<br />
And now I'm happy that they finally 15 and will always be... <br />
13+2+1=ONE :D
STARCRAFT! I like how Heechul answers almost everyhting here. Super Junior, hwaiting!
You are so great! I was touched and definitely laughed with some of the answers :) starcraft... nice weather!(how i miss suju's fullhouse)....
meiyao17 #4
YAH! so amazing!.. Heechul is so funny ^-^ .. and also the true meaning of "starcraft* for kyuhyun..
gaemgyu #5
hahaha! Nice one! XD<br />
yeTi-dee #6
LOL! :D sUpEr liKe!<br />
-nice weather huh..haha
ijjimaseyo_07 #7
go starcraft !! hahahah
LeePeppers #8
Donghae: I love my father! He's dead but he's still with me~<br />
Yesung: Yeah, i can see. He's next to you...<br />
Heechul: Not now with the weirdness, Yesung...<br />
<br />
Epic that was Epic !! and Starcraft too ! perfect!