

Title: Enchanted
Pairing: Chen/Chanyeol
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 

Warning: There're some ual scenes between the characters but its not explicit enough for me to rated it as Mature (therefore I rated this as PG-15). thanks for your concern



The party is horrible.

He always hated it with his dad eyeing him like a prey, expecting him to fall on his knees sooner or later.

He forced laughter and faked smiles, keeping the conversation alive with people who don’t really matter, just to show him he’s capable of this. Capable of being the golden kid, being the perfect son.


He is so sick that word.

He despised the way it tumbled so easily out of other people’s lips, coated with sickening sweetness. He loathed the way he needed to paste the word in everything about him, in his every existence in the world. He loathed the way he had to be the exact definition of it in his father’s dictionary, yet he never quite reached it.

He hated the way that ‘perfect’ was never enough for his father. No matter how much sweet, suffocating compliments he was given, his father never seemed to look at it.

He sipped his drink, feeling the liquid burning in his throat; this is already his 6th shot and he is still aching for some more. His tense shoulder never did once relax with his father still on sight, a tiring habit he had developed since his adolescence years. Whenever his father is around, he can’t even breathe properly. The air becomes humiliatingly claustrophobic, his mind is always buzzing, and his muscles felt stiff.

A couple of husband and wife greeted him and the stoic smile in his face is almost automatic. They asked him about his father, about his own education and praised him for his outstanding remarks, saying how his father must be so proud of him.

Little did they know.

God, he is so sick of this.

Kim Jongdae hurriedly ended the conversation, mumbling something about having to go to the restroom. He slipped out of the fuzzy room, out of his father’s sight. He found himself in a garden that was deserted for the commotion inside and sat on the farthest seat, out of unwanted eyes.

He sat in silence and hopefully peace. He tried not to think of his father, of anything because right now with him being on the edge of a break down, thoughts only hurt.

It’s sad, really. He wanted to find his voice again in front of his father, to finally speak up. To somehow make his father understand that his son is a human, not a machine. And it’s sad because he can’t do it even after all these years.

He inhaled a few deep cleansing breaths, trying to absorb all of the fresh air, filling his lungs with the taste of freedom. Resting his head against the cold seat, he looked into the blackness of the night sky, feeling the breeze the wind brought on his skin.

The sound of incoming footsteps jolted him into his senses once more. He sat right away, his back straight and tensed, his face showed a stiff expression; trying to emit some authority aura his father always has. Turns out, the owner of the footsteps is a man, probably his age, but much taller.

“Can I sit here?” The man nudged to the seat he’s occupying. Jongdae nods tightly, his body still tense. “Thanks!” The man smiled brightly, a contrast to his deep voice. It really caught Jongdae off guard, the smile is. The man’s smile shows pure sincerity, like a child finding his long lost toy.

Sincerity. A thing rarely found in his life nowadays.

The man pulls out a pack of cigarette from his pocket; he showed it to Jongdae, “Do you mind?” Jongdae shook his head, “Go ahead.” The man lit up his cigarette and smoked it, leaving puffs of grey smoke in the air. Jongdae glanced at the man, trying to notice every little details of him.

His light brown hair is almost curly and JongDae must resist the urge to run his fingers through this man’s hair, just to know how it feels. The sparks his eyes showed under the dim moonlight, its mesmerizing. His tuxedo showed hints of a pair of well toned arms and JongDae unconsciously compared it to his own. And his lips-

“So, why aren’t you enjoying the party inside?” The man asked, interrupting Jongdae’s thoughts. “I need some fresh air.” He replied shortly, “You?” The man shrugged, “The same reason probably.” The man exhaled his smoke, “I don't know anyone beside my parents, isn’t it ironic.”

“What’s your name by the way?” The man asked without giving Jongdae a chance to reply. “Kim Jongdae, but you can call me Chen.”

“I’m Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol.” The man said with a big grin on his face, turning his head to face Jongdae. “Have you taken a walk around this garden? Maybe that way you can relax a little. You know, forget your problems a little, whatever they are.” Jongdae snapped his head, “How do you know?”

Jongdae thought his act was perfect, he’s trained to do this for years, everyday. And never did once someone mention about him having a problem, to them, Jongdae’s life is close to perfect with his looks, his straight-As and his father’s wealth and everything else.

