

“H-hey, Kai,” Hae Jung greeted nervously. What’s he doing here?

Kai walked closer toward Hae Jung and her companions who were entering the ice cream shop they were in. So Jin was still waiting for her cone of ice cream at the counter, but she kept turning around, sending glares to Hae Jung and her friends. Hae Jung didn’t notice. She was overwhelmed just by seeing Kai.

Kai replied, “Oh, hey, Hae Jung.” He smiled to her, and then he leaned a little forward to show a clearer view of himself to her friends. “Hi, I’m guessing you’re all Hae Jung’s friends?” The group of girls standing awkwardly behind Hae Jung all nodded.  “Well, I’m Kai, um…” He was trying to figure out what to introduce himself as, and Hae Jung was hoping he would call himself her friend. “And I’m a schoolmate of Hae Jung’s.” Schoolmate? Kai scoffed to himself. What a lame word.

Hae Jung thought the same thing. She stifled a laugh. “S-so,” she started to say, still trying to hide her smile, “Yeah, these are my friends. Um, this is, uh, Ha Young, the birthday girl. This is Chan Mi. So Ra. Chan Hyo. Mae Ri. Ki Young. Ri Sang, and Min Ji.”

Kai flashed his pearly whites to each one of them every time Hae Jung gestured to them as she said their names. Hae Jung bit her lip. Her friends noticed that Kai’s expressions became warmer as she did that, but they wouldn’t mention it to Hae Jung. “So, uh, Kai, what brings you to the mall?” Hae Jung looked behind him, catching a glimpse of the girl receiving an ice cream cone from the cashier.

“I’m…on a date,” Kai grinned, but the familiar feelings of guilt overtook him. So Jin, who had finally gotten her ice cream, made her way to Kai and hooked her arm with his. “This is So Jin,” he tried to say with a friendly smile. “My date.”

Hae Jung nodded, smiling weakly at the girl in front of her. So Jin didn’t say anything, nor did she make any facial expressions and continued to eat her ice cream. There was something Hae Jung didn’t like about So Jin, but it might’ve just been her jealous feelings. So Jin didn’t seem all that special to Hae Jung. She wasn’t as tall as Hae Jung. She didn’t have much of a chest. She had an expressionless face. What’s so special about her? Hae Jung looked down at her feet. But then again, what’s so special about me?

“Uh, w-well, we’re going to get some ice cream now,” Hae Jung muttered. She was trying to get herself and her friends out of the uncomfortable atmosphere. Kai nodded once.

“Okay, it was really nice meeting you guys,” Kai added courteously. “I’ll see you around.” Hae Jung gave him a quick smile as her friends walked away after mumbling their goodbyes to Kai. “I’ll see you around, too, Hae Jung?”

“Uh, yeah,” Hae Jung answered. “I’ll see you.” Hae Jung grinned awkwardly at So Jin, wishing that she’d get some kind of reaction out of her, but it was no use. It doesn’t hurt to try.

With that, Hae Jung followed after her friends. Kai huffed quietly. He felt someone tug at his right sleeve, and he turned his head. “Who are they?” So Jin snorted, taking another at her ice cream.

“Um, they’re first years that I know,” Kai answered.

So Jin groaned. “Ugh, annoying little first years.” She rolled her eyes and began to walk ahead, still clinging onto Kai’s sleeve.

“There’s nothing wrong with them,” Kai stated. “They’re so cute.”

“If by “cute” you mean annoying and ugly, then yes.”

“So Jin,” Kai said with a serious expression, but still with playfulness to ease the tension, “Why would I use cute in that way? That isn’t the definition of cute and it wasn’t meant to be used like that.”

So Jin rolled her eyes again, feeling a bit defeated. “Okay, well, you get what I mean.” So Jin was still pulling at his sleeve, and Kai didn’t like it.

“No, I don’t actually.” Normally, Kai would’ve played along, but now, Kai was finding it insulting, even to himself.

“Well, first years are so annoying!” So Jin repeated. “They think they’re so cute and cool because they’re in high school now. And see? That Hae Jung girl was out with her friends! Like, they think they’re so cool and that they can hang out now because they’re all “grown up!” It’s so annoying!” So Jin didn’t even look at Kai because there was something inside of her that was afraid to.

Kai rolled his eyes and swallowed the spit building in the back of his throat. “What kind of first years do you know?” Kai retorted. “Because Hae Jung does not fit that description, and I’m pretty sure her friends don’t either!”

So Jin let go of his sleeve and stopped walking, then Kai did the same. People were giving them looks, but both were oblivious. “Okay, well, what do you know about her, huh? If you think she’s so cute and all her friends are, too, then why don’t you just go back to them?”

Kai thought about it for a couple moments. What do I know about Hae Jung? I know more than I think I know…I think. And what would happen if I walked away, missed an opportunity with So Jin, and went to Hae Jung? Kai shrugged. “I don’t know why you’re so hung up over it,” he told her. He was trying to loosen her up. He decided that his times with Hae Jung could wait, and he wouldn’t throw away a chance with So Jin.

“It’s because you make it seem like such a big deal!”

“Just forget it!” Kai spoke a bit too loud. “Just forget it, So Jin,” he repeated with a softer voice.

So Jin scratched her head. She was giving into Kai. But he’s so cute. “Fine.”

The two continued to walk around the mall, forgetting the heated conversation, but Kai couldn’t forget bumping into Hae Jung. He couldn’t forget her.

Meanwhile, Hae Jung and her friends were still in the ice cream shop. All of them were waiting for Hae Jung to choose a flavour.

“Just choose one already!”

