Who I really Am?!

Heroes of Olympus

(sound of ruffling and turning of pages)

"Zeus the Leader of the gods and goddess in Greek Mythology. He's the god of the lightinin and the skies. 

Hera the goddess of marriage and the queen of the gods and goddess.

Poseidon the god of the sea.

Athena the goddess of wisdom, arts and battle strategy.

Ares the god of war.

Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty.

Hephaestus the god of the fire and blacksmith.

Apollo the god of the music,poetry and the sun.

Artemis the goddess of the moon, stars and the hunt

Hestia the goddess of the heart and home

Hermes the messenger of the gods and goddess, the god of thieves

Demeter the goddess of agriculture and the grains

Hades the god of the underworld." Someone reads in the Ancient Greek and still continue to reading it.

"Jieun.... Jieun.... Jieun where are you??" Mr. Lee said and still continue in searching Jieun around the house.

" I'm up here Dad in the Library." I shouted so that dad can hear me clearly in our 'Mansion'.

~Knock... Knock~ (sound of openin the door and close) "Oh there you are Jieun-ah!" My Dad said and go to the table where I keep reading this thick book with Ancient Greek writings I Dunno why I can read those kind of writings and mostly Greek, I also can understand it's Language very much.

"So you keep reading that book??" My dad asked me.

"Yes well as you said it's my Mother's gift for me when I was a baby. But when I'm reading this I always felt that I feel connected and happy to it. It let me feels that Mom was here with us Dad." I said sadly and lookin at my Dad.

Let Me tell you how My Mom and Dad met. Dad told me that him and mom met in the Harvard University in Collegge. Him and Mom really like History together soo much and they fall inlove. My Dad also told me, when I was born that my Mom left me in his doorstep as a gift and proof how much she loves him and dad accepted me because that I was gift from my Mom and I'm made from their Love. So My Dad take care of me until now when I'am Sixteen.

"It's okay Jieun," My dad patted my head,"I know that we always miss your Mom!!" Then my Dad kissed me in my forehead.

"I Love You Dad" I told my Dad.

"I Love You Too Jieun" My dad said then hugged me. 

"I love both the two of You always and Mostly You Jieun"  Said by the enchanting voice that was so lovely and warm in my head.

" Jieun, is it ok if I tell you something very important??" My Dad suddenly said out of the blue.

"Yes, Dad! Tell me what it is??" I said.

"What if the things that you read in this book that you're Mom gave to you is REAL?? That the Greek ggods and goddess are true and your Mom was one of those Greek goddesses. Would you belive me??" My Dad asked me and this let me think HARDER!!

"Well.....if it was really true, then that means...." I repiled in shock then dad cut me off while I was saying,

"Yes, that's RIGHT you're a DEMIGOD!! My sweetheart, I'm sorry that I suddenly told  you this, but you need to go to the Academy that was really for you, like you where all the demigods studied and practice fighting and etc. It was the only place that can protect all of you demigods." My Dad explained to me.

" But Dad how about you??? Who was going to take care of you and cook for you??" I said and I felt tears already coming out from my Eyes.

"I still don't know sweetheart!!" My Dad said while letting all the tears came out from his eyes. "But always remember that I always Love You My Favorite Girl and the only most Smartest and Intelligent Girl in the whole world." My Dad said and then he hugged me so tight.

" I love you too Dad" I said and replied my Dad's hug. We hug for almost 5 Minutes.

"Jieun, Iwant you to have this!" He said and give me this necklace. 

"It's so beautiful Dad!! I will treasure it forever." I said to my dad and hugged him.

"Come on let's go and pack your things  were going to your new school. It's name was Half-Blood Academy."

"The name was soo cool Dad!!"

"Hahaha!! I know right."

Then that night we continue and enjoy each others company.




Thank You for all those comment and subscribe into this story!! I hope you'll like the first chapter.!! ^.^





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I'll post the next chap.later >.


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Chapter 2: HI which are the main characters? and update soon pliss :DD PD: im sorry my english not is good XD
milkychan37 #2
@ goonielove: still not yet bec. This story gonna be soo damn long
@joycute 25: sorry, that idea just suddenly popped in my mind. If you already read the book you can find Jiyeon as Thalia Grace.
But Jiyeon is really the daughter of Zeus.

But Jieun actually is the main heroine and the main protoganist is...a...SECRET!!!!! >.<
joycecute25 #3
I THOUGHT JIYEON still don't have anyone claiming to be her mother/father?
joycecute25 #4
@ milkychan37 : really i thought she was the main character hehehe =D
Goonielove #5
Interesting so far! Have you decided the love lines yet?
hottestkhunwoo #6
milkychan :D please update them soon ^^ I really wonder what happens next :3
milkychan37 #7
@ joycute:Yes .She's one of the seven main characters
joycecute25 #8
ohhhhh cool first chapter
can i ask
is jieun the main character or there are more?
Jiseung and WooIu!?
milkychan37 #10
@ HanleyraNa-unnie: Kamsahnida unnie!!! ^.^