Chanyeol thought about this for a moment, “I don’t know, I knew it since the first time I saw you. You’re trying to put your mind away off something, trying to run away probably?” Chanyeol shrugged and threw the cigarette away, stepping on it so the fire wouldn’t get bigger. He’s completely oblivious to JongDae whom staring at him in disbelief and surprise. “Come on, I show you around.” He offered his hand to Jongdae.

Jongdae stared at the hand, a moment of hesitation flashed in his eyes but he took it anyway, “Thanks.”


He’s like a shade of grey in the midst of beautiful colors, sticking out like a sore thumb.

Chanyeol saw everything, the smile that never really reaches his eyes, the suppressed laugh, the tensed neck and shoulder.

His eyes are the eyes of a prey, scanning the room every now and then with fear, searching for the hunter that might take him down when he let his guards down.

Chanyeol saw him slipped out of the room and saw the man’s shoulder finally relaxed, he’s really relieved that he’s out of the room. Chanyeol smiled at that sight, seeing the other male not so tensed up, seeing him moving away from his predator.

Chanyeol wonders what secret that man hides, what problems haunted his life, what makes him want to run away that bad.

Chanyeol followed The Grey Man, as he liked to call him before he knew his real name, outside. He is sitting in a stone bench, the farthest from the house. He then rested his body on the bench, staring into the starless night sky.

He looked so vulnerable that Chanyeol wanted to hug him, to wash away of all his worries, to be able to tell him everything’s going to be all right in the end, to protect him. Chanyeol grinned at the thought because he knew he can fix this guy and protect him.

So Chanyeol asked him for a walk around the garden he knew inside out.

The Grey Man’s name is Kim Jongdae. But he can call him Chen.

“So, do you have any hobbies in particular?” Chanyeol asked, trying to break the ice of silence. “Singing.” Chen answered. Chanyeol shot him another creepy but somehow energizing grin of his, “Can you show me?”

“What song do you want to hear?” Chen asked. Chanyeol shrugged in response, “Anything you’re comfortable with.” “What is your favorite song?” Chen asked again. Chanyeol thought for a moment, tapping his fingers against his chin. “I know! Mariah Carey’s Always Be My Baby. Do you know that song? It’s kinda old.”

Chen smiled and it’s breathtaking to Chanyeol. Finally, just finally Chen’s smile is sincere and his eyes smiled along. Chanyeol wants to keep that smile in a little box, and put it in his pocket. So he can take a peek of that smile whenever he wants.

“You’ll always be a part of me.

I’m part of you indefinitely….”

Chen started to sing the lines, his voice strong and smooth like honey. Sweet, with necessary pressure on the edge. It’s pleasant and beautiful to Chanyeol’s ears; it’s damn sure pleasant for anyone to be perfectly honest.

“Boy, don't you know you can’t escape me

Oh darling, ‘cause you’ll always be my baby.”

Jongdae looked straight into Chanyeol’s eyes, feeling lost in his happy, dark chocolate eyes. He noticed that when Chanyeol smiled, one of his eyes is smaller than the other. ‘Cute.’ Jongdae thought and immediately erased that out of his mind.

“And we’ll linger on

Time can’t erase a feeling this strong.”

Chanyeol is lost in Chen’s voice, and even more lost when Chen looked at him straight in the eyes. He felt blood rushed to his cheeks and he didn't even know why. He admits that he’s never been interested in the opposite , that he’s always a little on the gay side. But a feeling like this? Towards a stranger he just met? This is bizarre, even to him.

And he wonders whether Chen is okay or not with him ‘a little on the gay side’.

“Boy, don't you know you can’t escape me”

Jongdae never felt like this before.

Park Chanyeol is the only person that ever made him off his guard, made him sing a song truly from his heart, made him smile after a tight night.  Chanyeol makes him feels giddy, like a little girl in love.

Love? Is this love?

“Oh darling, ‘cause you’ll always be my baby.”

Jongdae felt breathless as he sang the last line. He wanted to laugh at the feeling stirred inside him, at his stupidity. Of course it’s not love. Maybe its because of the drink, or the side effect of finally feeling a little free.

Or is it?

Chanyeol clapped as Jongdae sang the last line of the song. “That’s beautiful! Fantastic! It’s so great! Bravo!” He said enthusiastically. “You sir, have one great voice. Great, beautiful voice.” Chanyeol mused.

Chen chuckled, “Thanks. I haven’t sung like that for a while.”

“Why? It’s beautiful.” Chanyeol asked.

