Job Searching

I'm a girl... but I'm Exo's co-manager?!

The aroma of pressed coffee and light chatter littered the quaint coffee shop. Two girls were seated at the far corner of the café in front of a large window. Before them were two Americanos, an untouched strawberry scone and a half-eaten cinnamon bun. The girl with ponytails and red beret tapped her fingers against the wooden table. She sighed loudly, blowing her bangs out of her eyes. She flipped through her business textbook absentmindedly. Park Junah was tired of learning and anything to do with business.

 The girl sitting across from Junah with jet-black hair looked at her with a perfectly manicured eyebrow. She ripped a chunk of her strawberry scone and popped it in . She finished swallowing and asked, “What are you sighing about?”

Junah pouted and leaned back in her chair, “Unnie, I need a job.”

Hana laughed at her dongsaeng. She took a sip of her black Americano and mused, “Why don’t you go and look for one instead of moping around, hmm?”

Junah scowled, making her appear cute rather than angry and got up. Hana watched as Junah strode over to the stack of newspapers near the front counter. She grabbed one, rummaged through her pockets for a quarter and tossed it in the change jar. She beamed at the cashier-oppa and walked back to her table. Junah pulled a pen out of thin air and looked at the back of the newspaper.

Hana peered over the sugared pastries and coffee and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Looking for a job.” Junah stated obviously, flicking Hana on the forehead.

“Aish this girl!” Hana glared, holding her tender forehead as she picked up her calculator.

Junah giggled and skimmed her eyes over the potential jobs, letting Hana finish her calculus assignment that’s due the next day. Cook? No she can’t cook. She burnt boiling pasta. No one would hire her. Junah crossed the job with a red “X.”  Carpenter. What does a carpenter do? Junah shook her head, crossing the title with another red “X.” Manager? Junah read aloud, “Manager needed. Good pay. Housing provided. Hospitable, patient, and bright people needed.”

Hana glanced up from her assignment and nodded, “That sounds good Junnie.”

“Let me call them now.” Junah said, fishing her phone from her bag. She dialed the number listed and heard the dial tone. She sipped her Americano as she waited for someone to pick up.

“Hello?” a deep voice asked through the receiver.

Junah cleared and sat up straight. “Annyeonghaseyo? I was inquiring about your ad in the newspaper.”

A pause was issued and the voice answered brightly, “Oh yes! I’m in need of a co-manager for a group of boys.”

Junah titled her head in interest, “Co-manager?”

“Neh! I’m the other manager you will be working with.”

“Oh, I see. Well how do I get the job?”

Another pause was heard and he finally said, "You know what, I'm desperate and you're the first call to have reached me. How about you come over tomorrow?" 

"Come over?" Junah asked, raising an eyebrow.

Hana looked at her quizically as the manager said, "Oh yes, we're in China right now for a showcase. You are in Korea right?"

"Neh, I'm in Seoul." Junah answered, twirling her hair with a finger.

"I'll buy you tickets and all you have to do is come over for a week." the voice suggested brightly.

Junah nodded to herself but realized she was still on the phone. Hana snorted as Junah agreed, "Alright sir. May I ask who I'm speaking with? I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier."

Laughter boomed and the voice replied kindly, "Hyunkyun. Call me manager-oppa or Hyunkyun since we will be working together and I assume you're quite young..." He paused to let Junah say her name. 

Junah scrambled upright and answered, "Park Junah, oppa."

"Alright, I'll email you the tickets and I'll see you in China in two days." Hyunkyun finalized, hanging up abruptly. 

Junah hung up the phone and leaned back in her chair, feeling exhausted. Hana smiled at her best friend and trilled, "Someone's got a job~"

After being dropped off by Hana, Junah marched into her one-bedroom apartment to pack. She grabbed a random suitcase that probably belonged to Chanyeol and stuffed it with enough clothes to last her a month. She tossed a shirt in before grabbing her cellphone. She dialed Chanyeol's number and waited patiently, zipping up the bursting suitcase. 

"Hello?" a deep voice rumbled. Junah could hear other voices mingling in the background.

Junah brightened up and sang, "Oppa~ Guess who's got a job?"

"Hold on hyungs! I have a call." Chanyeol yelled before continuing in an excited voice, "Really? Good job Junnie! What is it?"

"I get to become a manager of a group. They're stationed in China and I'll be working with another manager," Junah paused to stand up, walking towards the kitchen to get herself a cup of water, "A guy named Hyunkyun."

Junah poured herself a cup of water and took a deep gulp. Chanyeol was quiet but he said, "Park Junah, you're going to be the co-manager of EXO."

Water sprayed everywhere as Junah exclaimed, "WHAT?!"

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pls. do update :)
i'm already interested HAHA XD ^^