

“Wae Luhan oppa must come to my piano competition? Wae?!” Lin asked Suho

“All of the EXO member come to your competition. There’s no way Luhan won’t come.” Suho explained softly.

Lin groaned. Suho patted her shoulder and smile, “Gwenchana. Come on let’s eat. The others are waiting.” And they left Lin’s room.

When the EXO members see Lin’s expression, they’re afraid to talk to her. They know if Lin’s angry, she doesn’t want to talk to anybody except Suho.


Lin hates Luhan very much because she said that Luhan’s face kinda resembles her ex-boyfriend and also because Luhan is very close to Sehun. EXO fans call them Hunhan Couple which always makes Lin angry. She always wanted to talk to Sehun because she’s crushing on Sehun very much, but Sehun always stay beside Luhan and talk to him only. She doesn’t like if Sehun is close to Luhan. Lin always replies Luhan with cold tone, short answers or sometimes she just ignores him.

The members don’t get it why Lin hates Luhan just because his face reminds her about her ex-boyfriend. Then, Lin told them that her ex-boyfriend cheated on her.


Luhan knows if Lin hates him because he’s close to Sehun and because she’s crushing on Sehun. Actually, all the EXO members know except for Sehun. Luhan has a little feeling for Lin and he’s sad when Lin just ignores him. But he never gives up talk to Lin.


“Lin-ah, good luck for your competition later.” Luhan gave his smile to Lin.

Lin stared at him, smirked and said “Gomawo.” sarcastically.

“Lin-ah, why you never let your hair down? I mean, you always make it into a messy bun.” Baekhyun asked her.

“I’m not comfortable if everyone sees my hair down.” Lin answered

“Huh, you just don’t have any feminine side.” Kai .

“Shut up, Kkamjong.” Lin put her tongue out to Kai.

“Yah! It’s not polite to speak informal to your oppa.” Kai protested and they argue until D.O told them to stop. They always tease each other and prank each other. Kai and Lin are very close because since they were little, they were neighbors.

“Mianhae, omma.” Kai and Lin said together.


“Yeorobeun, it’s time to go.” Kris clapped his hands. They all stood up and headed to the cars.

“Yah jinjja. You’re really great in controlling the members, Kris-ah. Usually, they never listen to me.” Suho said to Kris and Kris just laughed at him.

“Maybe because you have such an angel face, Joonmyun-ah.”

“Okay guys, listen to me.” Kris said. “Luhan, Sehun, Xiumin, D.O and Lin will take the black van. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Suho, Lay and Kai will take the white van. And the rest will take the other white van. Kajja.”

“Yah, we’re together, Chanyeol-ah!” Baekhyun shouted.

“The happy virus team is together!” Chanyeol held Baekhyun’s hand and went to the van.

Why I have to be in one car with Luhan? Lin thought to herself.

Luhan knows if Lin doesn’t like to be in one car with him. He knows if Lin wants to talk with Sehun in the car.

“I will drive the car, hyung.” Luhan said to Xiumin. Xiumin only nodded.

Did he know if I don’t like being in one car with him?  Lin suddenly feels guilty.

Luhan drives, Xiumin sat in front, D.O, Sehun and Lin sat at the back. Sehun sat between D.O and Lin.

“Kajja!” D.O told Luhan and they’re heading to the Y Performance Center.


“Lin-ah, hwaiting for your performance. Don’t be too nervous.” Sehun encouraged Lin. Lin feels her cheek is blushing, “Ne, oppa. Gomawo.”

Luhan is listening to their conversations. He sighed and smile. Luhan always gives the best for Lin to get close to Sehun eventhough at the end he will feel a little bit jealousy.

Just for you, Lin-ah, Luhan said to himself.



“Let’s welcome the contestant number 12!” The MC said and everyone is giving Lin applauses.

Kai whistles, Baekhyun claps his hand crazily with Chanyeol, Luhan and Sehun. Lin enters and sat. She took a deep breath and started playing Reflection I. She played it perfectly. Everyone is awed by her performance.

She looks graceful when she’s playing the piano.Luhan thought.


No doubt, Lin is the winner. The MC gave her the trophy and a tiara. Lin looked at Luhan and saw Luhan mouthed “Chukkae” and Lin replied him with a smile before she saw Luhan ran to answer his phone. Why did I smile at him? Don’t tell me I started to like him. Come on. But there’s a saying that when you hate someone, you’re started falling in love with him. Ani ani.

Then Lin saw Luhan entered the hall again and looking at her with sad face. I wonder what happened.


When Lin and EXO get out from the building, they can see the fans are shouting and taking fancams, photographs and anything. They didn’t know if fans would know they’re here. Some fans shouted “Hunhan! Hunhan!” when they saw Sehun walked beside Luhan.

Damn it! Lin cursed

Please stop.Luhan pleaded with his mind.

This situation made Lin’s mad to Luhan again eventhough it’s not Luhan’s fault.


They headed to the car. Luhan wanted to drive the car, but D.O said, “Hyung, let me drive.” And Luhan replied him, “Okay.”

Sehun sat in between Luhan and Lin. Lin wanted to talk to Sehun, but Sehun keeps talking to Luhan.

