1 Missed Call

Sun Kissed
Guigui woke up early the next day, she decided to take an early morning jog and watch the Venecian sun rise, people say that there are absolutely 2 things one must witness in Venice, The Sunrise and the Sunset. Guigui just witnessed the sunset yesterday, with Aaron.

"Aaron" she whispered to herself.

She recalled everything that happened yesterday. "What was I thinking?!" Guigui said.

She continued jogging until she noticed the thunderclouds forming, looks like there'll be no sunrise today.. She hurriedly ran to their rest house before the rain started pouring heavily...


"How was your early morning jog?" Barbie asked.

"Oh, I finished it off quickly 'cause the weather doesn't seem so nice" Guigui replied.

"I see.. Hey, mei mei, my friends told me that there'll be a party down the beach tonight, how does that sound to you?" Barbie offered.

"Uh, i don't know, I don't know anyone here and I might feel out of place again." Gui answered.

"Aiiiyooo, Gui! That's not a very good excuse, it seems that you're only trying to avoid your jie.. (pouts)" Barbie said.

"Hao la hao la, I'm coming, just don't pout like that again.." Guigui answered.

They both laugh..


Guigui was getting ready for the party, she debated on wether to wear a long maxima beach dress accentuated with flowers or a short summer dress that draped over her legs. She really didn't feel like dressing up but this was Venice, she thought, Beach parties here are not the same with those she usually attended in Taiwan. She decided to wear the short summer dress because she felt more comfortable in it. She convinced herself that she looked very "Guigui"...

Guigui and Barbie arrived at the party, Barbie accompanied Guigui in eating but sooner or later she drifted to the company of her friends leaving Guigui alone. Guigui sighed.

"Need company?" Someone asked from behind.

Guigui turned her head to see Aaron walking towards her. She was sweating bullets, she didn't know what to say after everything that happened yesterday. "Act natural" she convinced herself.

"Oh, Hey, You're here too?" Guigui asked.

"Yes, actually, i was just dragged here by my friends..Nice dress, it's very.. Guigui" Aaron replied.

"Haha, Thanks! Uh..About yesterday.." guigui trailed off. "I'm so.."

"I'm sorry, it was all my fault" Aaron immediately spoke out before she could utter the word sorry.

"What was I thinking? I mean. I guess the heavy rainfall just engulfed me yesterday.. I'm sorry Gui, I really didn't mean to, you could beat me up here if you want to.." Aaron finished off.

Guigui turned around, after a few seconds she handed Aaron a table napkin.

Aaron opened the table napkin.. : I think I need company. ^_^ - Guigui

And they both laugh. Aaron and Guigui spent the night talking endlessly about random things. Aaron told Guigui about the ancient traditions and folklores of Venice while Guigui told Aaron about the latest happenings in Taiwan. They both enjoyed each others company until the party became too crowded and loud for them to talk. Guigui told Aaron all about Wangzi, this was the first time she opened up to Aaron.

Gui: Wangzi was my first boyfriend, but sadly, like all love stories, ours had to end abruptly.
Aaron: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, so I guess that's the reason you went here to Venice?
Gui: yeah, to get a vacation but there are still times when I suddenly think of him and I'm back to square 1.
Aaron: Just like the other day at the beach? When you crashed into me?
Gui: Haha, Yes. Somehow you managed to lighten up my mood that day.
Aaron: Was that when I told you my full name, AARON YAN YA LUN?!
Gui: Hahaha, that was priceless, yeah, I guess so.

Guigui ended up telling Aaron on how miserable she was for the past 2 months, Aaron intently listened.




"I SAID, LET'S GO OUT OF HERE" Guigui half-screamed.

"WHAAT?" Aaron baffled out.

Guigui immeadiately grabbed Aaron's hand and together they make their way out of the party, running towards the marina's deck.. they both stop, guigui noticed how she gripped aaron's hand and immediately pulled it out when she saw aaron staring at their hands intertwined.

"Oh, You wanted to go out of the party.." Aaron managed to ask.

"AIYOOOO!!!" guigui replied and they both laugh hysterically.

"The party just became too crowded, too bad, I really wanted to dance." Guigui said.

Aaron offered his hand to Guigui.

"I was just kidding. ^_^" guigui managed to speak out.

"Hey, Are you turning down one of Venice's finest gentlemen?" Aaron answered.

And guigui taked Aaron's hands and they danced, even without music. They were alone at the Marina's deck and the atmosphere was so serene, the sea breeze serenaded them.

Guigui slipped while dancing and Aaron caught her safely, their eyes met and they both breathed heavily. Both of them could hear their hearts beating fast.

Aaron pulled down, leaning closer to Guigui, the moment Aaron reached down for guigui's lips..

Guigui's phone rang.

She didn't answer it but instead she reached up and kissed Aaron.

Aaron responded. Their kiss was tender, at the same time captivating.

Guigui pulled away and excused herself.

"I uh need to go home." she ran.

Guigui didn't turn back to see Aaron's expression, she ran fast and reached her house.

When she reached home, she found herself alone, wondering why her heart was beating so fast. She carefully remembered every detail of what happened. She smiled. Was she falling for him?

She had a good time, Aaron was a good listener she admitted, she should at least thank him instead of leaving him at the Marina's deck. She reached for her phone wanting to text Aaron when she suddenly remembered that someone called her a while ago.

Her phone read, 1 MISSED CALL

A/N: Is it good ?

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Visiting old fics!
its good so far
been waiting for so long
please update soon
-HaeFany-Forever- #8
Update please? :)
When are you going to continue it??<br />
I have been waiting for sooooo long :-/
update soon! (=