New Students 0.0

Somethings Change

~Eun Hee POV

 I slowly looked up to see 5 handsome guys infront of the classroom smiling widely. One of them caught my eyes, and he was staring at me with a huge grin. I looked at his face carefully and it hit me. *L.Joe!*

 "Okay boys you may introduce yourselfs." Mrs.Kim told the new students.

"Annyeong Ricky imnida!" Ricky bowed cutely

  "Annyeonghasayo ChunJi imnida." ChunJi winked at the class

"Annyeonghasayo my name is Niel, I hope we can be friends." Niel bowed politely

"Annyeonghasayo C.A.P imnida." C.A.P did a little salute

"Annyeong L.Joe imnida, I am Eun Hee's older cousin." L.Joe said winking at me. *Aish! Jincha he just had to come to this school.* I thought face palming myself.

 "Yah. Eun Hee are you okay? you looked angry." ChangJo whispered to me.

I looked over at ChangJo and made an "Okay" sign with my hand, and turned back to the front.

 "Well Lets find a seat for you 5 shall we? Okay L.Joe you may sit behind Eun Hee. Mrs.Park please raise your hand. Ricky you can sit on either side of L.Joe, ChunJi you may also do so. Niel you can sit infront of ChangJo. C.A.P? You may sit infront of Eun Hee. Now that we have all of you settle lets begin class." Mrs.Kim said starting to collect home work.


~ChangJo POV

 Through out the whole entire class, the new kid L.Joe kept on making Eun Hee mad by passing her notes and kick the bottom of her chair.

Lucky its lunch already! I was walking to Eun Hee's locker when I saw all 5 of the new kids surrounding her, so I walked up to them and said "Eun Hee are you ready to eat lunch?"

 All of them looked me up and down, but they turned their attention back to Eun Hee. She was smiling at me, but turned around to grab her lunch.

*Aigoo~ Stop beating so fast heart.* I said silently to my heart so nobody heard me. I was pounding on my chest to stop beating so fast, when Eun Hee grabbed my arm and brought me to the canteen to eat lunch.

 The new kids came along too, but I don't know why. I nudged Eun Hee and whispered "Why are they eating with us?" she looked at me then pointed with her head at the guy named L.Joe.

~L.Joe POV

 Eun Hee pointed at me with her head, gesturing me to speak up. *Aish this girl, has no manners for her family.*

"I can sit with my cousin whenever I want. And Eun Hee don't point at me with your head that's just rude." I said looking at Eun Hee.

"ChangJo Oppa wanted to know why you were sitiing with us." Eun Hee said again pointing with her head at that ChangJo guy.

*Wait a second! Eun Hee never called me Oppa, why is she calling him Oppa for? Are they dating?!* I thought to myself.

"Yah! Eun Hee-ah why are you calling him Oppa? You never called me Oppa, are you guys dating?!" I shouted at Eun Hee.

"Mwoh?!" ChangJo and Eun Hee shouted at the same time. "L.Joe we are just best friends, and I don't call you Oppa because I don't want to." Eun Hee said smirking.


~Eun Hee POV

When school ened I told ChangJo that I had to walk home with L.Joe and his friends, and he only agreed since he had to go home early today.

 "I will call you later!" ChangJo yelled out to me, "ARASSEO!" I yelled back even louder.

 "Eun Hee-ah, Kaja." L.Joe said. "Yah! Hyung where are we going?" Ricky asked L.Joe.

*Where are we going today?* I asked myself while scratching my head in confusion.

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