A Confrontation

An Unexpected Reunion


*We're sorry if they're some moments whenever Kyary's thoughts on things suddenly change...We're two different people with two different personalities. We will try to stay on the same page, though. Oh, and my friend who's helping me write this just got an account not too long ago. Here's a link to her profile~: MidnightSunshine - Asianfanfics.com. We might not be updating as often as we would like, considering school is starting very soon for the both of us... We will TRY to work on this story as much as we possibly can. Be patient~.*
Dongho opened the door for me as we entered the shop. We sat down on cute, little bar stools. I heard the door open again and Kevin walked in with the girl. I pressed my lips together, clearly annoyed. I turned my head and smiled at Dongho. He immediately got a little pink. “Wh-What would you like?” I thought for a moment. “A chocolate cone,” I decided. He nodded and went to order. 
Using my cellphone, I spied on Kevin and the chick. The girl wanted a sundae. “Do you want to share?” she asked, blushing slightly. I noticed Kevin beginning to look up at me, and I pretended I was only fixing my hair with the reflection of me on my phone screen. “Sure.” He smiled.
Dongho came back with my ice cream and had a fudge ice cream dish for himself. “Thank you!” I smiled and got my cone from him. I took a and spotted Kevin looking again. I turned towards Dongho. “This is good, you should try it." He seemed surprised I had offered. Shyly, he lifted his spoon and scooped some from the top. He nodded in agreement. “Do you like this?” Dongho asked, referring to his. “May I try it?” I did my best not to smirk as he fed me a spoonful of it.
Kevin stood up rather loudly. “I’ll go and get your order,” he huskily stated. 
Dongho looked over, surprised. “Oh, Kevin?” Poor Dongho was ignored, though, and Kevin just walked by. I could’ve sworn that I saw smoke coming out of his red ears. Was he actually... jealous? 
I seriously thought that I saw Kevin glaring at Dongho whenever he sat back down through my phone. I think that I'm just seeing things. Kevin eventually handed the girl the sundae, earning a shy, "Thank you," from her. 
I continued surveying the scene through my phone while my ice cream cone. Kevin suddenly cooed, "You've got some on your face, silly~." I literally choked when he wiped off some excess chocolate sauce from her cheek and his finger. The girl's face became unbearably red afterwards.
Sweet, little Dongho panicked slightly from my choking. "Are you okay?" His eyes were wide. Please. Dongho. Stop being so cute. "Oh, yes. Don't worry about it," I shyly mumbled and took a bit out of my ice cream, not even flinching at the intense coldness in my teeth. I hated this feeling in my chest. I only loved Kevin, but Dongho was making me feel... weird. Was Kevin feeling the same exact way? I hope not. I think that I just admire Dongho, or something.
I had to make up something to beat that last move, so I got up from my chair and plopped right down onto Dongho's. "This ice cream is making me a little cold," I cutely said as I snuggled up closer to him. I couldn't help but to be a bit surprised when he put his arms around me. "It's ice cream...it is cold, silly," he stuttered out, blushing slightly. I felt strange with his arms around me. 
I could hear a grunt from behind me. I took a brief glance behind me and noticed Kevin stabbing at his ice cream with his spoon furiously. 
"Are you okay?" the girl from my office questioned, cocking her head to the side. Kevin abruptly moved his hand up to her cheek and began to it. "Of course I am. You're just making me nervous."
So the girl was making him feel the same way too? Was he just really acting this way because he was nervous and not jealous? Was I annoying him with how loud I was being? I had to try harder. "Do you want to go back to my place later?" I asked Dongho, trying my best to look him in the eye without blushing. Come on, Kevin. Just get up and yell at me and tell me that you love me, or something. Please. I hated feeling this way.
"Let's go," I heard Kevin announce from behind me. That was exactly what I didn't want to hear. Was I just barging in on his date?
When we finished our ice cream, we stayed and talked for a bit. I couldn't help but think about Kevin from time to time. We noticed that it was getting dark and eventually, Dongho walked me home. It was actually a little cold. 
His input was actually very well and thought out for his age. He looked young, but his words were like those of a much older person. This made me admire him even more. I wouldn't mind getting to know Dongho a little more.
He looked up at my apartment in surprise, then looked down the street. "Doesn't Kevin live near here?" he thought out loud. I let out a long sigh and nodded my head. "Ahh. This whole jealously thing isn't turning out how you expected, huh?" he asked, earning an eyebrow raise from me.
I blinked several times to fully register what was happening. "You knew all along?" He probably felt terrible right now. I knew that I would if someone were to just use me like that. Gosh, things were just not going my way tonight.
"Yep," he chuckled out. "Your friend told me." He flashed a grin. 
"You're not upset?" I looked at him, clearly surprised. "Not really... Should I be?" he wondered. I bit my lower lip. "Of course you should be! I just used you to get what I wanted! Anyone should be upset," I let out in one breath. "You shouldn't like me. I'm a terrible person... I just used you to get something that I wanted." He playfully shook his head. 
"Tsk, tsk. You didn't get that, did you now?" 
I clenched my teeth at these words. They stung. "I would drop you like any other girl, but you seem rather interesting~. I might hold onto you longer than expected," he deviously cooed, a grin still on his face. I studied him further with my eyes. "What did you just say?"
Dongho let out a chuckle. "Don't be dense on purpose. You know what I said."
