Chapter 4: Kwon Jiyong (Scenario)

Big Bang One-shot and Scenarios Collection


“We will be Together Forever”




You’ve been in your room for an hour but you don’t have a dress for tonight’s dinner with your beloved boyfriend, Jiyong. You don’t know why you’re all this excited for tonight but you have a good feeling that tonight will be great.


You want to be beautiful in front of Jiyong, although he’s always saying that you’re already beautiful. After another hour of deciding what to wear you already made a choice and directly wash up.


You wear the dress you chose and curled your hair. You put a light make up and put your wallet, cellphone etc. in your pouch. Afterwards, you hear a knock to your door and guess it’s your boyfriend, Jiyong.


You look at the mirror at the very last time to see if everything’s okay and went to open your door. Then here he is, looking good as ever. He smiles at you, the smile that you love. You smiled back at him.


“Ready?” Jiyong asked and you nodded.


You lock your door and link your arms with Jiyong’s. He led you at his white Bentley and opens the door for you. He went to the driver’s seat and smiled at you.


Before he starts the engine he said to you.


“You look beautiful, like always.” He stated and smiles and you smiled back.


Jiyong started the engine and drove off. You really don’t know where he is taking you because he said it’s a surprise. After an hour of driving, you recognize the place and realize that he take you to the place where you first met. You both went out of the car and he led you the way.


You’re mesmerized in the scene, there’s a table in the middle of the park with foods, wine, flower and a candle. This is the first time you’re going to eat under the moonlight and stars. You smile at the scene and Jiyong smile as well.


“Like it?” He asked and you nod.


“Love it!” You squeal and chuckled.


Jiyong led you to the table and help you to sit, and then he sits in front of you. You both started to eat while talking about your and his work. When the time comes, he lends a hand and you accept it.


You walk for a while and he stops. You look at him and became worried.


“Why?” You asked him.


“Look to your left.” He answered.


You did as he said and widen your eyes. There’s a screen and a question appears. The question you’ve been waiting. Jiyong look straight to you and you look back. He kneels in one knee and gets a small box in his pocket and opened it. It has a diamond ring inside.


“So, will you marry me?” He asked and you nodded.


“Yes!” You cried and he slips the ring in your ring finger.


Jiyong stood up and hugged you and you hugged back.


“We will be together forever” 

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