A glass of...Orange juice?

Literally Love Stories


Name: Mina Kim
Partner: Almighty Key of SHINee.
How does the Partner act: In a bombshell - A BIG PLAYER. (who seems to spend most of his time in night clubs, bars and such.) Seductive and independant most of the time but a bit pushy. Want things his way, but secretley wants someone who can take care of him. Key - always referred to as the "mother" but he doesn't understand why. Everyone wants to be taken care of by somebody; but he always finds himself being the role to take care of, not taken care of.
Title: A glass of...orange juice?
: Nope.
Plot: (song: senorita by shinee.) brief plot : Key the biggest player of all time was at a bar (like usual). He spots a pretty girl and offers her a drink. Expecting another girl to play with Key is using his tricks but she doesn't seem very interested. Instead she responds with "orange juice, please." He does the best he can, tell all his punchlines, flip his hair, bite his bottom lip, but nothing seems to work. What will Key do to tame this girl? Will he give up his seductive image and change? (I shall let the imagination of the authors work this story!)
Genre: Cute, romance comedy.
Whose Point of View: Switching around.
Author: lawlietKEY. (sorry :( I was wondering who I should choose but I came to the decision of lawlietKEY simply because there was KEY in her name. GO KEY! <3


- Key's P.O.V -

Techno music played loudly, entrancing me...My body swayed to the strong thumping beat Lucifer.

-After 5 hit songs-

'Time to find me a girl to play with!' I thought to myself, grinning wildly.

I walked to the bar that had blue LED lights showing and got myself a drink, checking out the chicks at the same time. Just then, a girl with brown long hair and a petite frame walked up and stood near me.

"Hey, do you want a drink?" I asked her in my y voice. She looked at me indifferently and said " Orange juice, please." ###SPACE HERE###Hmm...she doesn't seem very interested. Lets try some tactics, hehe.

"You look very cute and beautiful,." I said to her, expecting her to giggle and immediately fall for me .###SPACE### "Thank you." She replied straight faced, looking at me, not exact smiling but appreciative. .

'Oh, she's playing hard to get, eh?' While she was looking at me, i flipped my hair, took a sip of drink and then my lips slowly.

She turned away and started sipping the orange juice i bought. I watched her, her pouty lips on the straw. I gulped.

'YAH! You're supposed to be playing with her. Don't get carried away with her looks.' I thought to myself.

I stood up, deciding to get closer to her, but ended up knocking my glass of drink onto my shirt and pants.

"AISHH!" I shouted, earning some annoyed looks from people.

The girl looked at me, shocked. She took some tissues from her handbag and started wiping my shirt for me. " This is a repaying for buying me orange juice." I looked at her, astounded. No one ever took care of me, even my mother...She was the first.

I stopped her hand while she was kneeling on the floor, rubbing at the wet spot on my shirt. She looked at me, and i bent down to talk to her. "Its ok, and i'm really thankful i met you today." I said.

"Huh? Why?" She asked, looking into my eyes.

I was forced to give up my seductive image...all because of this girl...that i wanted to thank for being the first to take care of me.

"Because...you are the first person to ever take care of me." I replied, bowing my head shyly. I felt two wrm hands cup my face. She brought my face up near hers and said " You mean, no one ever took care of you?" "Yeah...i've always been in the position of taking care of others. My parents abandoned me..." I replied.

-Mina's P.O.V-

"Oh... i'm sorry about that... Well, i gotta go now. See you another day," i said, smiling at him. His face looking at me, made my heart beat. Man, i shouldn't have come to the club today. 

"Well, then I'll walk you the cab point outside." the stranger offered.

"Sure." i replied. He took my hand and walked me onto the dark street outside. "Good bye. What's your name, by the way." We asked at the same time and laughed together.

"I'm Key, or Ki Bum." He said, grinning.

"My name is Mina, hope you remember it." I said, probably pushing my luck with this guy. We said goodbye, technically, I practically made him leave so that it won't be so late for him to get home and he walked away.

I continued walking down the road, but before i could walk any further, a few guys appeared out of the darkness.

"Hey y, wanna play?" One of them asked, grinning disgustingly.

"Uh, no thanks." I said quickly and tried to walk away. One of the guys grabbed my hand sneering, very much like a dog.

"Aww, don't be mean now. Come with us, babe," Another grabbed my other hand and they started dragging me down into a dark alleyway.

"KEY!!! HELP ME!!! PLEASE! MMMPH!!" I screamed, that being the only name that came to mind.

- Key's P.O.V. -

"Key......Help.....Please" I heard a familiar voice say, while i was walking back in. That voice.. MINA?!! Hah, I remembered her name!! She's asking for help? I'd better go see what happened to her. Maybe she broke her heels or something. Wait, that's a stupid reason. I rolled my eyes and smacked my forehead at my own idioticness.