“Well, it’s kind of a long story.” Chen shrugged, he never told anyone about this. And that’s because (of course) his father carefully selected the people Jongdae called ‘friends’.

“I’m here to listen; I don’t feel like going back soon anyway.” Chanyeol smiled, “Well, that’s only if you want to tell.”

Chen thought about it for a moment, his eyes scanning the deserted garden unconsciously. Chanyeol watched him carefully from the corner of his eyes; he wanted to know about Chen’s problems and helped him. But if Chen refused, he wouldn’t press him.


“This is all about my father.” Chen finally said in a small voice that Chanyeol had to lean closer. Chen looked at him and Chen got that look on his eyes again, that he’s a prey and he’s probably already defeated. Chanyeol waited for him to say something more, but Chen stays quiet. “I’m listening if you want to add something.”

Jongdae smiled sheepishly when he answered, “Yes, there’s still a lot more.”

And so he told him everything from the very start. When his mother and sister passed away and his father seemed to can’t get over his grief. That his father soon turned his attention away to his work and he expects Jongdae to follow his steps.

That he expects Jongdae to become number 1 in everything because Jongdae is all he got left. But somehow he pushed it way too hard for Jongdae to handle all by himself. Jongdae fully understands his father, but sometimes he just wanted to scream and said it’s enough. He’s exhausted and he just wants to enjoy his life.

He despised the way his father looked at him with utter disgust when he failed. He despised it more when his father seemed to not giving any appreciation in his hard work.

“You can scream and have a major emotional breakdown here you know.” Chanyeol said when Chen finished. Chen refused, waving his hand dismissively, “Nah, I already feel better now. Thanks a lot.”

Yes, he is better now with Chanyeol by his side. With Chanyeol listened carefully to every word he said and waits for him to finishes before he comments. But inside, he still wants to drop one or two tears out from years of exhaustion.

“You sure?” Chanyeol asked, staring at him with such concern.

And that finally give Jongdae the permission to cry after years of exhaustion.

 Chanyeol quickly noticed and pulled him to a hug, brushing his hair softly. Jongdae hides his face in Chanyeol’s chest as tears strolls down his cheek. He is glad that Chanyeol didn’t say anything but pulling him into a hug instead, lending him his shoulder to lean on.

Chen’s cry is silent, but it’s intense. Chanyeol is glad that he pulled him to his body because Chen must have needed this. Chen doesn’t need sweet, reassuring words; that’s what Chanyeol caught from his story, he needs actions instead.

Chanyeol patiently waits for him to finish, to finally feeling like his burdens have been lifted off his shoulder. Chanyeol brushed Chen’s raven hair softly and Chen’s silent cry slowly turns into a steady deep breaths. When Chanyeol is sure that Chen is strong enough to stand on his own, he looked down to Chen, “Finally feeling actually better?” He asked, adding some pressure to the word ‘actually’.

Jongdae was not thrilled to saw the mess he had made, “Oh god, I’m so sorry I cried like this, your suit is all wet now. I’m sorry I… I hav–” Chanyeol caresses his hair again to calm him down, “It’s alright.” Jongdae rested his forehead on Chanyeol’s chest once more, “Thanks. Thanks a lot.” Chanyeol just smiled and continued to caresses Chen’s hair in response, another way of saying ‘it’s alright’.

Soon they started the walk back to the house; the atmosphere of comfortable silence concealed them. Jongdae thought about his father whom he has to meet every day. And how after what happened, he can’t afford to meet him, at least not tonight. He wanted to taste this feel of freedom a little more.

But he didn’t have any place to run.

Jongdae glanced at the taller man beside him, their shoulder slightly brushed against each other. He wondered if he can come to his place later, would that be a nuisance to ask? The last thing Jongdae wants is Park Chanyeol to leave him. After tonight, Chanyeol is probably the only one whom Jongdae lets to see the vulnerable side of his.

And besides, Jongdae is enchanted to meet him. He didn’t want Chanyeol to leave him too soon.

Jongdae took a deep breath and braced himself, “Chanyeol-sshi, where do you live?” Chanyeol looked like he is surprised to hear that but he quickly recovered, “Ah well, this is my parents house.” He gestured to the house and garden with pride, “But I live in an apartment alone, why?”