This whole side of him clearly took me by surprise. How can someone who was acting so adorable just a couple of minutes ago turn into this cocky person? "I don't like you like that. I like...," I suddenly stopped midway in my sentence, unable to describe the emotions that I was experiencing right now. "Ah~, there you have it. Someone's already starting to have second thoughts about the one that she loves. That doesn't sound like true love to me, that's for sure."
Was I actually starting to like him? I didn't like this side of him, though.
"What are you talking about?! I don't like you!"
Suddenly, Dongho took a step toward me. I couldn't read his face at all. 
As Dongho continued taking steps toward me, the more scared I got. With every step he took, I took a step back. I soon met a brick wall surrounding the apartment. I closed my eyes, fearing just what exactly he was planning. He was younger than me and he was acting older. I soon felt his warm breath up against my ear. I heard him whisper,"We'll see about that."
I felt his lips press up against my forehead and I could feel myself tense up. I pushed him back with all of my might. Dongho chuckled at this. "This whole jealously idea was quite amusing. I'll be sure to use it to my advantage later." Dongho took a step back and gave me a mischievous look.  
"Kyary? What're you doing here?"
I jumped as I saw Kevin suddenly appear. KEVIN! You don't know how happy I am to see you! Wait, didn't something like this happen before? "Oh, Kevin! Kyary and I were just talking about the neighborhood!" 
Psh, yeah right. Like we were talking about the neighborhood for long. My fingers grazed the spot where Dongho kissed me. Kevin responded with, "Cool." Dongho smirked as he saw me touch the area before saying, "I better go. I'll leave you two to talk!"
He was almost halfway down the street whenever he suddenly turned around while yelling, "I just might take you up on that invite to your place sometime!"
I just stared wide-eyed at the ground. I put my hand up to my chest, hoping that my heart would slow down. That shouldn't have made me feel that way. 
Kevin suddenly turned to me, looking surprisingly hurt. "Kyary, what is he to you?" Kevin asked, refusing to look at me, his eyes glued to his shoes. I noticed his nose was slightly pink. I just couldn't come up with a response. Not with what just happened. "Wait, you mean Dongho?" I finally spoke up. "You know I only met him the other night," I continued when he didn't respond. I felt like I was in trouble, certainly a strange feeling. My eyes widened suddenly. Could it be..?! Kevin was angry with me?
Kevin kicked a rock. "I..I don't know." If I hadn't been watching him close then I wouldn't have seen his eyes flicker back toward me and to his feet. I wanted to tell him the truth and that it was all just set up by Min Young, but I kept my mouth shut. Kevin gave me a brief glance before stuttering out, "It's just that I--,"
"Do you really like that girl that you were with?" I asked him. I clenched my fists, bracing myself for his answer. 
Kevin just stared back at me. 
*Behind a nearby bush.*
"Kevin! NO!" Min Young whispered from behind the bush. Kiseop looked around. "What are we even doing here?" 
"Ssh!" she shushed him sharply, yet quietly enough for only him to hear. "He's going to do it." Kiseop gave a strange look, completely confused. "...What...? Why here?" He looked uncomfortable. "Shouldn't they do that in her apartment or something?" Min Young rolled her eyes. "Not that." She looked back at her prey. "Dongho really didn't follow any of my instructions... He totally scared her."
She let out a sigh. "I want to play with them a bit longer~." She rubbed her hands together evilly. "The time to interfere is here!" she said with a wide grin and stood up.
"HEY GUYS!" a voice sang from down the street. Min Young came skipping over to us, her arm locked with Kiseop's.
"Oh here we go again...," Kevin groaned out before face-palming. Stupid girl. Kevin obviously had something important to tell me. "When did you get here?" Kevin rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. 
"Oh me? Kiseop and I were simply walking around." I narrowed my eyes. She laughed. "Kyary, I was actually planning to stay the night with you. Here, Kiseop can go with Kevin." She then smiled, rather proud of herself for the sudden, one sided agreement. Anyone could tell that Kevin was beyond ticked, yet he held it in. "Come on Kiseop, let's go." Sadly, I watched as Kevin grabbed his arm and pulled the puzzled raven-haired boy away. 
I just wanted to scream. Why does this keep happening?! It was impossible to turn back to Min Young without giving her a huge glare. "So, how did the date with Dongho go? Pretty well, I do expect," she blabbered. I took a deep breath and began to walk towards my apartment, Min Young followed, still talking. 
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Yuki2591 #1
Great story! ♥ update soon please :D
Chapter 5: This story is so good. Update, please :D
Chapter 5: Please update soon ^^ * new readers * Omo... Dongho oppa you little... You wanna get your hyung's girl?? Such a naughty hahahahaha ^^
Chapter 5: Please update soon ^^ * new readers * Omo... Dongho oppa you little... You wanna get your hyung's girl?? Such a naughty hahahahaha ^^
Chapter 5: wahh I love your style(s xD) of writing :DD it's so addicting x3 I love the descriptiveness of the story :DD it's really good >.< (made me start liking Kevin xD)
Chapter 4: Please do update!!!!!! Im a new reader and I'm totally interested!! Write more please!!
ExoticKissMe1125 #7
Ohohoho...Dongho isn't as innocent as we thought :)
Woooooooooooooooooowwwww! This is amazing..such amazing authers.youre so amazing in writing..you should teach us someday! Update soon! Auther-nims fighting!
oh wow, minyoung is really clever! she wants to test them! at first i thought she was bad then at the end i changed my mind.
ExoticKissMe1125 #10
update soon~!