I ran outside and looked around wildly. There were muffled voice coming from an alleyway. I ran and looked inside.

"MINA!!!!" I screamed, seeing what state she was in, half her clothing dirty and a guy feeling her... ies. " GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS OFF HER YOU FREAKS!" I screamed wildly at the rapists. I threw random punches in all their faces until they lay sprawled on the ground, groaning. I slowly walked towards Mina, who was shivering in the cold...She clutched her dress towards her chest, panting.

"Key...you...you came." She whispered, smiling. I bent down to face her yet again. " Of course, ALMIGHTY KEY wouldn't leave them there to touch you." I said grinning cheekily, praising myself.

- Mina 's P.O.V. -

"YAH. SO YOU WANNA TOUCH ME IS THAT IT?" i said, annoyed but amused.

"I didn't mean it that way, just chill." Key said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. SQUEAL!! HE LOOKS SO CUTE DOING THAT! >3<

"Whatever. Let me clean up so you do NOT see any innapropriate parts of my body, kay?" I said, winking. He blushed and replied.

"Yeah. Psh, not that i would." Flippng his fringe. He turned around while i fixed my dress and coat back on.

- Key's P.O.V. -

"Damn! These bloody s made my fists bleed.!" i shouted, annoyed. Accidents keep happening when i'm around her.

"Yah, use this as a bandage." Mina said, walking from behind me after dressing. She tenderly wrapped my fists in the ripped clean clothes carefully. "Why'd you have to punch them so hard, Pabo?" She asked. AISH!! Not even a real thanks from these asses!

"Because i wanted to protect you cause I love you!" I shouted without thinking. WAIT. What did i JUST SAY?!!!

"What? Oh..." She said, looking down. My heart beat when she looked so shy like that. GOD, do i really like her? After all these years of being a playboy? Is she 'THE ONE' ? pleasepleasesayyoulikemetoopleasepleaseplease.......

"Well, i love you too then." She said, just softly enough so i could hear. The thugs started coming to their senses so i grabbed her hand and ran back into the half empty club. "YOU REALLY LOVE ME BACKK!!!" I screamed, hugging her. "Yeah, duh...You're my first okay?"

- Mina's P.O.V. -

My body heated up when he hugged me...When i first saw him, i thought i could play around with him. I never knew it would lead to this.

I stared into his deep brown eyes......wishing i could just...

-Key's  P.O.V.-

I stared into her warm brown eyes...my heart beating fast and bend closer to her face. "Y..yah, what are you doing?" She asked, continuing to stare into my eyes. Her sweet breath was so...arousing!

"Nothing." I murmered, kissing her full on the lips. She gasped in surprise but then started kissing me back.

Right there and then, i knew she was the one for me. The only women, other than my mother, to take care of me.

I'm gonna love orange juice forever!


LAWLIETKEY!! I didn't really edit this one cause I'm in tuition right now.. == But it seems awesome so :D GREAT.