Jongdae shifts uncomfortably, “Well I just wondered if…”

“If you can crash in my place tonight?” Chanyeol guessed. Jongdae smiled sheepishly, “Yeah, is that alright?” Chanyeol chuckled and ruffled Jongdae’s raven hair, “You’re more than welcome. I do need a company every now and then.”

Jongdae muttered his thanks over and over and Chanyeol just shrugged that off, “It’s my pleasure seriously. By the way, do you want to get more drinks or should we go right now?” Chanyeol asked.

“Don’t you have wine or beer or something alcoholic in your apartment?” Jongdae asked, he really could use more alcohol tonight. “Well… I guess I have one or two bottles of red wine left. Or maybe some beers. Fine with you?” Chanyeol slung his arms over Jongdae’s shoulder while the latter nods his head. Chanyeol grinned and took Chen’s hand, slightly pulling it, “Then, let’s go!”


Jongdae drives his silver Lexus IS C right behind Chanyeol’s orange Lexus LFA. Turns out both are fans of Lexus’ cars and both can’t wait to get their hands on Lexus’ LF-LC –though it’s still unsure whether the model would be released or not, but both of them are positive. 

“I’m going after the red one.” Chanyeol said through his handsfree, “Such a beautiful being.” Jongdae can imagine the satisfied grin on Chanyeol’s face and he smiled, “The silver one, it’s pretty awesome.” Jongdae said.

“Pretty? Pretty? It IS awesome. Though black is better probably, you’re going to have another silver again?”

“Silver is always my favorite.” Jongdae shrugged.

“Yeah, it’s perfect for every occasion, et cetera. Try to consider black though.”

“If you liked black that much why don’t you go after the black one instead of red?”

“Hey, I fell in love with the red model. And just imagine the combination of black and red, it’s more than great.”

“Oh, you mean the combination of us?” Jongdae asked and regretted it not so long after; the amount of ambiguity in that sentence is unbelievable. “I mean the combination of our cars. If I bought the black one.” Jongdae added quickly, saving himself from embarrassment.

Chanyeol laughed on the other line, “Of course you meant it that way, Chen-ah.” Chanyeol’s heart stirs a bit but he ignored it, “Oh by the way, we’re almost there….” Chanyeol steers his car to turn left, glancing at his rearview to saw Jongdae’s car still following him, “And you’re here!”    

Chanyeol’s apartment is spacy, as expected. There is a set of sofas in the center room, facing a 23 inch LCD TV. On the left there are some doors, one leads to the bathroom while the other to the only bedroom in the apartment. On the right there is a kitchen set with microwave and freezer and everything else.

Chanyeol is rummaging through the freezer and shelves, searching for bottles of alcoholic drinks while Chen found himself sitting comfortably in one of the sofa. Chanyeol put some bottles in a table with a satisfied grin, “So, I found two bottles of red wine, half bottle of champagne, and some J&D. Which one do you like?”

“Red wine, I don’t really like champagne nor J&D.” Jongdae answered. “Ah, I see. I don’t really like champagne either though; it’s for my father if he visits.” Chanyeol said while pouring red wine to a glass he found in his cabinet. He gestured Jongdae to come, “Here it is, a glass of red wine. Please yourself with a second shot if you want.”

“Oh do you want to watch something? What kind of movies or TV shows do you like?” Chanyeol asked again with a bottle of J&D in his hand. “Anything’s fine, really.” Chen answered. “So chick flicks are fine for you?”

 “If it’s not that cheesy.” Chen shrugged, followed by a chuckle from Chanyeol. “This Is War is okay for you?” Chanyeol asked, answered by a nod.

In the end, they didn’t really watch the movie. Chen keep drinking until he can’t walk straight anymore while Chanyeol trying to keep Chen from drinking more but barely succeed with Chanyeol himself barely sober. Its way past midnight when Chen looks likes he’s about to sleep on the kitchen cabinet. Chanyeol picked him up and put him on the sofa, covering Chen with a blanket he’s already prepared beforehand.

He heard Chen mumbled some words of gratitude but he just waved it dismissively and trying to walk to his bedroom. He rested his forehead to the door frame when he heard Chen moving, “Chen-ah. Just sleep already.” He groaned.

He is taken by surprise when Chen tugged on his shoulder and pulled his tux. Chen put his hand on Chanyeol’s chin and pulled it closer to him. Their lips met and Chanyeol’s breath is taken away. But when the kiss broke, he ushered Chen to the sofa again, “You’re drunk.”