“Oh my gosh, Hae Jung! Just make up your mind!”

“Wait, you guys! Stop rushing me!”

“Hae Jung, c’mon!”

“Okay, okay, fine! Um, I’ll have the…” Hae Jung began to look over the flavours once again. Chocolate Lover’s Delight? Or Banana Boat?

“Hae Jung!”

“Okay, okay!” Hae Jung hastily replied without taking her eyes off of the ice cream. “Um, c-can I get a single scoop of Banana Boat please?” The male behind the counter snickered a bit and nodded. He found it kind of funny to see her friends rushing her. “Thank you,” she smiled as she took the cone into her hands. She went over to the cashier and paid.

“Geez, we don't have the whole day, Hae Jung!” Chan Hyo laughed, getting up from the bench. Hae Jung’s friends had waited outside for her after she finally chose a flavour.

“Shut up!” Hae Jung took a of her ice cream with a frustrated look. Her friends laughed at her indecisiveness, but they were more than used to it.

They were at the mall for another hour. Some of them had spent their money on clothes, some on food, some on both. Hae Jung spent all her money on food. They went back to Ha Young’s home, though it required two cars to get there. They finished dinner and were now in Ha Young’s basement, having a heart to heart.

“Speaking of crushes…” Ki Young spoke, turning her head slowly to Hae Jung. Hae Jung was staring at her lap, and aimlessly, her fingers fiddled with the hem of her shirt. “Hae Jung-ah!” Hae Jung’s head shot up at the sound of Ki Young’s powerful voice.


“Do you like Kai?”

“What?” Hae Jung repeated, a little more alert.

“Do you have a crush on Kai?” Mae Ri wondered out loud, smirking at Hae Jung and adding to Ki Young's thoughts.

Hae Jung put her hands behind her and leaned back. “What are you talking about?” the girl laughed. “I don’t have any kind of feelings like that for Kai!”

“Hae Jung,” Ha Young said with a stern voice, “I don’t even go to the same school as you guys, but come on! You’re in high school now! It’s about time you get a boyfriend!”

“Hey! What about you guys? I can’t be the only one!”

“Well, you’ve already found one. All of us have yet to find a guy,” their friend, Ri Sang, explained with a smile.

“Ugh,” Hae Jung groaned in defeat. Why am I the only one?

“So,” Min Ji chirped, “Kai seems like a good guy.”

Hae Jung rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle.

“Yeah,” everyone else agreed. “He’s really cute.”

Hae Jung made a face of fake disgust. “Ew, you think he’s cute? Gross.” Each of her friends narrowed their eyes at her. “I’m just kidding. Yeah. He’s cute.” The smiling face of Kai’s popped up in her head. Then, she remembered the girl clinging onto Kai. So Jin…Kai’s date?

“Oh, wait, but he was with that girl,” Ki Young spoke with a puzzled face as if she read Hae Jung’s mind. “So…Jin? So Jin, I wonder who she is.”

Hae Jung shrugged, trying to ignore the feelings of envy taking over. She swallowed the lump in and let out a strained cough. “He’s a good guy.”

Hae Jung and her friends believed it and maybe it was true. Kai was a good guy, most of the time. However, there were times when he was filled with lust and desire. When there was something he wanted, Kai couldn’t be stopped.

At the same time Hae Jung was having this talk with her friends, Kai was at So Jin’s house.

“You’re parents aren’t home?” Kai asked with a deep voice. He had almost forgotten about Hae Jung, but now, he was just trying to ignore the images of her flashing in his mind. I can’t think of another girl if I’m with So Jin. That’s not nice. But there was a voice in his mind telling him, “Hae Jung is an exception.” Kai shook his head and tried to block out the voice.

“Nope,” So Jin smirked, “No one else is here except you and me.” She her lips and gave a shot of lust to Kai. He instantly knew what she wanted.

“Well, then…” Kai began, smirking, “…where’s your bedroom?”

So Jin smiled and grabbed his hand. The two practically raced to her bedroom. It seemed like the voice in his mind was defeated. 


A/N: Hi, guys. lol, it's only been a day, but I've actually been pretty dedicated to do this. It's easier for me to write this fic because it's based off me (?). Yeah, the next chapter will actually be pretty long. Oh, and when you get a chance and if you want to, re-read the past chapters because (I will after I finish this chap.) they'll be edited because I recently found this program called Smart-Edit (from >.< check it out, lol). It's quite helpful :) Oh, and thanks for the birthday greetings ^^ Greetings...I couldn't figure out if that was the right word. Ugh, not looking forward to it. I'll probably update again tomorrow (lol, my real birthday), so yeah. Look forward to the next chapter which shall be longer and there'll be more Kai-Hae Jung moments :D I'm probably going to stay up working on it. Yay. So stay tuned! Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 15: YAHOOOO!!! Glad that you're back!! Can't wait to read new chapters of Haejung and Kai's adventures ^^
Daehyun. The hottest man on earth. yo.
Yep Daehyun is WAY MORE attractive now ;)
Hehe x3 this is cute so far~
Oh so cute! ^^ Their relationship is adorable!!!
Omg Kai you hormonal boy CALM YOUR BALLS. OMG. TT TT
OHMYGOD ! I wonder what will Kai reaction be ? Ignore her ? Or maybe wave to her >.<
Nice update author-nim :D
New reader right here ^^ Thanks for this new update !!! Your story is really well written and I like how you make the relation between Hae Jung and Kai evolve into something more with each chapter !
I can't wait for the next chapter !! What will be Kai's reaction at Hae Jung's text? Suspense .....
Update soon! ^^
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