Bad Hair Day 2

Bad Hair Day 2

On the set of Super Junior's 1st Music Video shoot  for the 6th jib.


“This is much better than the first time I got the cut” Kyuhyun was looking to himself at the mirror.

“Apparently I just need more hair gel. Hmmm...oke..” Kyuhyun nodded himself as he knows how to treat his new hair cut.

“Don’t you think my hair is better now, Siwonnie??”  Kyuhyun turned his head to his boyfriend. 

“Siwonnie….” Kyuhyun called his boyfriend who are dumbfounded  infront of  the mirror.

“Siwonnie…? Do you hear me??” Kyuhyun tried to call his boyfriend several time.

“SIWONNIE!!!” Kyuhyun got angry because his boyfriend didn’t give any responses.

“I’m die baby…..” Finally Siwon talked to his boyfriend.


“What did you say?”  Kyuhyun unsured with what Siwon just said.

“Baby…I’m so dead!  This is the end of my life”  Siwon talked seriously.

“Look at my hair”  Siwon pointed his index finger to his hair.

“What is THIS???”  Siwon said rhetorically.


“For God sake….it can’t be happened to me!  Nooooo…..”

“Relax Siwonnie….relax….”   Kyuhyun tried to calm his boyfriend down.

“The handsome Choi Siwon is dead “  Siwon  talked unexcited.

“Then I’m talking with ghost now??” Kyuhyun teased his  boyfriend and smirked to Siwon.

Stupid  Siwonnie,  I  wonder  why  I   can  fallin  in   love  with you.

“I’ve been  maintaining  my  good  looking  -  cool   -  handsome  image for   years”  Siwon  talked  to  himself.

“But now….in a blinked  of eyes….it was gone!”

“Yeah…right….you’re exaggerating now!” Kyuhyun couldn’t help himself for giggling…

“No baby…seriously…even Hyukjae looks more handsome than me now” Siwon grumbled.


“Me what??”  Lee hyukjae  who accidentally passed by joined the conversations.

“I am handsome…I knew it! Just need a little touch to beat you Siwonnie”

“HAHAHAHAHAHA” Hyukjae couldn’t stop laughing.

“Great!! I beat  the handsome Choi Siwon now!” Hyukjae couldn't stop  himself  for talking.

“HYUNGGGG!!” Kyuhyun was angry with hyukjae and gave an evil looked to him.

“sssssshhhhh….hyuk – ah! Stop!” Donghae who was there also tried to stop his boyfriend to speaks boastfully. He closed hyukjae’s mouth by his hands.

“Let’s  go out  of  here!!”  Donghae dragged his boyfriend out of the room.

“My image now broke into pieces baby…”  Siwon  sighed. A deep one. 

“It’s oke Siwonie….just for  the MV!”  Kyuhyun tried to cheer up his boyfriend.

“Wondering why SM makes me look terrible on screen?  How about the cool - handsome - and good looking Choi Siwon?” again Siwon talked to himself.

“God…please!  Stop over praising yourself Siwonnie...”

“It should be y, Free, and single right baby?  And I’m none of that!” 

“Yes you aren't Siwonnie….you’re not even free and single!” Kyuhyun laughed, tried to break the tenseness.

“Holy ….what should I do now?” Siwon couldn’t control himself.

“Wow…wow…the pious Choi Siwon turn into devil now!!” Kyuhyun teased his boyfriend.

“Just for the MV  Siwonnie…for the sake of promotions!!”

“Baby…you know  how I feel, don’t you?”

“Sure I know...”

“I’ve been there Siwonnie…I’ve been there…”

“Don’t you remember? a few days ago I was on your position!”

“I was so pissed off at the time.”

“And….I wanna say the same thing to you…just remember…your fans will always love you no matter what.” Kyuhyun gave his best smile for his boyfriend.

“And you’re still the cool   - handsome - good looking Choi Siwon.  You always are…”

“Thank you baby….” Siwon tried to give his best smile also. 

Kyuhyun could see his boyfriend’s dimples. Siwon looks gorgeous even with that weird hairstyle. Kyuhyun knows exactly what Siwon’s feels. Since his boyfriend so highly proud of himself. He likes to admire himself at the mirror. Over praising himself.  Being too much sometimes. But still Kyuhyun in love with that man. For Siwon…his image is everything. His good looking face, nice hair cut, proper hairstyle, y body,  muscular arms, perfects abs are his charms. He likes to see his reflection at the mirror. Yess…mirror is his bestfriend.  But today mirror is his enemy…. 



After The MV making….


“Hello Danica” everyone was greeting their special guest.

“Hello Danica! Nice to meet you…”  Siwon shook Danica’s hands and hugged her.

“Here’s a present for you”   Siwon gave a bag of presents for his fans.

“Thank you oppa…” Danica gladly received the presents.

“Oppa…what’s wrong with your hair?”  Danica pointed her finger to Siwon’s hair.

“Ooohhh….mmm….this is…mmm…the stylist noona  forgot  to put off the hair roller from my hair” Siwon answered frantically and grinned.

Everyone couldn’t stop their self for laughing….they're just burst into laughter….






Bored? Please do not throw me with stones,  mineral  water or sandals! Just  throw me wonkyu. That's  enough for me. Hahaha...I'm getting crazy. Sorry for wasting your time reading this stupid imagination of mine. I'm going to have my evening shift now.  Bye everyone!! Have a great  weekend! Chu~














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lonelyfairy88 #1
hahaha agree!
Siwon's hair style is worse than Kyu's lol
Hahahaha!! Evil baby becoming wise baby here! Yaaa..choi siwon, kyuhyun baby is right, you are y indeed, but you're not free and ofcourse not single! Lol! And I see you put EunHae in hereee lol! Keep on writing sparknest-ssi
@Srikanda were they ? of course they are!Haha...just read another fic of mine,then you'll know it.
HAHA! Seriously.. A cute imagination.. But.. In your imagination, were they ?