Jongdae whispered to Chanyeol’s lips, “But I’m sober enough to realize that I want you.”

“Don’t do things you’ll regret.” Chanyeol said, forcing Jongdae to look at his eyes.

“I won’t regret this.” Jongdae said and kissed Chanyeol again. After a few moments passed, Chanyeol finally gave in and kissed Jongdae back.


Jongdae woke up with his head feeling like exploding and his hand on Chanyeol’s bare waist. He barely remembered what happened last night, but he remembered the kisses and Chanyeol makes his way down on him. And he remembered Chanyeol words the most.

“Don’t do things you’ll regret.”

No, he didn’t regret this. He didn’t regret kissing the man beside him even though perhaps that’s because he’s drunk. Maybe last night is just about uncontrollable lust and alcohol but he didn’t regret that one bit.

So, he kissed Chanyeol’s head.

Chanyeol woke up with a start, he remembered every little details of what happened last night between him and Chen. And he’s afraid that Chen will left him in the morning, that Chen will said last night was just an accident. He found himself surprised with the sight of Chen still on his bed, pretty much awake and .

“Good morning.” Chen greeted. Chanyeol grinned widely, “Morning.” He pecked Chen’s lips as a greeting but with Chen’s hand still on his waist, Chen pulled him closer and planted a kiss on his neck, it lightly and played his tongue across.

Chanyeol whimpered, “Chen-ah.” Chen looked up and somehow he looked up innocently like a little child, “Don’t you like it?” Chanyeol smiled and kissed Chen’s lips in reponse.

With that, the good morning kiss becomes a pleasant war of lips and tongue.     

“Did your father know it? That you’re gay?” Chanyeol asked in between. Jongdae blinks, “I’m not gay until last night. Last night was my first time.”


“Yes and it’s all because of you.” Jongdae kissed Chanyeol’s nose in a teasing manner.

“Me? You’re the one who kissed me out of nowhere. And don’t tell me you forgot.”

“Of course I don’t forget about the kiss. And that happened because of you.”

“And what did I do exactly?”

“You just being you.” Chen answered and kissed Jongdae in the lips to shut him up.


When the kiss broke, Chanyeol asked again, “And what are you going to do if your father finds out?”

Jongdae smiled shyly, “There is no one in this world that made me feel like you did last night. No, I didn’t mean the . I mean when you succeeded to make me opened up even though we just met. And you’re sincere with that, I know it. You’ve got such sincerity in your eyes and I’ve never met someone like that in my life. And I don’t want to lose you. So, I won’t let my dad cuts you from my life.”

Chanyeol chuckled, “Wow, such speech you got there.”

“But its true.”

“I know.” Chanyeol ruffled Chen’s hair, “Now come on, let’s have a breakfast and drink some herbal tea or whatever to cure that hangover.”


The lingering questions kept Chanyeol on his feet, ‘Did Chen really like him? Did Chen love him?’  He wondered until he can’t even stand still. He’s pacing back and forth, wishing Chen was at his door and answered his entire questions.

All he know is he was enchanted to meet Chen.

Last night was flawless and he felt like dancing around in his room all alone. Because of Kim Jongdae, because of Chen. Perhaps he fell in love with him, with everything about him and Chanyeol smiled widely at that thought.

Yes he did, yes he did fell in love with Chen.

 Jongdae drove his car with a smile that seemed like plastered permanently on his face. Last night was enchanted and he just can’t get it out from his mind. He’s blushing all the way home and it’s because of Park Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol, the man with a weird grin, the man whose eyes twitch when he smiled, the man whom he gave away his ity to, the man whose name echoes in his mind until he can meet him again.

And he prays silently that this was the very first page, not when the storyline ends. He prays that Chanyeol is not in love with someone else nor have somebody waiting for him. He prays for Chanyeol to be on his side as long as possible.

Then he realized, he fell in love with Chanyeol. 

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thanks for the comments ;_; really. never thought this going to be commented so beautifully


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tomatomc #2
just five minutes ago, my mind was like "chenris, chenris, chenris"

and now the evil chenyeol is creeping in, thanks to you 8D
I loved this so much; it fit so well with this pairing & it was just absolutely beautiful. :')
I love this paring; ChanyeolxJongdae is just so cute ~ ^^
etofil #4
omg finally chenyeol!! >w< I love rare pairings in exo hahaha
Subscribing!! :3