




[EXOFic] 흰둥이


That snowy night, I first met him. His round eyes were widened cutely in amazed when he saw me. He adored my pure white skin. He told me that I was so cute with that pure skin and liked it so much. I was found by him homeless back then. So, he decided to took me to his home. What a kind person he is.

Luhan, he introduced himself as he poured some warm milk for me. He is so adorable. He had that cute smile in his cute face. He said that he was already in his twenties, but is there any person who will believe his age? I just thought that he was still an early teenager.

He liked to call me Sehun. I don’t know why he kept calling me by that name. Since it was fit me well, I didn’t ignore it. As long it will made me closer with him, it was fine with me. I love to be close with him. Feeling him beside me was the best thing. I didn’t know what kind of feeling it is, but I just felt comfortable with me being around him.

While he was outside the house, I would wait for his arrival and with my lovely ‘bbuing bbuing’ attack, I would make him got off from his tired body. In his spare time, I’d like to play and joked around with him. Doing anything with him such as watch television, listen him talking about his day, or sometimes, i just can watch him playing with his rubiks and cheered for him. When we felt tired, we just laid on the bed together. I love his calm breath and his peaceful face when sleeping.

It was happy until that sentences came from his thin lips, “I love you, Sehun-ah! Really, really love you! Don’t you dare to leave me, understand?”

My heart was just like wanted to stop beating. I almost fainted when I heard that words. I wondered why Luhan suddenly said something that was like a big confession to me.

I just couldn’t talk back to Luhan. I just threw my body to hug that lovely guy. I held his neck, brought him closer to me. I kissed him on the cheek. I was too happy that time. At that time, I know, my feeling for him was not a one-sided love anymore. He too loved me.


That day, Luhan came to our house with tears on his eyes. He slammed the front door and ran to his room. I followed him and found him now laying on the bed with blanket covered his all body. I stepped closer to him and slowly open the blanket. I found red eyes with tears and also that pouty lips, he was crying loudly then.

“She’s leaving me, Sehun-ah. She lied to me. She got new boyfriend. She’s leaving me now! It hurts, Sehun-ah. It hurts!” Luhan said angrily. Then, he hugged me tight.

‘It’s hurt for me, too! Why are you talking about another person in front of me? You said that you love me, but why are you crying because that damn girl was leaving you?’

“I guessed, the one who will always love me is you, Sehun-ah,” he murmured in his cry and shook my head.

I smiled. I think I smiled. I hope it was smile that I made in my face. I ended the hug and look into his eyes, his teary eyes. And then, I his tears. I was trying to erase all of his sadness. I didn’t want to see him crying. I want only his smile, his cute smile that can always make my heart feel warm.

As I had predicted, he then smile to me, showing his cheeks bone and his angelic smile childishly, “Thank you, Sehun-ah.”


One night, Luhan asked me to accompany him to go to his friend’s house, Lay. He said that he needed something from that friend. It was a windy night and I could hear sounds of thunders clearly. It was going to be a storm I guessed. I already prevented him for leaving, but he ignored me and forced me to go along with him. I couldn’t refuse him and ended leaving home together to Lay’s house. Lay was kind guy with a single dimple on one of his cheek. He was one of Luhan’s best friends.

Done with his business in Lay’s house, we decided to go straight to our house because the sky is too dark and there was a feel of dangerous. But, Luhan said that our necessities is getting empty. Then we walked the nearest market. It placed not too far from Lay’s house. Luhan let his car being parked in front of Lay’s house while both of us walking to the market.

We arrived at the market and suddenly Luhan got excited and put anything that he saw to the basket. I simply followed him on the back, “I got your favorite drink, MILK!”

Rain started to pour down. We about to purchased all things that Luhan bought. The rain fell hard and it was getting worse because of the wind. I stared the street from the windows with fear in my eyes. I thought it was too dangerous to drive in that kind of weather. But Luhan just smiled and told me he would drive slowly. I believed him, tried to believe him.

Then, we walked out the market. Rain showered our body. All wet as soon as we stepped outside the market. I tried to lead our path because Luhan closed his eyes, water kept entering his wide eyes and the strong wind made his eyes hurt. We only had to across this street because the car was there on across the street. Luhan managed to run to his car. But, without him knowing a bright light was coming. It was a car. A fast-speed car was getting near.

‘Luhan! Watch out!’ I screamed from all of my heart. My voice couldn’t reach him, but my body did it.


(Normal POV)


The strong sounds coming from Luhan’s back. A white-furred puppy was lying on the street with some blood coming from its body. His eyes widened. Without him knowing, tears were coming down together falling down with rain, “SEHUN! Sehun-ah!”

A man came out from the car that was just struck his Sehun, “Oh my God!”

“Se-hun, Sehun-ah! Open your eyes!” Luhan kept shaking the puppy in his hands.

“I’m sorry, kid. I didn’t mean to…”

“Sehun-ah! Don’t die, please!”


It was the happiest time to be together with you. Seeing you smile, laugh, and joke around with me, they were all feel like a dream. I was happy to become a pet of yours. I was happy to be born as a dog just to have a good time together with only you. Whatever I was, my love with you will always be the same. Even I was a dog or I was a human, I will always love you, my dearest Luhan.




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Phoenix_R #1
So Sehun is a white puppy ~ and he died .
So sorry that Sehunie had to die. Stupid Luhan!
So sorry that Sehunie had to die. Stupid Luhan!
Oh My God T_____T
I knew it from the beginning that Sehun is a puppy.. But.. But why... SEHUN-AAAAAH NOOO DON'T LEAVE LIKE THAT ToT