Seaside Hero


You, ready to rescue people, to save lives in danger. You, tthe lifeguardian.


Gyeongpo is like heaven for you. White sands, clear blue water. 
Jung Chayeon, ready to rescue people, to save lives in danger.

You, the lifeguardian.


cast (in order of appearance till now)


from livejournal



“W-Wait.” You stopped swimming and looked at the guy next to you. “You?!”

He grinned and didn't look like he just drowned a minute ago.  “Yes, it's me.”

You almost let him go, but you reminded myself, that you had to rescue him.

You pulled him to the beach, where a crowd of people gathered around you two. “She saved him!”

You rolled my eyes and stood up, brushing the sand from your legs.

“You look even hotter when you're wet.”

Your eyes widened in horror about his equivocally statement. “MWO? WHAT DID YOU SAY?!”



Hello everyone! 

I decided to write a new story, at the same time like my first story, Heartless Machine. I felt that I needed something happier and brighter and also funnier than my other story, because that one is filled with tragedy, tragedy and more tragedy. Haha, so I came up with this topic - lifeguards! Please don't hate me if I make any mistakes regarding lifeguards, because I am not a lifeguard in real-life (maybe there's just a lack of water in this area, lol). But however, I wanted this to be more comedy-romance like! Maybe it's not as capturing as Heartless Machine, but still - I hope you like love it! ♥

DISCLAIMER :: I do not own any idols appearing in this story.
CREDITS :: shizoo [pngs used, background] | poster by cloud nine


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Chapter 2: (ich weiß dass du es nicht unbedingt magst, wenn ich das sage, aber) du musst die geschichte unbedingt weiterschreiben! so schlimm ist dein humor doch gar nicht :)
und ich find so ne fröhliche geschichte auch mal schön ;)
absentions #2
AHH MY EXO FEELS \(//∇//)\
I love this fic already~ Update soon ^__^
I want more!! <3
sounds fun! Update soon!