For a price


little layhan one-shot hope you like it, angst a lot of it. It is out of EXO's career, just a 'normal' life


"Luhan!" Lay shouted as he finishes washing dishes. He truns off the faucet and goes to the living room, he gets peed off when he sees Luhan watchng a game on T.V

"Luhan hurry they're gonna be late" he says and the other nods "What is it Lay?" he asks not taking his eyes off the T.V "You need to take the kids to Huiling's house for the birthday party" he saya, getting gloomy now that his husband isn't paying attention to him "Fine" he stands infront of the T.V "No Lay, get out of the wa-FINE" he says and turns the off muttering some incoherent words

Lay chuckled "If you keep paying attention to that game, you might as well miss out on what's down under" he whispers in Luhan's ear, bting it lightly before leaving him there, not forgetting to sway his hips.

He walks over to the kid's room checking on them "JiaoLi, you look pretty as a flower" he praises his daughter kneeling infront of her and the girl smiles "Thank you daddy" she says and Lay pulls her to a mirror "The dress is gorgeous" he kisses her cheek and goes to his son's room

"Dad how do I look?" his son asks doing a pose "You look very handsome Ruizhou" he fixes his son's shirt "Maybe one more button" he s the second button "There you go very handsome" he says and scowls at the parting of the hair "You can fix it" his son says olling his eyes. And he parts it correctly "Now go, your father is waiting" he says and his son nods

He goes donwstairs and sees the front door open and some goons. He runs back to the stairs, he sees their kids loking at him worried "Go to Rui's room and lock the door don't open it" he closes them inside the room locking from the outside and just in time someone grabs him by the hair "Hey sweetstuff" the goon says and drags him across the marble floor to the living room

new oneshet 'for a price' might want to check it out


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Chapter 1: Oh, this was beautiful T^T