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swimchic #1
Not to be a bother... but ive been waiting for .... lik 10 monthes for part 2 of my story...update soon!
Girl x Boy <br />
<br />
Name: Park Sung Rin<br />
Partner: Thunder (MBLAQ)<br />
How does the Partner act: Cold, Mysterious, cool, but does have a sensitive side.<br />
Title: What is Your Problem?<br />
I'm okay with , up to you<br />
Plot: I'm back in Korea after 5 years in America. I'm new at school and I meet my childhood friend - Cheondoong who is now known as Thunder by others. When I tried to say hi to him, he just looks at me coldly and ignores me as if he never knew me. I knew he did because we were the bestest of friends. Why is he acting like that?<br />
Genre: Angst, Sad, Cute<br />
Whose Point of View: Switching around<br />
Author: lawlietKEY
Girl x Boy <br />
<br />
Name: Han Hye Soo<br />
Partner: Chunji<br />
How does the Partner act: cold outward appearance<br />
Title: Have you ever heard of a nice kingka?<br />
please no .<br />
Plot: When I entered the school, we had a certain misunderstanding that turned into a big fuss.<br />
Since then,we were known as the no. 1 worst rivals in school. We are always nagging with each other and always think opposite. In short, we NEVER get along. Until one time, we were forced to be partners...and that means...WORKING TOGETHER.<br />
After some quite time, we started to develop feelings for each other.<br />
<br />
Genre: romance<br />
Whose Point of View: switching around<br />
Author: lawlietKEY -
Girl x Boy <br />
<br />
Name: Woo Jinri<br />
Partner: SHINee Lee Onew<br />
How does the Partner act: sweet, dork, sometimes can be serious, playfull, & easy going<br />
Title: Dont Act Like Chicken, Chicken lover!<br />
Plot: Jinri love Onew, but Onew never showed his feeling towards her, so always feeling oneside, so she decide to test Onew feeling to her, and so it on<br />
Genre: Cute, romance,drama, & comedy<br />
Whose Point of View: My partners<br />
Girl x Boy <br />
<br />
Name: Minjoo Choi<br />
Partner: Jonghyun from SHINee<br />
How does the Partner act: idiotic 50% of the time, cute with aegyo, and romantic<br />
<br />
Title: Struggling To Fall Out Of Love....But Failing Miserably<br />
<br />
Kissing, hugging, do whatever you feel like doing. ;)<br />
<br />
Plot: A clumsy yet cute and talented girl name Minjoo stumbles upon a graveyard and finds a vampire named Jonghyun hanging around the area. She had many opportunities to either kill him or run away and never see him again, but she ends up having too much fun with him to stay away from him.<br />
<br />
Genre: Cute, funny, romance, mystery,vampires<br />
Whose Point of View: my POV then to Jonghyun's POV<br />
Author: lawlietKEY
AmethystCat #6
GirlxBoy <br />
Name: Kang Cassie<br />
<br />
Partner: Thunder(MBLAQ)<br />
<br />
How does the partner act:Cold outwardly,calculating,cool but underneath caring and loving and VERY stubborn<br />
<br />
Title: When You Walked Through That Door<br />
<br />
Just the average hugging and kissing!^^<br />
<br />
PLOT: MBLAQ found Cassie, a broken,sad and not to mention suicidal girl.They brought her home and she's been living there for a week but the minute she walked through the door Thunder had fallen for her...hard.He is not the kind to fall in love but he loves her so much but he doesn't know what to do.She's broken..but will his love fix her?<br />
<br />
GENRE:Sad,Angst,Romance and fluff!^^<br />
<br />
WHOSE POINT OF VIEW: Switched around.<br />
<br />
Author:Shineelf<br />
<br />
LeeRose #7
Oops I'm so sorry! I forgot to mention it's boy x girl!
LeeRose #8
Name: Seung MiHi<br />
<br />
Partner: HeeChul, SuJu<br />
<br />
How does the Partner act: Cold & mysterious but shows his love in the end ^-^<br />
<br />
Title: My First Time Trully Loving Someone<br />
<br />
-Kisses don't belong in right!? xD-<br />
<br />
Plot: Hee & MiHi, top students of school. Everyone considers them as nerds although their not. HeeChul starts falling for her after they couple for the final show. She also likes him but thinks she wont have a chance so she tries not even to get close to him. Anonymously, both ask one another to prom and meet outside the school at the prom day when they share their first kiss~<br />
<br />
Genre: School Life, cute & funny<br />
<br />
Whose Point of View: Switching around is the best, isn't it? :P<br />
<br />
Author: Shineelf<br />
<br />
<br />
Thank you, sooooo much! :*
Girl x Boy<br />
Name: Choi Eunhye<br />
Partner: Kikwang of BEAST<br />
How does the Partner act: He is very shy around her but he loves to alot! He drops hits to her about his feelings and is always trying to show off his dance moves in front of her in an attempt to get her to like him(though she already does like him). Kikwang is also very sweet and caring towards her :)<br />
Title: May I Have This Dance?<br />
NO , okay slightly or not at all:<br />
Please include a kiss!<br />
Plot: Eunhye is a new transfer student to CUBE Arts High and she dances extremely well. Kikwang fell in love with her at first sight because she was so pretty, and he was simply mesmerized after seeing her dance! He then goes all out to get to know Eunhye and then ask her out and finally to get her to be his girlfriend! Here's a link to a song that kinda explains Kikwang's feelings for Eunhye; http://cnbluestorm.com/2010/05/10/c-n-blue-“love-light”-hangeulromanized-lyrics-with-translations/<br />
Genre: Comedy with fluff romance!(do your thang, girl!)<br />
Whose Point of View: Kikwang's<br />
Author: shineelf<br />
<br />
please and thank you!
KUKEYaijou #10
Girl x Boy<br />
<br />
Name: Park Ji Young-nickname:SUSHI<br />
Partner: Key -- SHINee<br />
How does the Partner act: cold, but actually sweet in the inside, <br />
Title: My Only Sushi<br />
NO , <br />
Plot: I dont know what plot does :P so.. song: STAND BY ME - SHINee <br />
Genre: comdey romance drama<br />
Whose Point of View: Switching around<br />
Author: (Either lawlietKEY or shineelf) you decide!:D<br />
<br />
...yeas, new to AFF ..And I just saw `SHINee`:P<br />
and the ..description