
Repay - oneshot


'Please forgive me...' beg Sungyeol for the 100th time.

'No, i'm will not forgive you until you find it!' bark Myungsoo to Sungyeol.


                      It's been a week after their winning at the Music Core with their comeback song 'The Chaser'. Everyone received their pay and prizes for their hardwork. Myungsoo gained a Mp3 player since his old one had broken. being the kind-hearted one, he lend his MP3 to Sungyeol when the choding ask to. 

                   But, the annoying little choding had lost the brand new Mp3 of Myungsoo. and Sungyeol can't stop begging for forgiveness. 

'hyung~' sungyeolcried. he had been following Myungspp for the past three days to ask for forgiveness. he had done everything from cooking to laundry for him. but cool city guy, Myungsoo haven't forgive him yet.

                    Sungyeol followed Myungsoo into his room. he keep standing like a statue beside Myungsoo's bed.

'get out..' Myungsoo whisper.

'No, until you forgive me'

'then find my Mp3, choding'

' i don't know where it is, hyung. and don't call me choding,' Sungyeol said.

                     Myungsoo went silent after Sungyeol's reply. then, he come with an idea from his not so braniac brain. (since he rank second last for the Brain king)

'come here' Myungsoo comand


'i said come here. sit next to me. here' he point to the bed

Sungyeol follow his hyung command and sit next to him. suddenly, Myungsoo turn his body and Sungyeol's body so that they face each other.

'if you want my forgiveness, follow my comand' Sungyeol nodded on his hyung's words.

'play this with me,' he then take something like a box under his pillow.

'play pokka with me, hmm?' he asks making puppy eyes.

'pokka?' ask Sungyeol blank.

' yes, you know the game that they usually play in shows. i've been wanting to play this game with someone' he replied.

' and that someone is me?'

'yes, since you owe me something, you should repay it' said Myungsoo smilling at his own idea.

'well, i have no choice, i'll play with you.

Myungsoo nooded happily. he then open the box and pull out one stick of pokka. he then bite one end of the pokka and gesture Sungyeol to bite the other end. Myungsoo count 1,2,3 with his finger and motion Sungyeol to start bitting. Myungsoo start bitting a little and a little. Sungyeol can fell his face burn because of the closeness. he can't hold it and break the pokka. Myungsoo faced showed everything. Mad, shock even unbelivable stated on his face.


'why you break it?'

'uhm... i-i cant...' sungyeol said lowering his head.

'you can't?' Sungyeol nodded.

'w-well... it's too embarassing...' Sungyeol said almost whispering.

'i don't care, let's continue'


Myungsoo then take another stick and bite it. he start the game like before. he bite as big as he can. Sungyeol can't bite because of shame and just close his eyes. Myungsoo stop his action like 3cm before his lips meet with Sungyeol's.

-should i do it?- he ask himself.

he then take a full bite and kiss Sungyeol's lips. Sungyeol widden his eyes at Myungsoo's action. he tried to push Myungsoo but he can't since Myungsoo is stronger. Myungsoo push himself to Sungyeol until they're lying on the bed. after some time, Sungyeol respond to the kiss. Myungsoo then broke the kiss and stare at the chodding beneath him. Sungyeol's face is as red as a tomato because of the kiss.

'you know, i've been keeping secrets from you' Myungsoo break the silent.

'i've been liking you since last year' Myungsoo's face strt to burn.

'i've been gaining courage to confess to you, but i can't. then you lost my mp3 and keep following me around. i can't hold it you know' he stop for a while.

'i-i like you...' Sungyeol's eyes widen again. he did know what to do. but he did what he mind told him.

              he pull Myungsoo's face and said 'me too' before crashing his lips to the oldest one. Myungsoo can't help but to smile in the kiss.


'so ami i forgiven?' Sungyeol ask after the kiss.

'actuallly, the mp3 is never lost. i took it from your jacket when you are sleeping. hehe..'

'What?!! you took it and you don't tell me? hyung!~~' Sungyeol anger rises.

'ah.. don't be mad. if it's not for me, would you be here like this?'


Sungyeol just let his anger past and hug Myungsoo...... :)

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: Cutee
YouDunnoMe #2
This is interesting!! Fighting author nim!
wonwoojpeg #3
Hehe. Myungsoo, you...smarty pants! xD
PS: Myungsoo is older than Yeol.
lol sneaky myung! but hell yeah he's genius to get him haha
They're both so adorable!~
KYAAA *squeezes life out of Myungyeol* xD
Hope you'll make more ^^
Ahahah ! Evil mastermind myungsoo !!! XD
Very cute fic !!!
Make more myungyeol soon !!! :33
ah... hahaha.. i got confused while writing it.. hehehe..
pardon me for my mistakes!
It's funny beacause in fact Myungsoo is Yeollie's dongsaeng ^^
But your fic is cute >"<
Myungsoo devil >"<
lol. XD Wait. Sungyeol's older than Myungsoo right? Hahaha. Just a little confused on the hyung...