We got the POWER

Back to the present

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screams

“Stop screaming, my ears are about to fall off!” complains Yongguk.

“WHO ARE YOU? DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!!!!!” Ji Eun grabs a baseball bat. “You see this, I have a weapon and I’m not afraid to use it so you better back off”

“Oh really? this human, that the “stick” will not have any effect  on us” smirked Yongguk

Daehyun shoots a fireball at the bat. The bat now sadly burns to ashes.

“Oh man, oh man, what did I just see? Did I just see fire shoot from his hand? Oh my goodness, what do I do? Should I call the police? Yeah that is a great idea! “

“Hyung, what is a police?” Zelo asks Jongup

“It is a human who detects and stops crimes” explains Jongup quietly

“Oh…… like James Bond?”

“Guys…….” Yongguk giving them a look to stop

“Did I really just say that out loud? Oh no, what if they hurt me?” says Ji Eun

“You know we can hear everything that you are saying” says Himchan

“Well since we are here, why don’t we introduce ourselves and maybe this human can help us find our way back to Planet MATO (A/N: Planet MATO was BAP’s home planet in the show Ta Dah It’s BAP) suggests Youngjae

“This weakling human can help us? Yeah right……..” mutters Yongguk

“Look… I don’t know what you people in weird clothes are talking about but I’m busy studying. So why don’t you just not make up stories and return home to your family. Since I know they must be worried sick about you.”

“Look human, we are not making up stories. We are legendary warriors on our planet!”exclaims Daehyun trying to control his temper

“Yeah right, and I am Park Jin Young. Your statement is very illogical. How am I supposed to believe that?”

"You're tone is getting very annoying....maybe I should teach you some manners." he growls

“Look, let’s not be hasty let’s introduce ourselves and show this human our powers” says Youngjae

Man... either these people have psychological issues, or maybe they have been possessed by something!

“Why don’t we go outside unless you want us to destroy everything in your possession like what our friend just did” winked Yongguk

“Uhhhh….. okay………..” gulps Ji Eun

Ji Eun takes BAP outside to an open place just in case there is the smallest possibility of them destroying everything, since she couldn’t afford her neighbors to call the cops.

“Okay let’s start” commanded Yongguk, “I’ll start first!”

“My name is Bang Yong Guk, I am the leader of BAP and my power is Air” brags Yongguk. He looks up at the clouds and suddenly fierce gusts of wind start blowing rapidly against the trees.

Oh my---- crap----- did he----- without?!!!!!!!!!

“Looks like I’m next, don’t worry we won’t hurt you, I’m Kim Him Chan by the way” Himchan winks. “My power is light.” Even though it was nighttime, when Himchan was gazing towards the moon, suddenly the moon changed into the sun and it was daytime. He quickly looked back at the sun and changed it back to the moon and it went back to being nighttime. Lightning bolts suddenly shot out of his hands zapping the trees and grasses to pieces

“DID HE JUST--- DAY-------NIGHT? L------?????????”

“You really need to stop doing that, talking your thoughts out loud” says Himchan patting her head.

She blushes

“It’s my turn now. Hi, my name is Yoo Young Jae, nice to meet you! My power is water. He looks at the clouds above him and suddenly it starts to rain. He then takes his hand out and waterballs and starts shooting them around, creating a nice display.

Whoa, that is amazing!!!! OH WAIT LEE JI EUN WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?????!!!!

“Well I guess it’s my turn next, my name is Jung Dae Hyun remember it. My power is obviously fire and I like it HOT!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly Daehyun shoots fireballs out of his hands and Ji Eun yelps….

OH DAMN…. I AM OFFICIALLY SCARED OF HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should RUN AWAY!!!!!!

“I’m next my name is Moon Jong Up. My power is ice” he says coldly and softly. Ice suddenly starts to appear on the grass, while Jongup starts shooting iceballs everywhere.

BRRR…… S------ C-----O-----L---D

“NOW FINALLY IT’S MY TURN!!!!!!!!!! MY NAME IS CHOI JUN HONG!!!! BUT YOU CAN CALL ME ZELO! I AM THE MAKNAE, MY specialty is AEGYO, BUING BUING!!!!!! MY POWER IS EARTH! LOOK AT ME… WHEEEEEEEEE” Zelo makes leaves fall off of the trees and creates a storm, a leaf storm.

OMG HE IS SO C-------, “CAN I JUST PINCH YOUR CHEEKS?!!!!!!!!!!” “YOU ARE ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!” she squeals

She runs and attacks Zelo

“OWWW!!!! HYUNG HELP ME!!! JEBAL!!!!! IT HURTS!!!!!” whines Zelo


“I’m okay now, sorry about that”

“So now do you believe us? Will you help us?” asked Himchan

“Well…. First of all I have to say you are INSANE!!!!!!!! Second..... I have to say that WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME??????!!!!!!!!! OUT OF EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD!!!!!!!! WAE????????!!!!! I HAVE BEEN A GOOD GIRL, DIDN’T GIVE ANY TROUBLE TO ANYONE!!!!!!!!

“Hyung, do all humans act like this?” whispered Zelo to Daehyun while Ji Eun was still freaking out.

“Who knows?”

After a good few minutes of incoherent yelling and nonsensical mumbling and babbling, Ji Eun finally calms down enough to create sentences.

“Okay, I have decided I am going to help you . I will give you a place to live at my house but you cannot destroy anything or else I will kick you out. But first I will teach you how to act like a human. But I do have a question, what does BAP stand for?"

HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!!!!!!!!!! :D YAY DONE WITH THE SECOND CHAPTER, SUPER DUPER SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE THIS AND MY OTHER STORIES, MY LAPTOP BROKE SO I WAS ON HIATUS D: but now I'm back hehe ;) OMG I think i have a new bias crush on daehyun and his heavenly voice. -SPAZ---- anyways what did you think of No Mercy?! I thought it was amazing and very catchy like their other songs NO NO NO NO MERCY! Anyways comment, subscribe, and enjoy. THANKS EVERYONE OF MY LOVELY READERS <3

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I love this story
I will always support you but please continue this story, OK??? ^^
I hope this story is WooU.
Oh God, wooyoung is so sweet, please do this WOOU history. wooyoung made a nice appearance
Chapter 6: i am currently dying of laughter. I love this story and i wish you would update :)
Chapter 6: YEY!~ I was waiting on an update! YEY DOUBLE UPDATE!

Keke, I love Ilhoon's Kiyomi song! KIYOMI~ KIYOMI~

Anyway. Adorable aegyo aside, great update. Can't wait for the next chapter
You .... GO.... :D
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 4: =)) covering my ears waiting for Ji Eun's scream!
Chapter 4: wowwwwwwwwwwww
His sudden appearance shocked me!
Chapter 1: WOAH !! Daehyun's so Strong !! rAWR :p
Chapter 4: kyoptaaaaa<3
Chapter 3: Haha, their still in their pajamas xD
And finally someone knows that Jongup is smart ^^