Lin groaned. “Oppa, stop the car.” I can’t take this anymore. Lin can’t hold it anymore. Being in one with Sehun and Luhan but Sehun only talks to Luhan. She wanted to reach the dorm fast.

Since D.O is scared to Lin when she’s mad, he immediately stopped the car.

Everyone is shocked. “Waeyo, Lin-ah?” Luhan asked her.

Lin just glared at Luhan and get out from the car. She opened the door, “Oppa, get out. Let me drive.” D.O got out from the car with hesitation. Lin’s driving the car very fast and in 5 minute she reached the dorm. Lin went in to her room and slammed the door.

“Hyung, what happened to Lin?” Sehun asked Luhan.

“She’s just… nothing.” Luhan replied him. Luhan knows what happened. He knows Lin very well. I have to tell her something.



At night, EXO and Lin are watching Running Man. Luhan keeps looking at Lin with worried face. What’s up to him? Geez. Lin thought when she knew that Luhan is looking at her.

“Ah, my head hurts.” Lin touched her temple.

“Gwenchana, Lin-ah?” Kai asked her. Then Lin fainted.


“What happened to me?” Lin opened her eyes. She gasped because Luhan’s face is so close to hers.

“Luhan?” she asked.

“Ne.” he answered and he helped Lin to get up.

He looks… handsome and cool.Lin thought.

“Are you okay? Still dizzy?” Luhan asked her.

She shook her head. “I’m feeling better actually. Did I faint?”

“Yes. I hurriedly took you to your car and Suho hyung called doctor. The doctor said you’re too tired because of practicing your piano.” Luhan explained to her.

“Oh jinjjayo? I guess the doctor’s right.”

“Do you need anything? The members are going out to buy some food. They left me here. I’ll go out. I know you don’t like me here. If you need anything, just yell my name.” Luhan stood up.

“Jakkaman.” Lin held his hand and made Luhan stopped. “Don’t leave me alone.”

Luhan sat. “I thought you hate me.”

“Mianhae, oppa.” This is the first time Lin called Luhan ‘oppa’. “Mianhae for everything. For my horrible attitude to you.” Lin’s tears started to fall.

“Ani. Don’t cry, Lin-ah. It’s none of your fault.” He smiled and wiped Lin’s tears. Then Luhan leaned closer and kissed her. Lin kissed him back also.

“Lin-ah, Ito be honest, I have a little feeling for you. But I know you like Sehun. Sorry if I can’t help you.”

“Yeah me too.” Lin confessed.

“But let’s not love each other.” He said.”I’m sorry if I kissed you.”

“Wae oppa?” Lin asked.

“Because we’re siblings. Well, we’re distant relatives actually. My grandfather is your grandfather’s older brother.”


“Ne. That’s why you’re half Chinese like me. And your name is Li Jialin.” Luhan explained to her. “I guess my love for you is more like siblings.”

“Me too.” She hugged Luhan. “Does the member know about this?”

“Yes. I just barely knew if you’re a part of my big family. Omma just called me that afternoon and told me. The members are shocked you know.”

Lin laughed when she imagined the members’ expressions. That’s why he answered the phone.

“Oppa, gomawo. For everything.” Lin kissed Luhan’s cheek.

“Cheonma. I will help you to get Sehun.” He winked at her.

“Hey, since I’m your relatives, you should show me your feminine side.” He teased Lin.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Let your hair down.”

“Tsk. Just because you’re my relatives.” And she let her hair down.

Lin looks way prettier if she let her hair down. She looks more elegant than usual. Luhan is amazed by her beauty. Then Lin ponytailed her hair again.

“You’re way prettier you know. If you let your hair down, I’m sure Sehun’s gonna fall for you.” Luhan said.

“We’ll see about that.”


Thanks for reading guys :) sorry if the story is nonsense

i'm planning to make the sequel about the relationship about Lin and Sehun with Luhan's help. should i make it?

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_kylacat #1
Chapter 1: Ssseeeeeqqquuueeeellll pweeeeeaaassseeee!!!!
It's really good author-nim!
Chapter 1: Make a SEQUEL! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! =)
Chapter 1: OAO...(silence)...uh...that escalated quickly...and strangely...relatives? Are you sure Luhan's okay with this? You remember there is such thing as Forbidden Love? *wiggles eyebrows and puts on a troll face...
my-life #5
Chapter 1: distant relative?!
Please write a sequel to this if you want, if you haven't
I would definitly read it ^^
Gosh. SIBLINGS?? WHAT A LIFE! :( I feel bad for Luhan..BUT..SEHUN, YOU BETTER NOTICE THAT SHE LIKES YOU, OR, I. WILL. KILL. YOU! HAHAHAHA *evil laugh* Uh, dont mind me~~~ Make a sequel pleaaaaaaaseee, BUT. I. DONT. WANT. . OKAY? I want her. to be together with Sehun! Got it? Okay, thank you, author-nim~~ :)
sepssi #7
Sequel please :D
ainokishi #8
Siblings? HARR make ! seqeul plaseee!
Make a sequel~