I can't live without you


Have you ever felt the pain of breaking up?

*knock* *knock*

You can't tell the difference between night and day.

*knock* *knock*

Sleepless nights and the feeling of not being able to move. My throat feels dry until it hurts badly.

*door opens*


"Oh! I'm sorry."

The pain spreading my entire body.

"Sorry. I have come to send a package to you last week, Mr. Jaejoong. There have been some technical difficulties so we're sorry to give this late."

With the feelings that cannot be removed.

"It's fine. Thanks."

*closes door*

To me now, what's the difference between last week and today?

Dear Jae, it's been two months since I've contacted you. Actually, I really miss you and I wanna know how you are now but...I'm afraid.

I wanted to call but I know if I did, you will still hate me. I don't know what I am in your heart cause I want you to know that I never used you.

I never betrayed you even though from the start, my heart was for Yunho.

When you made the decision to break up, I felt very sad but believe me, I really can't leave without you.

When I hear my favourite song, I always thought of you.

I remember the first time I met you at a friend's gathering. I really liked guys as cool as you. When you told me your name, I felt so happy. I never knew that you'd like me too.

When we were together, this is my favourite song. Paradise by T-Max. You know this song. I know you do. This song always reminded me of you, Jae...I love you.

If you still love me, please come to park we always go to.

24. 1. 20XX
I'll be waiting...

Forever yours,

I ran out for you. For months I didn't get out of my house. Just by that I felt hope.

"Mia? You're searching for her? She just head out early in the morning but she didn't return."

"Auntie. What's the date today?"

"30 January. Why?"

"Nothing. I know where she is."

"Hey! Wait!"

I understand all this; I still love you! This time, I will never let you in no matter what happens!

No more doubts...I love you.

Wait for me!

I ran and ran just to find you. Finally, I did but...I trembled. I saw you above me. I sweated and felt the tears in my eyes.

What are you doing? Please come down. I'm here...

"Sorry the package came late."

Please answer me.

Smile at me please...

Why are you crying? Why do your tears look like blood?

"Why didn't you come?"

My vision blurred and I fell on my knees, crying like the world has ended. Why...why did you do this?

I love you.

I really can't live without you, Jae...

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luhans-vaqina #1
hope to see a sequel.
MinYuen #2
hahaha okay imma explain The girl hanged herself because Jaejoong wasn't there to forgive her. Jaejoong got the package late and went to the place.... I really can't live without you, Jae... <--- means she'll die without him
i don't really get the last part.<br />
but i'm sure that this story is sweet yet sad at the same time T___T
awww soo sad!!!!!<br />
he would have come if he got the package on time!!
babymichiie #5
Your story is soo sweet and awesome!<br />
But I don't get the last part! T_T<br />
I hope to read more of your stories! ^^
MinYuen #6
Thx a lot! ^^
I love it you're a good writer. It was so sweet <3
MinYuen #8
=) liked this one shot a lot
So sweet :")