What Do You Want From Me?


Julia, is an American Linguistics major who's just moved to Korea to study the language in one of Korea's best universities with a full scholarship on sports. More especifically, soccer, or football. Apart from struggling with the language and having a couple of teachers treat her differently from the other students, she's thrown into a whole new complicated situation- a situation she doesn't have much control of: she's saved a guy, who says his name is Kris and is, apparently, a celebrity part of a group named EXO, from possibly being mugged and, or stabbed. The thing is, he's so grateful, it's starting to get on her nerves. He's appearing at her school, her house... A simple thanks would suffice, but Kris has an entirely different idea of showing how thankful he is. 

Then, she finds out there's more of them, and she has no other choice but to let them enter her life. Five more of them. And who could forget that EXO is divided in two and six more will be appearing along the way.




Then I came to a realization. “This is not going to stop until I say yes, isn’t it?”

His eyes crinkled in a smile. “Until you say yes.” He repeated.



This was proving to be too much for me; my anxiety levels were reaching new highs. There must be a solution to this. Only one came to mind: saying yes.

Without a second thought, my outburst was heard, “Fine! Yes! I’ll go with you!”





Author's Note:



Hello! This idea keeps gnawing at me, and I've tried to resist writing about it, because I'm too occupied with work, but it has won against me.

Oh, God, I've just noticed the last sentence of the description sounds as if if were an innuendo... Or is that just me? xD

Anyways, welcome! *waves enthusiastically* :D

I will try to do my best for you guys! 

Oh, and you can pretend you're the character; I just like writing a name.


Gifs and pictures used are not of my property.

Chapter 10 is still gone, and I'm waiting for it to appear to update... Be patient, lovely subscribers!


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I remember this chapter her parents are insane. I hope that they do actually go and visit her it would be epic.

Lucky you~ I go back to my hectic uni life tomorrow. >.<
Don't worry you'll get used to it in no time! ^-^
IceNicole12 #3
This story is so funny it's rlly good
I don't even know why it's rated M. It doesn't say bad words or have inappropriate things. It's just me explaining why I haven't updated!
Ohmaigod why is chapter ten rated M /does not read M
LOL Baekhyun. XD
Greasy Bacon is the best Bacon. (Oh my God, I'm a vegetarian; what am I talking about?) xD
@Serrae1 & @carelessenjoyment
So glad I'm able to get a laugh out of you guys! It's why I write in the first place! :D
Your comments are muchly appreciate and serve as a motivation.
you should totally get together with my friend and have a layhan worshipping session .__.