
Gone Forever
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Leeteuk lay in Ryeowook's bed. His dongsaeng had just left and now he was alone there, staring at the blanc ceiling. Sungmin had run off, Eunhyuk was depressed because he hadn't been able to stop his hyung, he himself didn't really understand what was going on inside his dongsaeng and Kangin now tried everything to find him. Nothing seemed to work.

He to his side, his eyes darting into the room, seeing nothing of it. Why were all those things happening right now? Only five days...

Leeteuk closed his eyes. Images of what would most likely happen now were leaving him crazy only to be replaced by worse ones. How could so many bad things happen in just two days? It was good that Eunhyuk and Donghae were okay again with one another but therefore there was this drama going on with Kyuhyun and Sungmin. How was he supposed to leave with them being in this situation? No, he couldn't.

"Hyung? Is everything okay?" someone asked. Leeteuk blinked a few times only to see Ryeowook standing in front of him. He sighed and got up. "Yeah. It has to be, at least. I'll go out for a while, okay? I'll be back later." He could feel Ryeowook's eyes following him as he went out of the younger's room and into his own where he grabbed his iPod from his nightstand. Then he got to the entrance, put his shoes on and took his jacket, saying goodbye to the other members as well before exiting the apartement.

On the outside he took a deep breath of the cold air. Some girl squealed and Leeteuk sighed, pulling his hood deeper into his face before he took off completely. He kept his head down most of the time and his music on. It was somehow calming to be out now and feel the freezing air. He lifted his head towards the sky briefly before he looked back down. Okay, what were the facts?

1.: Sungmin was gone and he had to find the younger as soon as possible.

2.: He had to get Eunhyuk into helping him with getting Sungmin and Kyuhyun to at least not keep fighting like that. They had to talk and get things clear. Even though their feelings weren't even close to being the same they had to be able to accept what the other was feeling and come to solve their problem at least a little. Hopefully before he had to go.

3.: ... was there even a third point? He thought about it. No, there really wasn't. Or... yes, there was. The dorms had to be tidied. Heechul would return and even though the slightly younger man knew their chaos and lived in and with it and caused it just like the rest of them, he should come back into a clean home.

4.: He had to get his stuff packed.

Four points. That was managable, wasn't it?

He reached the park. The cold night hadn't brought many walkers thus he could only see one old woman going for a walk with her dog. Not even fans. He didn't know whether he should be relieved or worried. But he decided for the first one when he heard someone sob. Leeteuk looked up to see a curled up figure sit beneath one of the benches. A figure that was painful familiar.

"Sungmin!" The younger boy looked up as he heard the band leader's voice and saw said man running towards him.

"N-no. L-l-leave me al-lone. You d-don't und-derstand me a-at all!"

"Sungmin, I'm sorry. You're right, I've never fallen in love as deeply as you have. I don't know what you feel. But please forgive me and come back. Eunhyuk tried to go after you but you were already gone and... hell, it's a wonder you aren't frozen! Come home, please. We're all worried."

The younger only shook his head. "I c-can't. K-K-Kyu's there." he said and looked down, crying harder again.

Leeteuk pulled him closer. "It's okay, Minnie. It's okay. Just come home, will you?"

"I-I'm freezing, h-hyung."

"Come home. There it's warm..."

Finally Sungmin gave in and let himself be pulled up. Leeteuk was even more relieved because he had almost been afraid Sungmin would run off again or something. But he really seemed to be freezing. Well, his hands were as cold as ice...


Ten minutes later they were back. Even before they had entered the apartement, Leeteuk yelled: "Can someone please make a hot chocolate?"

"Hyung? Are you back?"

"What about Sungmin?"

Ryeowook and Eunhyuk were at the door in no time and helped their two hyungs get rid of their coats and shoes and get them to the sofa and under some blankets. The rest of the band was there, too. Even Kyuhyun. The eternal maknae sighed in relieve at the sight of his bandmates and friends and hurried over to them as well as the others.

"Sungmin? How are you?"

"G-g-go awa-ay." he stuttered but couldn't push him away as Kyuhyun hugged his hyung. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to cause you so much pain. Please forgive me. You know, I... I don't want our friendship to be over just like that. I know you... you feel more than just friendship for me but you know, I... I don't want to loose you as my best friend. This likely sounds harsh now but it just is like that. I don't want to loose you."

Sungmin accepted his embrace, not pushing him away but crying again. Leeteuk could only imagine how he had to be feeling.

After Sungmin had slowly calmed down and Kyuhyun had taken a seat next to his former and maybe still best friend, Hangeng came out of the kitchen with two steaming cups in his hands. He carefully handed them to the two men who had been in the park and then sat down on the opposite sofa. "Do you feel better?" he asked Sungmin.

The younger nodded and took a sip from his hot chocolate. Leeteuk took a sip as well, almost burning his throat while doing so. Well, he should have known it. Kangin sat next to him, on the other side were only Sungmin and Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk and Donghae shared the armchair next to the two younger ones while Ryeowook had sat down in the armchair on Leeteuk's side. The rest of the members sat either on the other couch or in front of it.

"Did you really feel so bad, hyung?" Ryeowook asked, looking towards Sungmin.

The elder boy nodded. "Sorry for ma

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for those who are interested, I put in a song in the foreword that made me write this story. also, I had to change the background and the main image... >.


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nirtak28 #1
bye teukie!!! :( good job authornim..please another story
TeukTeukTeuk #2
bye teukie! :(
ugh so sad :(
good job author-nim /thumbs up/
TeukTeukTeuk #3
HUAAA!! teukie is dead? nooo :(
ugh teukie~ this can't be happening :(
please update soon author-nim!
nirtak28 #4
don't kill teukie please.!!!!!!!!!!!!
i totally love kangteuk and i totally love your fic.. really good and so interesting.. please update soon..
EstefaniaSirens #6
Oh my god. Teukie has to be safe! Please don't kill him ;~; Get better soon! Author-nim hwaiting!
nirtak28 #7
please don't make it a war !!! i don't want teukk oppa to be hurt :(