: 2

Straight as a Ruler




: Yeah sure, my place in an hour?


I fast put my phone back in my pocket when Hyo Sonn poked my shoulder. She way laying on her stomach on her bed, facing me, while I sat in her rocking chair.
“What ya doin’?” she said and smiled one of her cute smiles. I smiled back short.
We had been fooling around all day with movies, walks and chasing each other, and ended up eating dinner at her place. Actually my plan was to stay at her place this night, but since Donghae had texted me about meeting, I couldn’t turn him down.
“Look Hyo, I forgot… I have promised to meet with Donghae in an hour. I’m sorry!” I got up, pressed my lips against her forehead short and left her room.
I hated the point where I had to explain why I had to meet up with him, instead of staying there; it wasn’t just something you could explain. Donghae had been my friend since… I don’t know. I can’t remember any time of my life, where he wasn’t a part of it. When I was a kid, he lived just down the street, and as our mothers always said: They’re unbreakable!
I almost drifted down the stairs and continued my way on the sidewalk outside. It would take me around 25 minutes to get to my place from here.
It didn’t take more than a few minutes before I received a text from Hyo Sonn.

: Why do you always leave like that?

I decided not to answer it; she wouldn’t understand. Neither did my last girlfriend. They never understood which kind of relationship I had to Donghae. He was like the twin-brother I didn’t have. Though we we’re so different, we still understood each other.

With a gently smile on my lips I opened the door for Donghae, right after he had been knocking. He didn’t smile though, or he did, but I could see it was fake and forced.
“Hey, what’s up? You’re hanging,” I said and closed the door behind him. He shrugged, threw his jacket on the floor and dumped into my couch.
“Did something happen with you and Sunye?” I knew that it was something between them, because he was always acting like that when they had been in a fight. This time, something just wasn’t like it used to be.
“We’re done,” he mumbled and looked at me with one of those faces where I knew he was close to cry. God I hated it. I had absolutely no idea how to make him feel good when he was crying. It always ended up with me joking about it; this wasn’t a good thing to joke about, though.
“Well, there’s always other fish to catch,” I said, hoping it would comfort him. It did… the first half second, then he started crying.
“Ah, sorry man,” I mumbled and dumped down beside him.

After half an hour, just sitting and listening to him cry out against my chest, I made him give in for a videogame. It wasn’t easy though; he complained and asked me just to leave him alone. If I did that, he would call out my name in a matter of minutes anyway.
I put the game in the console and handed him a joystick. We didn’t even have to talk to know what game we should play, who should be who and that stuff.
“Hey, Donghae… are you letting me win?” I asked and looked at him, or rather, at the spot on the couch where he had been sitting. He didn’t play. I sighed, “Donghae!”

I was dragging him along, after finding him sitting in the bathroom crying. I know he hated it, but I did it anyway. I couldn’t take seeing him cry like that, it made me feel terrible. We were, or more like… I was on my way to our dance studio at the school. He complained so much, that my ears were about to fall off, but I kept going. I needed to make him forget. If it was several hours or ten minutes, I needed him to forget everything about Sunye… just for a while.
As we entered the studio and I let go of his jacket, the first thing he did was to sit down on the ground crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’ll make you forget it, okay? I’m trying to help you here!” I said and went to the machine to connect my phone. I chose one of his favorites songs but no sign of interest in his eyes. I tried another song… same reaction. It took me a while before I found a song where his eyes and body actually responded. I started to dance, watching myself in the mirrored wall in front of me. Donghae didn’t get up.
“Come,” I mumbled and pulled in his arms so he got up on his feet. He sent me a weak smile. I smiled back and started dancing again. Soon Donghae started to tap his foot to the rhythm and he started dancing with me.

We laughed. We sweat. We had fun.

On our way home, a couple of hours later, we stepped by a convenience store and bought a movie together with snacks. Though it was 2 am, none of us were tired and needed sleep. We were both still pretty warm after dancing so we weren’t wearing our jackets. The air was cold against my skin, but it felt nice, and I’m sure Donghae felt the same way ‘cause he was smiling all over his face, while looking at the stars above us.
“I-” he mumbled and I caught his gaze, “nothing.” He smiled again. I smiled back. I actually made him forget.

“Can we hang out again tomorrow?” he asked, when we were on our way to bed. I had just left the bathroom, after brushing my teeth and he looked up at me from the couch.
“Yeah sure, when school is over,” I mumbled tired and scratched my head with the hand, which I didn’t held my phone in.
“Great, thanks Eunhyuk,” he said and smiled big.
“Always bro, now go to sleep, we have to go to school in a few hours.” I said and threw a pillow to him before going into my room to sleep.
“Hi,” I mumbled to my bed, and landed right on my stomach and fell asleep immediately.

“Hyukkie! Good morning!” I heard Hyo shout from the front door when I sat by the kitchen table with Donghae, eating some fast made breakfast. I looked up and saw Hyo’s angry face expression.
“You’ve actually let him sleep here?” she asked with a offended tone.
“Yeaah?” I asked asking, because I didn’t know why that would be a problem.
“Don’t you remember what we had planned?” she asked, now placing a hand on her hip. I just looked at her. She held up a bag in her hand, which just made me even more confused. I couldn’t remember what we had planned at all.

“The day! Hyuk, the day today!” she almost yelled. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what day it was today, and then it hit me. I hit my forehead with my hand and looked apologizing at her.
“I’m sorry! I forgot!”
“You know what? Just forget it and go Donghae!” she shouted, threw the bag with food on the floor and ran out.
There were a couple of silent seconds between Donghae and I.
“Don’t you… need to go after her?” he asked, looking at me.
“Nah, she’ll be alright later,” I said and kept on eating. Donghae still sat looking at me, with this wondering and worried face. I just shrugged and sighed before I got up to clean my dish.
“You’re weird,” I heard Donghae mumbled behind me, before he also got up and made his way to me.


Chapter written by J
Keywords  for next chapter: Snørrebånd, slankekur, bedsteforældre

First I want to apologize for the long wait, and I want to tell you that we'll try to do our best to start this story up again.

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theeKPOPlover #1
Chapter 2: And so is the story i loved it authorshii~ hope u can update ^^
theeKPOPlover #2
The description sounds so cool~
Chapter 2: OMG this is so amazing <3
I hope you girls quickly update this ^^
bobbatea #4
Chapter 2: I AM A NEW SUBSCRIBER. :3

I really hope you girls update this! I'll be the pestering reader ;)
This is really great. I love that you've both written in the perspective of the two boys--I think it builds up their characters well. And it's easier to develop the personalities for the story that way~
I loved the two first chapters, girls! <3

Chapter 2: Hoping for the next update... :D
heechulzpetal #6
cannot wait for the next update!
please do update soon! ^^
Second up to comment~
I have nothing much to say >_>
Though it seems like it's gon be gud *troll face*
axiesz #8
first up to comment..im reading ur first ff..new reader :D
so far the starting is very clear to me :)