
♀Endless love♂♥


"What's your name? Why are you being so disrespectful?"

I ignored the principle and he said the same thing over and over again. 

I got irritated and said: 

"Shut up please!!! Your talks are plain boring!!!" 

The principle ignored me, and walk to the side of the hall, giving me a "Come here" sign with his hand pointing at me. 

He brought me to he's office and punished me outside he's office. During recess, Bom walk passed

the office and said:


"CL Unnie! You are doomed again! haha!" 

"This stupid school! Argg!" 

"Look! There's your crush!!!" Bom said pointing at the guy with short hair and a cute chubby face, smiling at me.

"......Stop it Bom" 

"Ahhh? Shy?" Bom said with a funny and cheeky face. 

"No? I can see him everytime okay."

"Arggg, ok whatever~" 


"Oh yeah, what are you gonna tell me while you were in the hall?" CL said with a curious look. 

"Hm, nothing much." i replied, not looking at her but looking at some guys playing at the parade square.

"Hey what ya lookin' at?" CL asked looking at the same direction as me(parade square)

"Errmmmm..... Nothing!" I replied uncomfortably.

"Sure?" CL said with a curious and "You really sure?!" look.

"Very sure." I replied. 

"Okay, got to go~ Enjoy your punishment!!!" I said sticking my tounge out and waving goodbye to CL

And CL gave me a "WHAT?!" Look and wave goodbye to me.


"GONG MIN JI AHHHH!!!" I shouted loudly in the canteen to avoid those loud background sound. 

"DARA!" MinJi replied, shouting too. 

I walked towards MinJi, opening both of my arms wide. 

And there i go, i hugged MinJi with my mouth smiling. 

" I miss you Dara Unnie!" Said MinJi, still hugging me.

"Heehee! Same!" I replied, hugging her more tightly. 

We release our hand from each other and smile. 

"I really miss you! How's life?" Said MinJi queuing at stall 5 buying some snacks.

"Hmmmmm, fine." I replied giving a sad face.

"But you look kinda sad?" MinJi said looking at my face closer. 

"Erm, Miss is your turn to buy." said the Lady at stall 5 telling MinJi's that it's her turn to buy.

"Oops! Sorry." Replied MinJi


Hmmmm, Dara looks sad... But why? There MUST be something happening during the holidays! I must ask her! But she still

look sad now... Hmmm, I'm her best friend but i still can't do anything about it... Sigh. Nevermind! GONG MINJI! Just go and ask her!

"Erm, Dar, why are so sad? Are you okay?" I asked with a curious and a sad look.

"Yeah....." Replied Dara, dragging her words with her sad face.

"What can I do for you? You look really sad!" 

"Nah.. You don't have to do anything." Dara replied, still with her sad face.

"Don't lie okay. I've been your friend since 10 years old." I said giving Dara a mad face.

"Okay..... My sister cried today, so do I..." Dara said with her teary eyes and in a really really sad tone.

"Okay enough, i don't wanna make you feel much more sad. Cheer up." I said giving a "Sorry i can't help you to do anything" face.



"Haahhh, that CL! She's alway shy-"I said and I knocked into a guy.

"Are you okay?" Ask that guy with a very deep and low voice.

"I'm alright." I replied. 

I looked up and saw..... it was.... TOP! Oh my gush! My buddy.... Okay....

"Woah! You fat girl!" TOP said in a cheeky tone.

"Hey! Watch your words okay! I'm not fat!" I replied poking his arms.

"Bleh. Fat girl. No wonder you-" I break TOP's sentence 

"Shut up! Shut up! You dumb guy! Always got the last in class okay! Just shut up. You are nothing better than me!" I replied giving him a cheeky face.

"Okay...Okay... Haha, let's stop arguing?" TOP said with his normal face.

"HAHA! Ok Dumb guy." I replied with a cheeky voice again.

"Okay let's go to the canteen." Said TOP

We went to the canteen and had our lunch together before the recess ends. It was completly silence between me and TOP. 

I was thinking about a subject to start with TOP.... Think Bom! THINKKK! Oh yesssss! I finally think of a subject! 


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