Out of the Funk

Out of a Music Funk [One Shot] Lay/ Yixing

I followed aimlessly, for the most part, recognizing where I was. Then I realized, we were headed towards his house.


“Yah if you wanted to go home, why didn’t you just tell me?” I questioned. He let out a light laugh.


“I don’t want to go home, there is something I want to show you.” He assured me. I followed him in to his house. Before I knew it I found myself on his roof.


“So what is so special about your roof?” I questioned. He put a finger to my lips.


“I want you to do everything I say, okay?” He commanded. I was taken back by his tone but I knew I could trust him. I mean sure, I didn’t talk to him everyday but I knew he wasn’t a bad guy. I nodded in agreement.


“Now, close your eyes and listen carefully to this rhythm.” He announced. I did as he instructed. I closed my eyes and suddenly I heard the gently plucks of his guitar. One by one they became a wonderful melody that moved me.


Oddly enough, unlike the other songs I’ve heard him play, this one is different. This song was lovely. Not in the since that it was pretty or beautiful, but this song was lovely in that it was full of love. It was different and beautiful.


I couldn’t help but wonder why he was doing this for me. Why was he playing this song for me?


When the last note floated in to the air he asked me to open my eyes. The day had already transformed in to night and the lights of the city shined brightly.


“Wow,” I replied. That was the only word that I could use to describe the moment. The song, the view, and being with Lay. It was just, wow!


“You feel that don’t you?” He questioned. I nodded letting him know I did.


“Why? Why are you showing me this?” I asked, still unsure of what my purpose was there.


“Because… when you can’t play what you feel the only solution is to feel more. That wow feeling… use that.” He assured me. I smiled and nodded.


“Okay, I’ll try that.” I reassured him. He smiled and then offered me his hand.


“Now, let’s go. I’ll walk you home.” He replied. I grabbed his hand and we soon came back to where I lived.


Now, you would expect that after this we would get closer and somehow fall in love.


Well you would be wrong. Things went back to normal. I talked to Lay a couple times here and there like it used to be. He still practiced in the same room as always. Girls still swarmed after him. Nothing really changed, except for my playing that is. I was inspired again. I remembered those feelings I felt that day with Lay. It never seemed to fail to inspire me.


Even my instructors took notice of my change. Things were turning around for me in that aspect.


Again today, I walked out of my practice room content and happy. I really needed to thank Lay for what he’s done for me.


“You seem better,” a voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned to see Lay standing beside me. I smiled and nodded.


“Yeah, I should be thanking you, but even that doesn’t seem like enough.” I told him smiling. He nodded.


“You could repay me you know.” He suggested. I was interested. After all, He helped me. Why not help him?


“How would you suggest I do that?” I wondered. Suddenly his face brightened up in to a cheeky smile.


“Help me get a date with the girl I like.” He stated. At that moment my heart shattered. I guess in the back part of my mind I thought because he helped me maybe he felt the same way I did for him. I thought maybe he liked me.


“Oh… well sure I’ll do my best!” I exclaimed, trying not to let it phase me even though my heart felt something completely different.


“Great, so Rae will you go on a date with me this weekend?” He asked simply, his face showing a very innocent and expecting expression. My eyes widened and my heart did a 180 degree turn.


“Bwo?” I questioned quietly, hoping I heard it right.


“Go on a date with me this weekend.” He insisted. I don’t know why but I giggled.


“Lay the girl you like is me?” I wondered. He nodded happily, his dimple never disappearing.


“Of course, you’re what inspires me. Why do you think I always practice in the room next to yours, or practice on the roof where I can see your house at a distance?” He confessed. I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling too widely. Still this attempt was to no avail considering I was already smiling like an idiot. I made a move to grab his hand.


“I would love to go on a date with you.” I replied. He then leaned in and kissed my cheek.


“Great, now let me walk you home.” He suggested. I nodded in agreement. One thing was for sure. Now I had a lot more to inspire me. Now, just like that. I was finally out of my music funk.

So my friends this one shot ends here ^^ I hope everyone enjoyed it ^^ this was sure fun for me to write ^^. Thanks for reading!

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omg i love lay!
stefiwalker #2
Chapter 2: Cool man
I like it
Omg >,<
"̮ ƗƗaƗƗaƗƗa "̮
Chapter 2: So Cute <3
I likey :)
Pink_Panda97 #4
This story was just... :'D I honestly thought they weren't going to be together. Really sweet ending :3
Aww this was so sweet