New Year, New Beginning

Lay oneshots

All the graphics I used are not mine. FULL CREDITS TO THE OWNER.

You were walking on the cold streets of Seoul, the freezing cold wind blew on your red numb face, you raise your scarf to cover your  face to give it some heat.   Tears streaming down your face as you remember the conversation you had with your boyfriend... ex-boyfriend.  


"_________ we have to talk"  

"What is it Jjong-ah, your making me nervous"  

"_________, I cant be in this relationship any longer, this might be harsh but I no longer love you" You can hear  your heart shattering as he uttered those words, warm tears flow down your face as you process this information.  

"H-how can you do this to me?"  

"I'm really sorry" with that he left you standing alone like a sore loser.

End of flashback  

It's new years eve and your all alone and broken hearted, 'what great way to start the new year' you thought.

As you walk along the street you see different people enjoying and looking forward on the new year, you see couples sharing warmth and enjoying each others company, which only reminds of the painful memory that happened earlier on, families going out to have dinner- this only made you miss your own- teenagers goofing around, teasing each other, just having fun.  

You're bumping on to people as you've aimlessly walk and stare on the ground, you got yelled at a couple of times because of this but you still continue to do so. You were kicking an invisible stone when suddenly  you hit a solid object followed by a loud whine. You look up, just to be meet by a pair of gorgeous pained eyes. You quickly bowed.   

"I'm so sorry I-I didn't mean too, I wasn't looking, I'm so sorry" you said as you keep bowing. You look at him again and his looking right back at you, you cant figure what his feeling or thinking as there is no emotion conveyed on his face.  

"Please look where your going next time, you might get into an accident if you keep looking on this not so interesting pavement" he finally spoke and a dimpled smile appeared on his face, you were a bit taken a back on how nice and concerned he is.  

"I'm so sorry again" you repeated while bowing.  

"Its okay, stop apologizing, its no big deal" he said while waving his hand in dismal  

"Why are you so nice to me? Shouldn't you yell at me for being dumb and not looking?" You curiously ask.

You heard him chuckle at your question.   "Do you want me to yell at you?" He questioned.  

"No" you quickly replied  

"See and its seriously no big deal, it'll bruise but its gonna eventually go away and plus you were deep in thought, having a bad night?" He asked   

"Uuuhhh... its kind of non of your business but since your so nice and at least deserve a reason why I accidentally kick you so.. yes, yes I'm having an awful night. So thank you for understanding and I'm so sorry." You replied and slightly bowing when you apologize. After that you started walking away, then you heard him say  

"I'm Yixing, Zhang Yixing. Can I at least know your name before you go?"  

You turned around and face him. "___________"

"It was nice meeting you __________" he said as he offer you a handshake. You took it felt weird when you shook his hand, it was something familiar but unfamiliar at the same time, a touch that gives you shivers down your spine, butterflies in you stomach and an oddly fast heartbeat. You quickly took your hand away not wanting to feel anymore of those weird but oddly pleasurable feeling. You started walking away, you felt his stare on your back as the distance widens between the two of you, you clench your heart that is rapidly beating.  


You heard rapid footsteps behind you so quickened your pace but unfortunately whoever it is caught up as he/she place a hand on your shoulder, you turned around with your eyes closed  

"Please don't hurt me" you plea.

You heard a chuckle so slightly open your right eye while the other one is tightly shut.  

"What makes you think I'm gonna hurt you" he said.   "Oh its just you, just don't do that again Yixing" he gave you a dimpled smile while nodding his head. His really handsome, that smile could melt any girls heart.  

"Are you planning anything this new year?" He asked 

"Yeah, I'm planning on going home and just let it past" you honestly said. He chuckled

 "What so funny?" You curiously asked.

 "I was planning that too. Well since both of us are alone and planning nothing this new do you want to join me? I heard there's  a new year celebration down the park not far from here and they're gonna have a fireworks display, so what do you think?"  

"I-I uhhmm don't know, I don't really just go anywhere with strangers" you hesitantly and honestly said.

 You expect him to be disappointed but he just returned a smile.

 "I mean no harm, its going to be sad if you spend the new year alone." He persuasively said.

"Uuuhmm...okay then. I trust you. You look like you cant harm a bug anyway and you were really nice and understanding. I owe you one for being nice to me." You said, you saw him pout when you said about the bug.  

"I can be manly too. I'm just a gentleman" you gave him a genuine smile, first smile you had to night.  

"Okay then if you say so." With that you headed towards the park where the celebration is happening. You talked as you go along knowing more about each other and making each other less of a stranger. You grow comfortable with Yixing instantly, it feels like both of have this strong connection.  


10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! the fire works erupted as the dark sky is painted with colorful bright designs, and the new year is greeted with a loud BANG!!  

"Happy New Year _________" Yixing said with a smile  

You smiled back "Happy New Year Yixing"  you shared  a long eye contact

 "Do want to grab some brunch later?" He asked

 "Sure" with that you exchange numbers

 Your new year gave you, new hope, new friend, new beginning and possibly your soul mate. Let the bad memories go with the past year and just focus on making wonderful memories this year and the years coming.



Happy New Year everybody!! I wish you guys the best for 2013!!

thank you for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

-Allyssa ^_^

p.s OMG! Luhan's ABS!!


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missadel #1
Chapter 1: Ohhh. So sweet. They bumped into each other and fall in love. Such a pretty destiny. Wish mine going to be the same ... hurmmm. Lol
Chapter 3: It is his birthday today where I am. Happy Birth-day Yixing.
Chapter 2: When I got to the part where they said he didn't make it I started to cry but then I read the rest.
Chapter 1: Cute. This is the word.
omg i love lay!
Yehet_143 #6
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: wow it's so beautiful ^_^ and I love it author-nim
Chapter 4: .whoa....such a sweet should continue this story....
Chapter 3: i'm melting...seriously.
.sweet unseen rated...hahaha you make me melting this time...Lay such a sweet one
Chapter 2: you got me shock really. it's like i'm ready to cry and broken heart but it's just a dream...owh dear thank you they're still together. good story authornim
Chapter 1: yahhhh....yixing. you got beautiful starnger...envy for both of you...hahaha